Tools for financial analysis - class-XII

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______________ a snapshot of the financial condition of the firm at a particular time.

  1. The balance sheet provides

  2. The income statement provides

  3. The cash flow statement provides

  4. All of the above provides

Correct Option: A

The balance sheet provides a snapshot of the financial condition of the firm at a particular time. It shows the balance of assets, equities and liabilities at a single moment of time. 

The Income Statement is one of a company's core financial statements that shows their profit and loss. The P&L statement shows a company's ability to generate sales, manage expenses, and create profits. over a period of time.

Cash flow statement is a financial statement that shows how changes in balance sheet accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents, and breaks the analysis down to operating, investing, and financing activities.

Comparative Statement of profit and loss is the horizontal analysis of Statement of profit and loss which shows :

  1. the operating results for the compared accounting periods.

  2. changes in data in terms of absolute amount.

  3. percentage from one period to another.

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

Comparative Statement of profit and loss is the horizontal analysis of statement of profit and loss which shows the operating results for the compared accounting periods, changes in data in terms of absolute amount and percentage from one period to another.  Horizontal analysis is a trend analysis where the firm compares ratios, statements etc over a period of time. 

Comparative Statements is prepared to check _______.

  1. increase or decrease as on different dates

  2. balances of account as on different dates

  3. summaries of different operational activities of different periods

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Comparative analysis is comparison of various ratios balances of different years. It is basically done to understand the trend off the company. Comparative statements is prepared to check increase or decrease as on different dates, balances of accounts as on different dates and summaries of different operational activities of different periods. 

Comparative Income statement shows the _________________.

  1. Revenue and expenses in absolute values.

  2. Increase or decrease of revenues and expenses in absolute values.

  3. Percentage changes in revenues and expenses.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Comparative statement when prepared for comparing the enterprise's financial statements with that of another enterprise, is known as Inter-firm comparison.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

True. Comparative analysis is comparison of various ratios balances of different years. It is basically done to understand the trend of the company. When the comparison is done between the firms its known as inter firm comparison. 

Comparative Statement when prepared for comparing the enterprise's financial statements of two or more years, is known Intra-firm Comparison.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

True. Comparative analysis is comparison of various ratios balances of different years of the same firm. When the comparison is done within the firm its known as intra-firm comparison. It is basically done to understand the trend of the company. 

Comparative Financial Statements mean comparative study of items or components of financial statements for two or more years or with that of other enterprises.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

True. Comparative Financial statements mean comparative study of items or components of financial statements of two or more years with that of the same or other company. It is comparison of various ratios, balances, statements of different years of the company. It is basically done to understand the trend off the company.

Comparative financial statements are prepared for ____________ comparison.

  1. inter-firm

  2. intra-firm

  3. both (a) and (b)

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

Which of the following are the steps followed for preparation of comparative statements?
a. List out absolute figures in rupees related to two points of time.
b. Find out changes in absolute figures by subtracting the first year from second year and indicating the change as increase or decrease.
c. Then calculate percentage for decrease amount.
d. Then calculate the percentage change.  

  1. a, b, and c

  2. a, b, and d

  3. b, c, and d

  4. a, b, c, d

Correct Option: B

Comparative statement refers to the profit and loss account and balance sheet prepared by providing columns for the figures for both the current year as well as for the previous year. The following steps may be followed to prepare the comparative statements:

1. List out absolute figures in rupees related to two points of time.
2. Find out change in absolute figures by subtracting the first year from the second year and indicate  the change as increase (+) or decrease (-).
3. Calculate the percentage change as follows:
 (Second year absolute fig./ First year absolute fig.) x 100 

____________ statements refer to the Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet prepared by providing columns for the figures for both the current year as well as for the previous year and for the changes during the year.

  1. Common size

  2. Comparative

  3. Income

  4. Both A and C

Correct Option: B

Comparative statements refers to the profit and loss account and balance sheet prepared by providing columns for the figures for both current year as well as for the previous year for the changes during the year. Comparative statements are prepared basically to understand the trend of the company. Hence, its also known as trend analysis. 

Trendz Spa is a company listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange. Its Financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2015 Showed earning per share of Rs.136. 
On 1 October 2015, Trendz spa made a 3 for 1 bonus issue. According to IAS 33 - 'Earning per share', what figure for the 2015 EPS will be shown as comparative information in the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2016?

  1. Rs.34

  2. Rs.45.36

  3. Rs.408

  4. Rs.544

Correct Option: A
Earning per share = Earning for equity shareholders 
                                             No. of shares. 
                                =    Rs-136
                                       3 + 1 
                                = Rs-34 per share. 

Observing changes in the financial variables across the years___________.

  1. Vertical analysis

  2. Horizontal analysis

  3. Inter firm comparison

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Observing changes in the financial variables across the years is done through horizontal analysis. Horizontal analysis is a trend analysis where the firm compares ratios, statements etc over a period of time. 

Common-size Income Statement is that statement in which amount of Revenue from Operations is taken as 100 and all other amounts are expressed as percentage thereof.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

True. Common-size Income statement is the vertical analysis of Income Statement. A vertical analysis is shows all items as percentages and not in absolute figures which provides better comparison. Each line item is expressed as a percentage figure of the base figure within the statement. The base is always shown as 100. 

A financial statement that shows both rupees and percentages in the report is referred to as ______________.

  1. A Balance sheet

  2. A Common size statement

  3. A Proportional financial statement

  4. A Relative statement of equity

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is/are objective of common-size income statement?

  1. To analyse change in individual items of statement of Profit and Loss.

  2. To study the trend in different items of Revenues and Expenses.

  3. To assess the efficiency.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Common-size Balance Sheet shows _______________.

  1. Assets, Equity and Liabilities in absolute values.

  2. Assets and Liabilities as percentage of total assets or total equity and liabilities.

  3. Both (a) and (b)

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Common-size Income Statement is the vertical analysis of Income Statement.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

True. Common-size Income statement is the vertical analysis of Income Statement. A vertical analysis is shows all items as percentages and not in absolute figures which provides better comparison. Each line item is expressed as a percentage figure of the base figure within the statement. 

Objectives of common-size income statement is/are ________________.

  1. To analyse change in individual items of statement of profit and loss.

  2. To study the trend in different items of revenues and expenses.

  3. To assess the efficiency.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Objectives of common-size income statement are to analyse change in individual items of statement of profit and loss, to study the trend in different items of revenues and expenses and to assess the efficiency of the enterprise. 

'To determine the trend of different items of statement', is one of the objectives of common-size statements.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

True. To determine the trend of different items of statement is one of the objectives of common size statements. It measure the relationship of different items of financial statements with a common variable. 

Which of the following statements are true?
a. Common size balance sheet shows relative value of the various items.
b. In the common size income statement, each product is represented as a percentage of the net sales figure.
c. Common size income statements represents the various element as a percentage of the gross profit.

  1. Both (a) and (b)

  2. Both (a) and (c)

  3. Both (b) and (c)

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Common size statement, also known as component percentage statement, is a financial tool for studying the key changes and trends in the financial position and operational result of a company. Common size balance sheet shows relative value of the various items. In common size income statement, the item of expenditure are shown as percentage of the net sales. 

Common size analysis is also known as ______ analysis.

  1. Horizontal

  2. Ratio

  3. Vertical

  4. Trend

Correct Option: C

Common size statement is a financial tool for studying the key changes and trends in the financial position and operational result of a company. common size analysis is also known as vertical analysis. Common size statements are useful, both, in inter-firm comparisons for the same year or for several years.

A common size balance sheet shows the percentage of each asset to the _____, and that of each liability to the ___. 

  1. Total current assets, Total current liabilities

  2. Liabilities, Assets

  3. Total assets, Total liabilities

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

Common size statement is stated as a percentage of the aggregate, of which that item is a part i.e. common size balance sheet shows the percentage of each asset to the total assets, and that of each liability to the total liabilities. The common size statement is also known as component percentage statement, is a financial tool for studying the key changes and trends in financial position and operational result of a company.

Choosing a common base (as 100), for example, sales revenue total may be taken as base (100) in case of income statement, and total assets or total liabilities (100) in case of balance sheet, is step ____ in the procedure adopted for preparing common size income statements.

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

Correct Option: B

Choosing a common base for example sales revenue total may ne taken as base (100) in case of income statement, and total assets or total liabilities in case of balance sheet, in step 2 in the procedure adopted for preparing common size income statements. Common-size Income statement is the vertical analysis of Income Statement. 

A vertical analysis is shows all items as percentages and not in absolute figures which provides better comparison. Each line item is expressed as a percentage figure of the base figure within the statement. The base is always shown as 100. 

Which of the following would best explain a situation where the ratio of (net income/Total equity) of a firm is higher than the industry average, while the ratio of (net income/Total assets) is lower than the industry average?

  1. The firm's net profit margin is higher than the industry average

  2. The firm's assets turnover is higher than the industry average

  3. The firm's equity multiplier must be lower than the industry average

  4. The firm's debt ratio is higher than the industry average

Correct Option: D

Common size financial statements make it easier to compare firms ____________.

  1. of different sizes

  2. in different industries

  3. with different degree of leverage

  4. that use different inventory valuation methods (FIFO Vs. LIFO)

Correct Option: A

Common size financial statements make it easier to compare firms of different sizes as they show all items as percentages and not in absolute figures which provides better comparison. 

Most common approach for analysing the capital structure of a firm is_______.

  1. Ration Analysis

  2. Cash Flow Analysis

  3. Comparative Analysis

  4. Leverage Analysis

Correct Option: C

The most common approach for analyzing the capital structure of a firm is Comparative analysis. Comparative analysis is comparison of various ratios, balances, statements of different years of the company. 

It is basically done to understand the trend off the company. Hence, its also known as trend analysis.  

ABC Corp. wants to increase its current ratio from the present level of 1.5 when it closes the books next week. The action of ____________ will have the desired effect.

  1. payment of current payables from cash

  2. sales of current marketable securities for cash

  3. write down of impaired assets

  4. delay of next payroll

Correct Option: A
Payment of current payables from cash will reduce current liabilities and also reduce current assets. 
Suppose if at the current position current assets are 1,50,000 and current liabilities 1,00,000 and if current payable repaid are 50,000. The new position will be 
    = 1,50,000 - 50,000
        1,00,000 - 50,000
   = 1,00,000
  2 : 1
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