Adaptations - european woodland and african grassland - class-VIII

Description: adaptations - european woodland and african grassland
Number of Questions: 24
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Tags: adaptations to different ecosystems adapting to a habit biology
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Which of the following is false?

  1. Quantity of biomass in a trophic level at a particular period is called as standing crop.

  2. The energy content in a trophic level is determined is determined by considering a few individuals of a species in that trophic level.

  3. The succession that occurs in newly cooled lava is called primary succession.

  4. Rate of succession is faster in secondary succession.

Correct Option: B

Tropical rain forests are subsidized by

  1. Wind and Rain

  2. Tides, waves, currents

  3. Nuclear energy

  4. Solar energy

Correct Option: A

The adaptation mechanism of chameleon is

  1. To hibernate in the winter

  2. Changing colours to suit with its surroundings

  3. To develop scaly skin on its body to maintain moisture

  4. To migrate to long distances in the winter

Correct Option: B

Chameleon can change its colour which helps the animal to camouflage itself in the presence of potential predators. Their slow movement and blending into the surrounding environment make it hard for predators to spot them. Their colour changes also help them in mating as they shift colours while communicating with other chameleons. Their colour change also depicts their reactions such as they display darker colours when empty or when under stressed environmental conditions.  Thus, the correct answer is option B.

Tigers and leopards have stripes on their bodies. This adaptation helps them 

  1. To keep their bodies cool

  2. To keep their bodies hot

  3. To mix with the surroundings

  4. To look beautiful

Correct Option: C

The different types of stripes in tigers and leopards are ideal in proving camouflage to these animals according to their need. The black stripes help the animal to be hidden in the shades of the tree. The stripes on their body look like shadows as they stalk through long grasses in the moonlight. Besides being an adaptation to mix with their surroundings these stripes also act as finger prints for them as no two tigers have same type of stripes.

Thus, the correct answer is option C.

A student identified the following characteristics in an animal.
1. Strong claws and broad hip girdles.
2. Spines to prevent from slipping.
3. Ability to climb the tree.
Which of the following title best suits the above animal?

  1. Terrestrial animal

  2. Aquatic animal

  3. Amphibian

  4. Arboreal animal

Correct Option: D

Arboreal animals are those which spend most of their time on trees. For example Koala, Lemur, Spider monkey , tree sloth. Such animals show variety of adaptations so that they can easily ascend and descend from the trees. 

1. Tree Sloth have huge claws to hang them from trees. 
2. They have stretchy membranes between their legs or toes for extensive gliding. 
3. They have elongated limbs to cross gaps and reach their food resources and also to provide support. 
4. They have prehensile tail to grasp the branches.
5. They are generally small sized to be able to move easily through cluttered habitat. 
The most common adaptations of terrestrial animals is the legs to walk on land and lungs for respirations. 
Aquatic animals are adapted for swimming for which they have streamlined body and gills for respiration. 
Amphibians are adapted to live both on land as well as water for which they have moist skin as well as lungs for respiration. 
Thus, the correct answer is option D. 

Opposable thumb is found in .......... and it helps in

  1. Camel, walking

  2. Lizard, hibernation

  3. Monkey, grasping

  4. Kangaroo, hopping

Correct Option: C

  • The opposable thumb is a thumb that can be placed opposite to the fingers of the same hand. They are called opposable because the thumb can be moved around to touch the other fingers. 
  • Opposable thumbs allow the digits to grasp and handle objects and are characteristic of primates.
  • Animals with opposable thumbs include gorillas, monkey, chimpanzees, orangutans, and other variants of apes.
  • Hence, the opposable thumb is found in monkey and it helps in grasping.
So, the correct answer is 'Monkey, grasping'.

Plants in cold regions shed leaves during ....... season.

  1. Summer

  2. Winter

  3. Spring

  4. Rainy

Correct Option: B

Plants shed their leaves in cold region due to the scarcity of water. leaves have tiny holes which cause loss of lots of water. All around snow and no availability of water by shedding their leaves plant utilises remaining water and survive in winter. Thus, the correct option is B.

Which of the following animals have sticky pads on its feet?

  1. Blue eyed frog

  2. Red eyed frog

  3. Green eyed frog

  4. Yellow eyed frog

Correct Option: B

Red eyed tree frog spends most of its life clinging to the branches of tree tops. For this purpose, its toe has pads which are naturally specialised for clinging and allow the frog to grip surfaces. These sticky pads allow them to stay balanced and in place. Thus they can leap very and far and also move swiftly. 

Thus, the correct answer is option B. 

.................. maintains balance in a monkey.

  1. Tail

  2. Hands

  3. Legs

  4. Head

Correct Option: A

All Monkeys have tails and that is part of what makes them different from humans and Apes. These tails are used for the balance that is why they are so long. They also use their tails to allow them to leap vertically and to hang upside down from branches. The longer a monkey's tail is, the better is its balance.

So, the correct answer is 'Tail'.

An average annual precipitation in tropical rain forest, quantity exceeded ups

  1. 12C

  2. 18C

  3. 22C

  4. 6C

Correct Option: B

Which among the following is the correct location of Tropical Forest Research Institute (TFRI)?

  1. Jodhpur

  2. Jabalpur

  3. Midnapore

  4. Bhopal

Correct Option: B

Who among the following is commonly called "Bird Man of India"?

  1. Salim Ali

  2. M.S. Swaminathan

  3. M.C. Mehta

  4. Raphel Emerson

Correct Option: A

Primary macro-consumers are herbivores, which feeds on

  1. Animals

  2. Minute floating Plants

  3. Living Plants and plant residue

  4. Decomposers

Correct Option: C

In the grasslands, trees do not replace the grasses as part of an ecological succession because of.

  1. Insects and fungi

  2. Limited sunlight and paucity of nutrients

  3. Water limits and fire

  4. Cool temperatures and good soil

Correct Option: A

Which one of the following tropic levels in the food chain has the maximum energy?

  1. Herbivores

  2. Carnivores

  3. Producers

  4. Decomposers

Correct Option: A

What fraction of the assimilated energy is used in respiration by the herbivores ________________.

  1. 10 percent

  2. 60 percent

  3. 30 percent

  4. 80 percent

Correct Option: A

Which trees are involved in making buildings and furnitures?

  1. Deciduous Trees

  2. Banyan Trees

  3. Tall Trees

  4. Perennial Trees

Correct Option: A

What is reason of African desert expanding?

  1. Climate change and Human Activities

  2. Deforestation

  3. Over cultivation

  4. Exploitation of resources

Correct Option: A

What is the only continent on earth where Giraffes live in the wild?

  1. Africa

  2. India

  3. Pakisthan

  4. Srilanka

Correct Option: A

Endangered Cape Mountain Zebra is located at?

  1. South Africa

  2. Hawaii

  3. Australia

  4. Canada

Correct Option: A

Oil, coal and natural gas supply approximately ___________ % of the energy used in the United States

  1. 10

  2. 25

  3. 40

  4. 90

Correct Option: D

Highest abundance and greatest diversity of large animals are found in

  1. Desert

  2. Grassland Ecosystem

  3. Tropical Savannah

  4. Tropical Rain forest

Correct Option: B
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