Life Processes (Transportation + Excretion) SET - I...

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The cup-shaped part of nephron which receives the glomerular filtrate is called

  1. Bowman’s capsule

  2. vasa recta

  3. collecting duct

  4. vena cava

Correct Option: A

The cup-shaped part of nephron which receives the glomerular filtrate is called Bowman’s capsule.

What is the principle for purification of blood in kidney?

  1. Filtration

  2. Diffusion

  3. Osmosis

  4. Reabsorption

Correct Option: A

The blood in kidneys is filtered by nephrons, the functional units of the kidney. Each nephron begins in a renal corpuscle, which is composed of a glomerulus enclosed in a Bowman's capsule.

Which part of nephron pours urine into the ureter?

  1. Tubular part

  2. Glomerulus

  3. Collecting duct

  4. Bowman’s capsule

Correct Option: C

Several collecting ducts unite to form larger ducts that empty urine into a calyx at the tip of the renal pyramid. 

Which blood vessel gives rise to a bunch of capillaries called glomerulus?

  1. Renal vein

  2. Renal artery

  3. Pulmonary artery

  4. Pulmonary vein

Correct Option: B

Renal artery gives rise to a bunch of capillaries called glomerulus.

Hemodialysis functions as an artificial

  1. kidney

  2. heart

  3. liver

  4. lung

Correct Option: A

Hemodialysis is the separation of certain substances from blood by use of a selectively permeable membrane.

The organelle which stores waste material in plants is

  1. vacuole

  2. endoplasmic reticulum

  3. golgi body

  4. cytoplasm

Correct Option: A

Vacuoles are the membrane-bound organelles of plant cells. These store food or waste products.

Which hormone promotes the reabsorption of water from the nephron during urine formation?

  1. Calcitonin

  2. Antidiuretic hormone

  3. Insulin

  4. Relaxin

Correct Option: B

Antidiuretic hormone promotes the reabsorption of water from the nephron during urine formation. It acts on the distal convoluted tubule, collecting ducts and increases the reabsorption of water from it. Calcitonin is the hormone produced from the thyroid glands. 

Ureters are the tubular structures connecting

  1. kidney and urethra

  2. urethra and urinary bladder

  3. kidney and urinary bladder

  4. kidney and nephron

Correct Option: C

Ureters are the long tubes which connect the kidneys with the urinary bladder. 

The excretory gases of plants are ___________.

  1. CO2 and N2

  2. CO2 and O2

  3. N2 and H2

  4. O2 and N2

Correct Option: B

The process of removal of waste products of metabolism is very essential to life. Plants get rid of excretory gases through the pores (stomata) on the surface of the leaves.

Waste products are stored as ________ in old xylem plants.

  1. sucrose

  2. glucose

  3. resins

  4. water

Correct Option: C

Waste products are stored as resins in old xylem plants. Some plant wastes are very useful to human beings, e.g. rubber, latex, gum, resins and essential oils like eucalyptus or sandalwood oil. 

The only artery which carries deoxygenated blood is _________.

  1. pulmonary artery

  2. renal artery

  3. hepatic artery

  4. coronary artery

Correct Option: A

Deoxygenated (without oxygen) blood flows from the right atrium to the right ventricle and then, right ventricle pumps blood into the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs, where it is supplied with fresh oxygen and carbon dioxide is removed.

________ helps in translocation of food in plants.

  1. Xylem

  2. Palisade cells

  3. Root hairs

  4. Phloem

Correct Option: D

Phloem transports products of photosynthesis (sugar and food) from the leaves where they are synthesised to other parts of the plant.

Superior vena cava carries blood from _________________.

  1. upper parts of the body to the heart

  2. lower parts of the body to the heart

  3. the heart to lateral parts of the body

  4. lateral parts of the body to the heart

Correct Option: A

Inferior vena cava brings blood from lower half of the body. Superior vena cava brings blood from upper half of the body. Both of these large veins join at the right atrium of the heart. Thus, (2) is incorrect and (1) is correct.

Which of the following helps in clotting of blood in injured vessels?

  1. Platelet

  2. Lymphocyte

  3. Leucocyte

  4. Erythrocyte

Correct Option: A

Blood has platelet cells which help in clotting of blood at the points of injury. Blood clotting is a complex mechanism.

The only reptile having 4-chambered heart is

  1. snake

  2. turtle

  3. lizard

  4. crocodile

Correct Option: D

Crocodile belongs to class Reptilia. All the members of class Reptilia have a 3-chambered heart. Crocodile is an exception, which possesses 4-chambered heart like mammals and birds.

Oxygen rich blood from the lungs first enters the _________ of heart.

  1. left atrium

  2. left ventricle

  3. right atrium

  4. right ventricle

Correct Option: A

Oxygenated blood from the lungs comes to thin walled upper chamber of the heart (left atrium). Left atrium is relaxed when it is collecting the oxygenated blood. After that, it contracts, while the next chamber (the left ventricle) expands. So, the blood is moved to left ventricle. If the left ventricle contracts, it pumps the oxygenated blood to different parts of the body.

Translocation utilises energy (ATP) to transfer ________ into phloem tissue.

  1. sugar

  2. fat

  3. potassium

  4. lipids

Correct Option: A

Fat, potassium and lipids are not the products of photosynthesis.

Which of the following vitamins helps in blood clotting?

  1. Vitamin A

  2. Vitamin B

  3. Vitamin E

  4. Vitamin K

Correct Option: D

Vitamin K is necessary for blood clotting. Blood has platelet cells, which help in clotting of blood at the points of injury. Blood clotting is a complex mechanism. Vitamin K plays an important role as it helps in forming an enzyme, which helps in clotting. Dietary sources of vitamin K are fish livers, egg yolks, soyabean and green leafy vegetables.

Oxygenated blood is pumped from heart to the rest of the body via

  1. aorta

  2. pulmonary artery

  3. pulmonary vein

  4. vena cava

Correct Option: A

Oxygenated blood passes from the left atrium into the left ventricle, from where it is pumped out of the heart into the aorta (body's largest artery).

In humans, right auricle receives _______ blood from ________.

  1. oxygenated, aorta

  2. deoxygenated, vena cava

  3. oxygenated, vena cava

  4. deoxygenated, aorta

Correct Option: B

After supplying oxygenated blood to various parts of the body, the blood becomes deoxygenated. This deoxygenated blood is supplied into a large vein known as vena cava, which empties into right atrium or auricle of the heart. 

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