The WTO and India - class-XI

Description: The wto and India
Number of Questions: 17
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Tags: business studies commerce international business world trade organisation
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If the payee reports that he/she has received cheques, then the seller should promptly request bank to stop payment.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

The objectives of IDA is to provide assistance for poverty alleviation in the poorest countries.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Objectives of IDA are:

1. To provide development finance on easy terms to less developed member countries.

2. To promote economic development, increase productivity and thus, raise the standards of living in the underdeveloped areas.

One of the objectives of IDA is to extend macro economic management services.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

The following are the principal objectives of the IDA:

1. To extend macro economic management services.

2. To provide development finance on easy terms to less developed member countries.

3. To promote economic development, increase productivity and thus, raise the standards of living in the underdeveloped areas

A nation cannot borrow foreign currency from the IMF.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

A nation can borrow foreign currency from the IMF. IMF is a short term credit institution i.e the money borrowed from the IMF has to be returned in a short period of time.

India joined International Monetary Fund (IMF) on _______.

  1. 27 December, 1945

  2. 27 December, 1947

  3. 27 December, 1948

  4. 27 December, 1950

Correct Option: A

The major institutions offering assistance to exporters are ______________.

  1. Commercial Banks

  2. Reserve Bank and Cooperative Bank

  3. Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation (ECGC)

  4. Both (a) and (c)

Correct Option: D

The major institutions that offer assistance to exporters are the commercial banks that provide loan to these exporters at a very nominal rate and the Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) which was set up in 1957 by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India to provide export credit insurance support to Indian exporters. 

The major outcome of the Bretton Woods Conference was the estabilishment of ______________.

  1. IMF and IFC

  2. IBRD and IFC

  3. IBRD and ADB

  4. IMF and IBRD

Correct Option: D

The major outcome of the Bretton woods conference was the establishment of the International Monetary Funds (IMF) and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

Which one is not an objective of IMF?

  1. To promote international monetary cooperation

  2. To ensure balanced international trade

  3. To finance productive efforts according to peace-time requirement

  4. To ensure exchange rate stability

Correct Option: A

The objectives of Intentional Monetary Funds are to ensure the balanced international trade, to finance productive efforts according to peace-time requirement, to ensure stability of foreign exchange. To promote international monetary cooperation is not an objective of IMF. 

When did IMF came into existence?

  1. 1954

  2. 1945

  3. 1950

  4. 1947

Correct Option: B

The International Monetary Funds came into existence in 1945 as the Bretton Woods Conference with emergence of the World Bank.

IMF headquarters is located in _________________.

  1. Switzerland

  2. London

  3. Berlin

  4. Washington D.C

Correct Option: D

Objective of IMF is to assist in the establishment of multilateral system of payments in respect of current transaction between member countries.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Objective of IMF is to assist in the establishment of multilateral system of payments in respect of current transaction between member countries.

IMF provides machinery for international consultations.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

IMF acts as a __________ credit institution.

  1. long-term

  2. short-term

  3. both A & B

  4. neither A & B

Correct Option: B

The full form of IDA is International Development Association. 

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Which among the following is a function of the IMF?

  1. Acting as short term credit institution

  2. Promoting orderly adjustment of exchange rate

  3. Lending institution of foreign currency and current transaction

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

The functions of IMF are :

1: Acting as a short term credit institution
2: Promoting orderly adjustment of exchange rate
3: Lending instituions of foreign currency and current transaction.

The headquarters of the IMF is located in _______________.

  1. New York

  2. Los Angeles

  3. Washington D.C

  4. London

Correct Option: C

Which among the following is not the major objectives of the IMF?

  1. Promote international monetary cooperation

  2. Promote balanced growth of international trade

  3. Promote weapons development in developing nations

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

The major Objectives of IMF are 

1: to promote international monetary cooperation.
2: To promote balanced growth of international trade.

To promote weapons development in developing nations is not an objective of the IMF.

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