Russia, 1905-41 - class-IX

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Who were the Proletariat?

  1. Politically exposed person

  2. Peasants

  3. Industrial working-class people

  4. Army officers

Correct Option: C
  • Proletariat were the industrial working class people.
  • Lenin argued that in Russia professional revolutionaries, like himself, would need to educate the Proletariat to adapt to the communist ideas.

Who led the Whites in the civil war?

  1. Lenin and Trotsky

  2. Generals Yudenich, Denikin and Admiral Kolchak.

  3. The Tsar

  4. Trotsky and General Yudenich

Correct Option: B
  • In 1918, Russia was divided into two forces. The Reds and the Whites. The Whites were opposed to the Bolshevik rule.
  • They were led by Generals Yudenich and Denikin and Admiral Kolchak.

Where is Lenins embalmed body kept?

  1. Red Square, Moscow

  2. The Moscow Kremlin, Moscow

  3. State Historical Museum, Moscow

  4. Armoury Chamber, Moscow

Correct Option: A
  • In 1924 Lenin died and his body was embalmed i.e it was preserved using chemicals.
  • It was placed on permanent display in Red Square Moscow where it remains, heavily guarded, today.

Who led the Reds in the civil war?

  1. Yudenich

  2. Denikin

  3. Trotsky

  4. Kolchak

Correct Option: C
  • In 1918, Russia was divided into two forces. The Reds and the Whites.
  • The Reds were made up of Bolsheviks and was led by Trotsky.

Name the party led by Vladimir Lenin.

  1. White Army

  2. Black Hundreds

  3. United Russia

  4. Bolsheviks

Correct Option: D
  • Lenin had fled Russia but as World War One began to go badly and the Tsar was overthrown, he returned to lead his party called Bolsheviks.
  • With the help of the party members, he led a revolution and established the world’s first communist state.

Which force was opposed to the Bolshevik rule?

  1. The Tsar

  2. The Reds

  3. The Whites

  4. German

Correct Option: C
  • The Whites were opposed to the Bolshevik rule. These included the Tsarists and other political parties.
  • There were also former landowners and army officers and armies of other powers, such as the French and British.

Who won the civil war in Russia?

  1. White Army

  2. The Tsar

  3. Bolsheviks

  4. Political parties

Correct Option: C
  • Although Lenin had overthrown the Russian government, he did not defeat all opposition to communist rule.
  • As a result, a civil war broke out in Russia which was ultimately won by the Bolsheviks party led by Lenin.

Who led the revolution to bring communism to Russia?

  1. Frederick Engels

  2. Karl Marx

  3. Vladimir Lenin

  4. Nicholas II

Correct Option: C
  • Vladimir Lenin led the revolution to bring communism to Russia.
  • The revolution was to replace the capitalism in Russia by establishing a system where everyone would work for the common good.

In which year was the White Army defeated?

  1. 1921

  2. 1919

  3. 1920

  4. 1922

Correct Option: C

By November 1920, the White Army was defeated. Over 800000 soldiers had died along with an estimated 8 million civilians, as a result of famine and disease the war brought with it.

Who executed the Tsar and his entire family?

  1. The White Army

  2. Germans

  3. Bolsheviks

  4. The French

Correct Option: C
  • In the summer of 1918, the White Army was approaching Yekaterinburg, where the Tsar and his family were under house arrest.
  • The Bolsheviks decided to execute the Tsar and his entire family.

What was the Russian parliament called?

  1. Kolchak

  2. Proletariat

  3. Tsar

  4. Duma

Correct Option: D
  • After the unrest in January 1905, the Tsar was forced to give in to the demands for change and promised a parliament.
  • Thus, the Russian parliament called Duma was established in which more people had a voice in the running of Russia.

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was called the ______ Revolution.

  1. March

  2. October

  3. December

  4. November

Correct Option: A

The Russian Revolution of 1917 was called the March Revolution. The March revolution was the revolution against the czarist government which led to the abdication of Nicholas II and the creation of a provisional government in March 1917.

Which of the following demand/s is/are referred to as Lenin's April Theses?

  1. World war-I should be brought to an end

  2. Land should be transferred to the peasants

  3. Banks should be nationalised

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Which of the following was not a consequence of the 1905 Russian Revolution? 

  1. The State Duma was reestablished.

  2. Introduction of the multi-party system.

  3. The Russian constitution was revised and enacted.

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

What led the Czar to call for the Duma Legislative assembly which had not been called for years?

  1. The Czar wanted to pacify the disillusioned Russian citizens after Russia lost to Japan.

  2. The Czar wanted to delegate legislative powers to the Duma.

  3. The Czar wanted to be seen as the champion of the people.

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

In which year was Russia affected by a severe famine?

  1. 1924-25

  2. 1921-22

  3. 1928-29

  4. 1930-31

Correct Option: B

The Russian famine of 1921–22, also known as Povolzhye famine, was a severe famine in Bolshevik Russia which began in early spring of 1921 and lasted through 1922. This famine killed an estimated 5 million, primarily affecting the Volga and Ural River regions, and forced peasants to resort to cannibalism.

Who wrote the famous satire 'Animal Farm'?

  1. George Orwell

  2. John Fowles

  3. Samuel Beckett

  4. Kurt Vonnegut

Correct Option: A

Animal Farm was a novel written by George Orwell, where many of the events and character ran parallel to the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Who was the last Tsar of Russia?

  1. Nicholas $I$

  2. Nicholas $II$

  3. Alexander $I$

  4. Alexander $II$

Correct Option: B

The last Tsar of Russia was Tsar Nicholas $II$. He was the last Emperor of Russia, Grand Duke of Finland, and titular King of Poland. Nicholas $II$ ruled from $1  November  1894$ until his enforced abdication on $2  March  1917$. 

What percent of the Russian empire's population earned their living from agriculture in the nineteenth century?

  1. $40 \%$

  2. $60 \%$

  3. $70 \%$

  4. $85 \%$

Correct Option: D
About 85% of the Russian empire's population earned their living from agriculture. This proportion was higher than in most European countries. For instance in France and Germany the proportion was between 40% and 50 %. In Russia, cultivators produced for the market as well as for their own needs and Russia was a major exporter of grain. 

Which of the following factors made autocracy unpopular in Russia?

  1. The German origin of Tsarina Alexandria

  2. Poor advisors like Rasputin

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

The Bolsheviks brought in a policy known as ____ Communism.

  1. Social

  2. Marxist

  3. Political

  4. War

Correct Option: D
  • After the defeat of Kolchak, the Bolsheviks brought in a policy known as War Communism.
  • As per the policy, factories were nationalised, food was rationed and strikes were made illegal.

What is the term used when factories are taken away from private owners and run by the state?

  1. Privatized

  2. Nationalized

  3. Socialism

  4. Proletariat

Correct Option: B
  • Nationalisation means when the factories are taken away from private owners and run by the state. The profits then belong to the state.
  • All factories in Russia were nationalized as per the War Communism policies.

Who argued that capitalism is a system in which those with money pay those without money to make things happen?

  1. Karl Marx

  2. Vladimir Lenin

  3. Nicholas II

  4. Admiral Kolchak

Correct Option: A
  • Karl Marx argued that capitalism is a system in which those with money pay those without money to make things happen.
  • They then sell these things for a profit i.e for more than they paid the workers to make them. They use this money to hire more people and so on.

In which year was the USSR set up?

  1. 1921

  2. 1920

  3. 1924

  4. 1922

Correct Option: D

The Union of Soviet Socialist Repuplics (USSR), or The Soviet Union, was formed in 1922 by The Treaty on the Creation of the USSR which legalized the unification of Russian, Transcaucasian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian republics that had occurred from 1918. 

One action taken by both Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin was _______.

  1. attempting to bring democracy to Russia

  2. jailing or murdering potential opponents

  3. supporting the Russian Orthodox Church

  4. providing economic aid to Japan after World War I and World War II

Correct Option: B

Though Lenin was a socialist dictator and Stalin believed in communism, both ruled with an iron fist and they eliminated those who opposed them.

Which of these is not a demand of Vladimir Lenin in April Theses?

  1. Land to be transferred to the peasants

  2. Nationalisation of factories and banks

  3. War be brought to a close

  4. Transfer of political power to middle class

Correct Option: A

In which city was the construction of steel plant achieved in three years?

  1. Magnitogorsk

  2. Samara

  3. Ivanovo

  4. Saratov

Correct Option: A

The Magnitogorsk Steel Plant was a part of Stalin's first five year plan, and he wanted a industry based town after the two American cities- Gary, Indiana and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania .

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