Rise and spread of christianity - class-VII

Description: rise and spread of christianity
Number of Questions: 28
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Tags: history medieval europe - rise and spread of christianity the classical world social science changing cultural traditions in europe 1300-1800 ce
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The invasion of the Byzantine territory by the Seljuk Turks led to a weakening of the Byzantine Empire, primarily due to _______.

  1. the political unrest and civil war that spread throughout the empire.

  2. reduction in both food supply and the ability to collect taxes.

  3. disruption of trade with other Mediterranean cultures.

  4. widespread religious upheaval and Islamic conversion.

  5. the outbreak of epidemic disease that decimated the population.

Correct Option: B

The invasion of the Byzantine territory by the Seljuk Turks led to a weakening of the Byzantine Empire, primarily due to reduction in both food supply and the ability to collect taxes. Once the Seljuk Turks took control of a large portion of Byzantine territory, food supplies shrank, as did tax collection.

The Byzantine Empire collapsed after more than one thousand years in existence primarily because of the _______.

  1. accession of Frederick III to Holy Roman Emperor in 1452

  2. Great Schism that began around 1378

  3. Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453

  4. end of Russian tributes to the Golden Horde in 1462

  5. French victories that ended the Hundred Years' War in 1453

Correct Option: C

The Byzantine Empire, which thrived for more than a millennium, lost its power as a result of internal dissent, competition with neighbouring powers, and territorial loss. It was weakened by a series of civil wars in the 1300s. In the fifteenth century, a disastrous conflict against the Ottomans led to defeat. The Byzantine Empire crumbled, and the Ottoman Turks annexed its territories in 1453.

Which among the following was not the areas of disagreement for the Great Schism of 1054 between the Orthodox Christian Church and the Roman Catholic Church?

  1. The sacrament of communion

  2. The immaculate conception

  3. God as Trinity

  4. Priests' ability to marry

  5. The use of local language in church

Correct Option: B

For adopting Western European customs in the Russian empire, the Russian leader which was most responsible was _______.

  1. Ivan the Terrible

  2. Peter the Great

  3. Catherine the Great

  4. Nicholas II

  5. Rasputin

Correct Option: B

For adopting Western European customs in the Russian empire, the Russian leader which was most responsible was Peter the Great.

Among the following which was initiated by the Roman Catholic Church which was known as The Crusades?

  1. The recapturing of Jerusalem in 1088

  2. The Great Schism of 1054

  3. The Protestant Reformation of England, during which Kind Henry VII broke ties with the Roman Catholic Church

  4. The commencement of The Inquisition, set into motion by Pope Gregory IX

  5. The development of Islamic sects

Correct Option: D

The commencement of The Inquisition, set into motion by Pope Gregory IX.

Which of these BEST describes Peter the Great from Russia?

  1. He perpetuated Ivan the Terrible's mistakes, leading to another dynastic turnover

  2. He increased the power of the Russian nobility at the expense of the monarchy of secure of the nobility

  3. He created a new constitution and parliamentary-style government

  4. He dissolved the Russian Orthodox Church and formed an alliance with the Papacy in Rome

  5. He promoted reforms in Russia based on Western-style political, military and cultural norms

Correct Option: E

One of the controversies that led to the split of the Christian Church had to do with ________________.

  1. Baptism.

  2. The origins of Christianity.

  3. Iconoclasm.

  4. The role of women in the church.

  5. The celibacy of priests.

Correct Option: C

Prince Vladimir of Kiev adopted Byzantine Christianity for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

  1. To unify the diverse people in the region.

  2. To facilitate trade relationships with Constantinople.

  3. To open up lines of communication between Byzantine and Slavic people.

  4. The description of heaven in the Christian bible captured the imagination of the Kievan prince.

  5. He received a large area of land from the Byzantines in exchange for the conversion.

Correct Option: A

One practice that separated Eastern and Western Churches was _______________.

  1. Adult baptism.

  2. Polygamy.

  3. Monasticism.

  4. The election of bishops.

  5. The adoption of female clergy.

Correct Option: A

In the Christan Church, the Trinity refers to __________________.

  1. The three leaders of the early Catholic Church.

  2. The orthodox system of prayer.

  3. The three rules all Christians should abide by.

  4. The idea that God exists as three entities at once: Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

  5. A series of monasteries located in Rome, Constantinople and Kiev.

Correct Option: D

In the 9th century a new state emerged in Eurasia. Made up of Finnish, Slavish and Viking traders, what became the modern state of Russia, began in the city of ____________.

  1. Tallinn.

  2. Sophia.

  3. Prague.

  4. Kiev.

  5. Yerevan.

Correct Option: D

In 862, king Rurik of the Rus Dynasty founded the first modern state in Russia and conquered the city of Kiev and started the Kievan Rus dynasty.

The Byzantine Empire reached its greatest height under ____________________.

  1. Shapur II.

  2. Mehmet II.

  3. Justinian.

  4. Vladimir.

  5. Muhammed.

Correct Option: C

Justinian I also known as Justinian the great was the Easter Roman Emperor from (527-565 AD). His reign reached heights because of his complete revision of the Roman Law and his Judicial reforms.

Of the many differences between the Eastern and Western Churches, which of the following ultimately let to The Great Schism, or the final separation of the Christian Church?

  1. The concept of the Trinity.

  2. The role of women in the church.

  3. The disagreement over celibacy.

  4. The disagreement over missionary practices.

  5. The relationship between church and state.

Correct Option: A

After the split of Christianity, each side adopted leaders to represent the religion and make spiritual and political decisions. The head of the Catholic Church was named the Pope, while the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church was the:

  1. Patriarch.

  2. Sultan.

  3. Emperor.

  4. Grand Prince.

  5. Roman emperor, Constantine.

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is considered Byzantine's greatest contribution to modern times?

  1. Bureau of Barbarians.

  2. Architecture.

  3. Shipbuilding.

  4. Civil law system.

  5. Agricultural developments.

Correct Option: A

One architectural wonder created during the Byzantine Empire, located in Constantinople is the __________________.

  1. Hagia Sophia.

  2. The Dome of the Rock.

  3. The Vatican.

  4. St. Peter's Basilica.

  5. Blue Mosque.

Correct Option: A

Hagia Sophia was built in AD 537 as a greek christian cathedral. It became an important site of muslim worship after Mehemed II conquered Constantinople in 1453 and designated the structure as a mosque.

One of the roles of local parish priests in the early medieval period was to care for the souls of his parishioners by celebrating mass and administering the sacraments, which can BEST be described as ___________________.

  1. A tax equal to a tenth of ones income.

  2. Holy days sacred to the Christian calendar.

  3. Papal edicts.

  4. Missionary activities.

  5. The sacred rites and rituals of the Church.

Correct Option: E

Which of these does NOT describe the use of language in post-Rome Europe during the 500-1000 C.E. period?

  1. Latin continued to be an official language, although it was rarely understood by commoners.

  2. French, Spanish and Portuguese developed as Latin-based languages.

  3. English became the common language used throughout Western Europe.

  4. German-speaking people mixed with the Latin-based language groups to create new languages.

  5. The development of various languages showed the continued breakup of the Roman Empire.

Correct Option: A

The Benedictine Rule for monasteries ____________________.

  1. changed traditions in regards to marriage for the clergy.

  2. created further animosity among different Christian sects.

  3. urged a disciplined life full of prayer, hard work in agriculture, and spiritual and classical study for the clergy.

  4. allowed the clergy to increase their ownership of worldly goods.

  5. changed the nature of monasteries so that they were centers of commerce rather than religious locales.

Correct Option: C

The Churchs body of laws is known collectively as _____________.

  1. Catholic law.

  2. Canon law.

  3. Sacramental law.

  4. Papal law.

  5. Monastery law.

Correct Option: B

It is a set rules and regulations made by the  ecclesiastical authority for the governance of christian church and its members.

Which of these BEST describes chivalry?

  1. The code of etiquette taught to medieval girls.

  2. Code of conduct for the king and royal family when interacting with commoners.

  3. Behavioral code for serfs.

  4. Code of conduct associated with knighthood that involved bravery and dedication to masters.

  5. The interactions between women and men in medieval Europe.

Correct Option: A

Which of the following MOST contributed to the early growth in papal power in Western Europe up to 600 C.E.?

  1. The political turmoil that emerged after the fall of Rome.

  2. The martyrdom of Christians.

  3. The strong imperial rule of the Church by the emperor.

  4. The hardships of peasant life.

  5. The economic recovery that was underway soon after the fall of Rome.

Correct Option: A

The new state of Russia which emerged in the 9th century borrowed extensively from the Byzantine culture in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

  1. Agricultural practices.

  2. Emphasis on prayer and service.

  3. Architectural styles.

  4. Extensive use of icons.

  5. Political control of the church.

Correct Option: E

The eastern part of the Roman empire was known as __________.

  1. Balkan

  2. Scandinavia

  3. Byzantium

  4. Levant

Correct Option: C

In 395 CE, the Roman empire was divided into two parts- _______ and ________.

  1. Southern, Northern

  2. Eastern, Western

  3. Western, Southern

  4. Eastern, Southern

Correct Option: B

What is the meaning of Latin word "mutatis mutandis"?

  1. A way of doing things

  2. A deadlock

  3. With the necessary changes

  4. And the rest

Correct Option: C

Which of the following statements is an accurate depiction of the Armenians within the Byzantine Empire?

  1. The Armenians converted to Islam and resisted Byzantine Christianity.

  2. The Armenians developed their own distinct branch of Christianity that was the hallmark of Armenian independence.

  3. The Armenians enjoyed the most religious freedom of any minority group within the Byzantine Empire.

  4. Armenians infused elements of Buddhism into their brand of Christianity.

  5. The Armenian Orthodox Church focused on missionary activities in neighboring areas.

Correct Option: B

The capital of the Byzantine empire was _________.

  1. Rome

  2. Jerusalem

  3. Constantipole

  4. St. Petersburg

Correct Option: C
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