Fundamental Unit of Life- Cell - I (2016)

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Lysosomes are called as the suicidal bags of a cell because they

  1. digest foreign materials entering the cell

  2. contain powerful digestive enzymes

  3. burst and their enzymes digest their own cells

  4. digest the old organelles of their own cells

Correct Option: C

Lysosomes are called the suicidal bags of a cell because during accidental injuries, if their own cell gets ruptured or injured, these lysosomes burst out and release their hydrolytic enzymes into the cell. These enzymes digest the worn out cell.

Why does a plant cell not burst when it is placed in a hypotonic solution?

  1. Due to the presence of cell wall

  2. Due to the presence of cytoplasm

  3. Due to the presence of plasma membrane

  4. Due to the presence of large vacuoles

Correct Option: A

Cell walls permit the cells of plants, fungi and bacteria to withstand very dilute (hypotonic) external media without bursting. In such media, the cells tend to take up water by osmosis.

Why is the inner membrane of mitochondrion deeply folded?

  1. To provide large surface area for synthesis of glucose

  2. To provide large surface area for synthesis of lipids

  3. To provide large surface area for packaging of proteins

  4. To provide large surface area for ATP-generating chemical reactions

Correct Option: D

Mitochondrion has two membrane coverings. The outer membrane is very porous, while the inner membrane is deeply folded. These folds create a large surface area for ATP-generating chemical reactions.

Why do golgi bodies have connections with the membranes of ER?

  1. To prevent the membranes from mechanical injury

  2. To store and dispatch the materials synthesised by ER

  3. To form lysosomes in ER

  4. To transport ribosomes to ER

Correct Option: B

Golgi bodies have connections with the membranes of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) so as to store, pack and dispatch the materials (lipids and proteins) synthesised by rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum.

Which part of a cell determines the way the cell will develop?

  1. Nucleoid

  2. Plasma membrane

  3. Cytoplasm

  4. Nucleus

Correct Option: D

Nucleus plays a central role in cellular reproduction, the process by which a single cell divides and forms two new cells. It also plays a crucial part, along with the environment, in determining the way the cell will develop and what form it will exhibit at maturity.

Which of the following is not a function of nucleus?

  1. It plays a central role in cellular reproduction.

  2. It determines the form that a cell will exhibit.

  3. It carries hereditary information from one generation to another.

  4. It generates energy for a cell.

Correct Option: D

 The energy required for various chemical activities needed for life is released by mitochondria in the form of ATP molecules.

Match the following.

(1) Robert Hook

(2) Scleiden and Schwann (3) Robert Brown (4) Purkinje | (i) Nucleus (ii) Protoplasm (iii) Cell as a basic unit of life (iv) Cell |

  1. 1 - iv, 2 - ii, 3 - iii, 4 - i

  2. 1 - iv, 2 - iii, 3 - i, 4 - ii

  3. 1 - iv, 2 - ii, 3 - i , 4 - iii

  4. 1 - iv, 2 - i, 3 - ii, 4 - iii

Correct Option: B

  ||| |---|---| |
(1) Robert Hook
(2) Scleiden and Schwann

(3) Robert Brown
(4) Purkinje

(i) Cell 

(ii) Cell as a basic unit of life

(iii) Nucleus

(iv) Protoplasm


Organelles which store starch, oil and protein granules are known as

  1. chloroplasts

  2. rhodoplasts

  3. chromoplasts

  4. leucoplasts

Correct Option: D

 Leucoplasts are the organelles in which oil, starch and proteins are stored.

Why is cell called the structural and functional unit of life?

  1. Because it shows division of labour

  2. Because it performs all the characteristic functions of a living being

  3. Because it synthesises proteins, which are building blocks of life

  4. Because all cells have the same organelles irrespective of their functions and locations

Correct Option: B

 A cell is called the structural and functional unit of life as it performs all the characteristic functions of a living being. 

Which of the following is not a unicellular organism?

  1. Chlamydomonas

  2. Paramecium

  3. Rhizopus

  4. Euglena

Correct Option: C

 Rhizopus is a multicellular organism as it is made up of a large number of cells.

Which of the following organelles have their own DNA and ribosomes?

  1. Mitochondria and golgi apparatus

  2. Mitochondria and plastids

  3. Endoplasmic reticulum and plastids

  4. Mitochondria and lysosomes

Correct Option: B

Mitochondria and plastids have their own DNA and ribosomes. Therefore, they are able to make their own proteins.

Ribosomes are the main site of

  1. respiration

  2. absorption

  3. protein synthesis

  4. photosynthesis

Correct Option: C

Ribosomes are called the protein manufacturing factories of the cell.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. Nucleus has a double layered covering of membrane.

  2. Nuclear membrane has pores, which allow the transfer of material.

  3. Nucleus contains cell organelles that perform various functions.

  4. Nucleus carries hereditary information from one generation to another.

Correct Option: C

A cell contains cell organelles that perform various functions. Nucleus possesses genetic material that carries hereditary information from one generation to another.

Which of the following correctly differentiates a prokaryotic cell from a eukaryotic cell?

  1. Prokaryotic cells do not perform photosynthesis but eukaryotic cells perform photosynthesis.

  2. Prokaryotic organisms lack cytoplasm but eukaryotic organisms possess cytoplasm.

  3. Nuclear membrane is absent in prokaryotes but it is present in eukaryotic organisms.

  4. Prokaryotes have a well defined nuclear region but eukaryotes possess nucleoid that contains only nucleic acid.

Correct Option: C

Nuclear membrane is absent in prokaryotes as they do not have a well developed nucleus and the nuclear material is said to be nucleiod. But, eukaryotes possess a well-defined nuclear membrane around the nucleus of the cell.

What will happen if a plant cell is placed in a hypertonic solution?

  1. It will burst.

  2. It will shrink.

  3. It will swell.

  4. It will remain unaffected.

Correct Option: B

If a plant cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, the cell will lose water by osmosis and the content will shrink away from the cell wall.

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