Chemical Effect of Electric Current (Set - II)

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Which of the following statements about electrolysis is true?

(a) The reaction depends on the solution only. (b) The reaction depends on the electrodes only. (c) The reaction depends on both the solution and the electrodes. (d) The reaction depends niether on the electrodes nor the solution.

  1. Only (a)

  2. Only (b)

  3. Only (c)

  4. Only (d)

Correct Option: C

The reaction depends on both the solution and the electrodes.

Mohit took a piece of potato and inserted both ends of a copper wire into it. He connected the wire to a battery. Some change happened after some time in the piece. What is that change?

  1. A coloured spot is formed on the potato on the side of negative terminal.

  2. A coloured spot is formed on the potato on the side of positive terminal.

  3. The whole upper surface of the potato becomes coloured.

  4. The colour of the copper wire changes.

Correct Option: B

A coloured spot is formed on one terminal of the potato, which is the positive terminal.

Why is chromium used for electroplating?

(a) It does not corrode. (b) It is scratch resistant. (c) It is cheap, easily available and can be electroplated very easily.

  1. Only (a)

  2. Both (a) and (b)

  3. Only (c)

  4. Both (b) and (c)

Correct Option: B

Chromium does not corrode and is scratch resistant. Chromium is neither cheap nor is it easily available. Electroplating of chromium is a complex and controlled process as the chromium layer tends to peel off.

The conductivity of the electrolyte used in the purification of copper can be increased by adding ______ to the solution.

  1. dilute hydrochloric acid

  2. dilute hydrosulphuric acid

  3. dilute sulphuric acid

  4. dilute chloric acid

Correct Option: C

Dilute sulphuric acid can increase the conductivity of copper sulphate solution used for electroplating.

Why are cans used for storing food made of electroplated tin instead of iron?

  1. Tin is more reactive than iron.

  2. Tin is less reactive than iron.

  3. Tin reacts with food to prevent spoiling.

  4. Tin absorbs oxygen from the air, thereby preventing oxidation of food.

Correct Option: B

Tin is less reactive than iron and does not react with the food.

What type of electroplating is done on objects of gold?

  1. Chromium plating

  2. Zinc plating

  3. Silver plating

  4. No plating is done on gold

Correct Option: D

No plating is done on gold.

Which of the following statements is true for the purification of copper?

  1. A pure copper rod is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and copper sulphate solution is the electrolyte.

  2. A pure copper rod is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and distilled water is the electrolyte.

  3. An impure copper rod is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and salty water is the electrolyte.

  4. An impure copper rod is connected to the positive terminal of the battery and copper sulphate solution is the electrolyte.

Correct Option: D

In the purification of copper, an impure copper rod is connected to the positive terminal, pure copper rod is connected to the negative terminal and an aqueous solution of a copper salt, usually copper sulphate, is used.

Why is zinc-coated iron used in bridges?

  1. Zinc gives shiny appearance to iron.

  2. Zinc increases the strength of the structure.

  3. Zinc reacts with iron to produce an alloy which is less affected by temperature change, thereby preventing the structure from developing cracks.

  4. Zinc protects iron from rusting.

Correct Option: D

Zinc protects iron from rusting.

For the process of electrolysis of water, which of the following statements is true?

  1. Oxygen bubbles will be formed on positive electrode and hydrogen bubbles will be formed on negative electrode.

  2. Oxygen bubbles will be formed on negative electrode and hydrogen bubbles will be formed on positive electrode.

  3. Oxygen and hydrogen bubbles will be formed on positive electrode only.

  4. Oxygen and hydrogen bubbles will be formed on negative electrode only.

Correct Option: A

Oxygen bubbles will be formed on positive electrode and hydrogen bubbles will be formed on negative electrode.

Which of the following lighting devices work(s) due to heating effect of electric current?

  1. CFL

  2. LED

  3. Bulb

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Bulb has a filament which glows when it becomes hot. So, it is based on the heating effect of electric current.

Which of the following effects of electric current is used in a sensitive tester?

  1. Magnetic effect

  2. Heating effect

  3. Chemical effect

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

Magnetic effect of electric current is used in a sensitive tester.

Which of the following is a poor conductor of electricity?

  1. Alcohol

  2. Common salt solution

  3. Copper sulphate solution

  4. Aqueous solution of HCl

Correct Option: A

Alcohol is a poor conductor of electricity.

The solution that does not allow electricity to pass through it is called _________ and the solution that allows electricity to pass through it is called ________.

  1. insulator, conductor

  2. conductor, insulator

  3. resistor, conductor

  4. insulator, resistor

Correct Option: A

The solution that allows electric current to pass through it is called conductor and the solution that does not allow the electricity to pass through it is called an insulator.

A tester is used to check the conduction of electricity through 2 liquids labelled A and B. It is found that the bulb of the tester glows brightly for liquid A, while it glows very dimly for liquid B. What conclusion can be drawn?

  1. Liquid B is a better conductor than liquid A.

  2. Liquid A is a better conductor than liquid B.

  3. Both liquids are equally good conductors.

  4. No conclusion can be drawn.

Correct Option: B

Liquid A is a better conductor than liquid B.

Why are gas bubbles produced sometimes when electric current is passed through a conducting solution?

  1. Because passage of electric current causes physical changes, thereby reducing pressure inside the solutions

  2. Because passage of electric current causes chemical reactions, which lead to release of gases

  3. Because passage of electric current causes magnetic effects in the solution, leading to bubbble formation

  4. Because passage of electric current decreases the temperature of the conducting solution

Correct Option: B

The passage of electric current causes chemical reactions, which may release a gaseous substance.

A child has two beakers. In the first beaker, he poured some drinking water and in the other, he poured some seawater. He tests the solutions with a tester and compass needle. In which case will the compass needle deflect more?

  1. The beaker with drinking water will show more deflection.

  2. Both the beakers will show the same deflection.

  3. The beaker with seawater will show more deflection.

  4. The beaker with seawater will show no deflection.

Correct Option: C

The beaker with seawater will show more deflection as seawater being salty is a better conductor. As more current flows through the seawater, the deflection shown by the needle will be more.

What will happen to the conductivity of the solution when seawater is added to distilled water?

  1. No effect will be observed.

  2. There will be a voltage difference between the top and the bottom of the beaker.

  3. It will become a good conductor of electricity.

  4. The seawater settles at the bottom. So, the bottom half of the solution will be conducting and the top half won't be.

Correct Option: C

It will become a good conductor of electricity.

Air is a poor conductor of electricity but still it is conducting under some conditions. Which of the following is such a condition?

  1. During rainfall, air becomes wet and like all wet things becomes a good conuctor of electricity.

  2. During a thunderstorm, lightning occurs which is an electric current passing through air.

  3. During a dust storm, the particles of dust collide with each other leading to electrostatic charging of air making it a good conductor.

  4. Air passing through high tension wires gets charged and can conduct electricity.

Correct Option: B

During lightning, electric current passes through air. Lightning occurs due to very high voltage diferences and under such high voltage differences electric current can pass through air.

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