Reproduction in Plants (Set - III)

Description: Reproduction in Plants � III
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: Reproduction in Plants � III Asexual Reproduction in Plants Sexual Reproduction in Plants Seed Formation
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The cutting of which of the following parts of a rose plant, when buried in soil, gives rise to a new plant?

  1. Root

  2. Bud

  3. Stem

  4. Leaf

Correct Option: C

Rose plant reproduces through vegetative propagation, i.e. giving rise to a new plant of its own kind with the involvement of a part other than the flower. The stem of rose, when buried in soil, gives rise to a new rose plant.

Roots of which of the following plants are involved in asexual reproduction?

  1. Cactus

  2. Bryophyllum

  3. Sweet potato

  4. Potato

Correct Option: C

Sweet potato and dahlia are the plants which propagate vegetatively by roots of the plants. Vegetative propagation is a method of asexual reproduction.

Rahul saw that a new plant is growing from a leaf of a plant. It can be a leaf of

  1. potato

  2. rose

  3. bryophyllum

  4. apple

Correct Option: C

 New plants grow from bryophyllum's leaves.

Which plant grows by fragmentation?

  1. Hypha

  2. Pea plant

  3. Alga

  4. Rose

Correct Option: C

 Rose plant can be propagated by stem cutting.

Fruits are formed from __________ of the flowers.

  1. ovary

  2. ovules

  3. pistil

  4. bud

Correct Option: A

 Fruits are formed from ovary of the flowers.

Which part of a flower contains pollen grains?

  1. Stigma

  2. Style

  3. Anther

  4. Ovary

Correct Option: C

Anther contains pollen grains.

Which of the following parts of a flower help(s) in asexual reproduction?

  1. Stamen and carpel

  2. Petal and sepal

  3. Complete flower

  4. None of these

Correct Option: D

Roots and stem help in vegetative propagation of plants

Seeds of which of the following plants are dispersed by animals?

  1. Drumstick

  2. Xanthium

  3. Maple

  4. Madar

Correct Option: B

Seeds of xanthium are dispersed by animals.

To which part of a flower does a pollen grain ultimately reach for fertilisation?

  1. Stigma

  2. Style

  3. Ovary

  4. Filament

Correct Option: C

 Pollen grain sticks to the stigma and then reaches to the ovary for fertilisation.

The flowers, which contain either only pistil or only stamens are called _______.

  1. unisexual flowers

  2. bisexual flowers

  3. asexual flowers

  4. homosexual flowers

Correct Option: A

 The flowers, which contain either only pistil or only stamens are called unisexual flowers.

Which of the following does not occur in asexual reproduction?

  1. Zygote formation

  2. Spore formation

  3. Bud formation

  4. Fragment formation

Correct Option: A

Asexual mode of reproduction refers to the involvement of one parent only. There are various modes of asexual reproduction like budding, fragmentation, fission, spore formation, etc. Zygote formation takes place only when two parents are involved. Thus, it is not an asexual mode of reproduction.

What is the site of egg formation in a flower?

  1. Ovule

  2. Anther

  3. Stamen

  4. Style

Correct Option: A

Eggs are female gametes, which are formed in the bead-like structures called ovules. These ovules are produced in the ovary, which is the female reproductive part.

The offspring produced by asexual reproduction is __________ its parent.

  1. completely different from

  2. a clone of

  3. not always similar to

  4. always a spore of

Correct Option: B

The offspring produced by asexual reproduction is a clone of its parent because they are genetically the same.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. After fertilisation, the ovary grows into a seed.

  2. After fertilisation, other parts of the flower fall off.

  3. Seeds are enclosed in a protective seed coat.

  4. Insects are agents of pollination.

Correct Option: A

After fertilisation, the other parts of the flower fall off as they are used for attracting insects, etc. for pollination. Seeds are enclosed in a protective seed coat. The seeds are formed from the ovules. Insects are agents of pollination.

Which of the following is/are not true for the seeds which are dispersed by water? (a) They have floating ability. (b) They have a spongy or fibrous outer coating. (c) They are spiny. (d) They have hair-like structures on the outside.

  1. a only

  2. a and b only

  3. c and d only

  4. a and c only

Correct Option: C

 The seeds, which are dispersed by water, have floating ability and spongy or fibrous outer coating.

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