Idioms and phrases -3

Description: Idioms and phrases
Number of Questions: 15
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I wish you would not put your ----------------------------------------- in where it is not wanted.

  1. mouth

  2. head

  3. arms

  4. nose

  5. toes

Correct Option: D

To put your nose in is to interfere in someone’s business.

She never missed even a single opportunity to put me -------------------------------------- and that was the reason we decided to part ways.

  1. down

  2. away

  3. up

  4. about

  5. across

Correct Option: A

To put someone down is to criticize him or her.

Rahul, put a -------------------------------------- in it! Can you not see that I am listening to the radio?

  1. plug

  2. cork

  3. pin

  4. drop

  5. switch

Correct Option: B

'Put a cork in it' means be quiet.

They put him ----------------------------------------- for fourteen years but that did not reform him.

  1. up

  2. away

  3. on

  4. down

  5. about

Correct Option: B

To put someone away is to send him or her to prison.

My neighbour likes to put ------------------------------------- in front of me.

  1. on the dog

  2. on the cat

  3. on the horse

  4. on the ass

  5. on the monkey

Correct Option: A

'To put on the dog' is to try to seem richer than you really are.

Feel free to call me if you cannot find a good hotel. I will put you ----------------------------------------.

  1. up

  2. off

  3. down

  4. away

  5. on

Correct Option: A

To put somebody up is to provide accommodation.

Do not believe what she says. She is just putting you -----------------------------------!

  1. up

  2. away

  3. on

  4. down

  5. off

Correct Option: C

To put somebody on is to fool or tease him or her.

I put ------------------------------------ on him but that did not help because he was already broke.

  1. the plug

  2. the aim

  3. the nip

  4. the bite

  5. the choice

Correct Option: D

To put the bite on someone is to try to get money from him or her.

The hostess really put ------------------------------------------- to see that everyone was comfortable.

  1. herself in

  2. herself out

  3. out

  4. off

  5. across

Correct Option: B

To put oneself out is to take pains to do something.

It was obviously a lie but he managed to put it ------------------------------------------.

  1. off

  2. out

  3. on

  4. together

  5. across

Correct Option: E

To put something across is to make people accept or believe it.

The dance teacher put her students -------------------------------------------- before their first public performance.

  1. through their wits

  2. through their steps

  3. through their paces

  4. through their auditions

  5. through their mills

Correct Option: C

To put someone through their paces is to test their skills.

During the identification parade, the girl put ------------------------------------- on the man who killed her mother.

  1. the hand

  2. the thumb

  3. the finger

  4. the arm

  5. the nose

Correct Option: C

To put the finger on somebody is to identify him or her.

I am leaving you and you will not hear anything more from me. -----------------------------------------

  1. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

  2. Put that in your tea and drink it.

  3. Put that in your soup and drink it.

  4. Put that in your pipe and suck it.

  5. Put that in your wine and drink it.

Correct Option: A

The expression 'put that in your pipe and smoke it' is an impolite way of telling someone that they must accept what you have just said. It doesn't really matter whether they like it or not.

He suspected that his business partner was putting --------------------------------- him, but he had nothing to prove it.

  1. something over on

  2. something on

  3. something over

  4. something across

  5. something aside

Correct Option: A

To put something over on somebody is to deceive him or her.

My girlfriend is putting --------------------------------- on me to buy her a diamond necklace.

  1. the screws

  2. the lid

  3. the handle

  4. the nails

  5. the hammer

Correct Option: A

To put the screws on somebody is to pressure them to do something.

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