Some Natural Phenomena (Set - II)

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A charged glass rod rubbed with silk is brought near a charged plastic straw rubbed with polythene. What will happen?

  1. The glass rod and the straw will repel each other.

  2. The glass rod and the straw will attract each other.

  3. No effect is observed.

  4. Sometimes the rod will attract the straw and at other times it will repel the straw. Hence, no conclusion can be drawn.

Correct Option: B

When a charged glass rod rubbed with silk is brought near a charged plastic straw rubbed with polythene, the rod and the straw are attracted towards each other.

Which of the following objects cannot be charged by rubbing?

  1. A plastic scale

  2. An aluminium rod

  3. An inflated balloon

  4. A woollen cloth

Correct Option: B

An aluminium rod cannot be charged by rubbing.

What will happen when dry hair are rubbed with a plastic comb?

  1. Plastic comb and dry hair both acquire a charge.

  2. Only the hair acquire a charge.

  3. Plastic comb becomes hot due to rubbing.

  4. Only the plastic comb acquires a charge.

Correct Option: A

When dry hair are rubbed with a plastic comb then the plastic comb and hair acquire both a charge. 

When charges move, they constitute a/an ________.

  1. electric current

  2. magnetic field flow

  3. heat wave

  4. light beam

Correct Option: A

When charges move, they constitute an electric current.

A positively charged object attracts another charged object kept close to it. What is the nature of the charge on the other object?

  1. Negative

  2. Positive

  3. Neutral

  4. Cannot be determined

Correct Option: A

A positively charged object attracts another charged object kept close to it. The charge on the other object is negative.  

The electric charge can be transferred from a charged object to another through a/an _______.

  1. conductor

  2. electroscope

  3. insulator

  4. none of these

Correct Option: A

The electric charge can be transferred from a charged object to another through a conductor.

There are charged and uncharged objects in a box. Radha wants to collect the charged objects. How can she find out which objects are charged?

  1. By using a microscope

  2. By using a seismograph

  3. By using an electroscope

  4. By using an ohmmeter

Correct Option: C

She can find the charged objects by using an electroscope.

What type of material is useful in highly seismic areas for the construction of houses?

  1. Mud

  2. Bricks

  3. Marble

  4. Stones

Correct Option: A

The use of mud is better than bricks, marble and stones. In case the structure falls, the damage will not be heavy.

Tremors on the earth can be caused by __________. (a) nuclear explosions (b) meteorite hits (c) thunderstorms (d) cyclones

  1. Only (a)

  2. Only (a) and (b)

  3. Only (c)

  4. Only (c) and (d)

Correct Option: B

The tremors on the earth can be caused by nuclear explosions or when a meteorite hits the earth. Thunderstorms and cyclones can cause massive destruction on the earth’s surface, but cannot be a cause for tremors as they cannot move the earth’s crust.

The really destructive earthquakes have magnitudes ________.

  1. between 1 and 2

  2. between 4 and 5

  3. less than 1

  4. higher than 7

Correct Option: D

The really destructive earthquakes have magnitudes higher than 7.

What precautions should be taken during an earthquake?

  1. Use elevators to go on the roof of the building if you are inside a building.

  2. Find a clear spot close to the buildings if you are in a metropolitan city.

  3. Take shelter inside the car parked in an open field if you are travelling in one.

  4. Take shelter under heavy objects as heavy objects won't move.

Correct Option: C

If you are in a car, do not come out and drive slowly to a clear spot. Take shelter inside the car parked in an open field.

In which layer of the earth do the disturbances happen?

  1. Innermost core

  2. Outer core

  3. Mantle

  4. Crust

Correct Option: D

The disturbances occur deep down inside the uppermost layer of the earth called the crust.

The streaks of bright light and sound in the air are produced during a thunderstorm when _____.

  1. negative charges repel each other

  2. positive charges repel each other

  3. negative and positive charges meet

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

The streaks of bright light and sound are produced when the negative and positive charges meet.

Where do positive charges accumulate on a cloud?

  1. Near the upper edge of the cloud

  2. Near the lower edge of the cloud

  3. On the whole surface of the cloud

  4. In the middle of the cloud

Correct Option: A

The positive charges accumulate near the upper edge of the cloud.

If a storm is accompanied by lightning, which of the following should be avoided?

  1. To sit near a window

  2. To take shelter under a shed

  3. To go close to water

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

If a storm is accompanied by lightning, do not sit near a window, do not take shelter under a tree and do not go close to water. 

What is/are the cause(s) of disturbance inside the earth? (a) Collision of plates (b) When plates brush past one another (c) Increase in temperature inside the earth in summers

  1. Only (a) and (b)

  2. Only (b) and (c)

  3. Only (b)

  4. Only (c)

Correct Option: A

Due to collision of plates and when the plates brush past one another, disturbance is caused inside the earth’s crust.  

Which of the following options are the qualities of earthing? (a) It must be able to dissipate currents repeatedly. (b) It must have a low corrosion resistance. (c) It should be an insulator. (d) It should be easy to maintain.

  1. Only (a) and (d)

  2. Only (a) and (b)

  3. Only (c) and (d)

  4. Only (d) and (b)

Correct Option: A

It must be able to dissipate high currents repeatedly and should be easy to maintain.

Why is it advised not to touch water pipes in buildings during a thunderstorm? (a) Because heat can be produced in them due to friction with the wind (b) Because current can be passing through them (c) Because the water pipe may burst due to excess of flow of water

  1. Only (a)

  2. Only (b)

  3. Only (c)

  4. Only (a) and (c)

Correct Option: B

It is advised not to touch water pipes in buildings during a thunderstorm because current can be passing through them during a thunderstorm. 

Which of the following options can be predicted to some extent before it/they actually happen(s)? (a) Lightning (b) Thunderstorm (c) Earthquake

  1. Only (a)

  2. Only (a) and (b)

  3. Only (c)

  4. Only (b) and (c)

Correct Option: B

Lightning and thunderstorm can be predicted before hand but earthquake cannot be predicted.

What is the nature of charge (A) on the metal cap and (B) on the leaves of an uncharged electroscope when a negatively charged body is brought in contact with its metal cap?

  1. (A) Positive (B) Negative

  2. (A) Negative (B) Negative

  3. (A) Negative (B) Positive

  4. (A) Positive (B) Positive

Correct Option: B

Metal cap and leaves will acquire negative charge when a negatively charged body is brought in contact with the metal cap of an electroscope. 

Why does a charged body lose its charge if it is touched with hands?

  1. Charges pass from the charged bodies through human body into the earth.

  2. Hands acquire opposite charge when we touch the charged body. It discharges the opposite charge by making the charged body neutral.

  3. Charges dissipiate into the atmosphere through the hair on our body.

  4. Our clothes get charged due to the charged body, and that is what we can feel when we change clothes.

Correct Option: A

Charges pass from the charged bodies through human body into the earth.

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