Classification of Animals

Description: Classification of Animals
Number of Questions: 10
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Tags: Classification of Animals Cell wall and membrane Animal Kingdom
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To which of the following phyla does salamander belong?

  1. Pisces

  2. Reptilia

  3. Amphibia

  4. Aves

Correct Option: C

Salamander belongs to the phylum Amphibia.

Whales respire through

  1. gills

  2. lungs

  3. skin

  4. tracheae

Correct Option: B

Whales respire through lungs.

Which of the following is a flightless bird?

  1. Albatross

  2. Emu

  3. Crane

  4. Flamingo

Correct Option: B

Emu is a flightless bird.

Flame cells are associated with

  1. respiration

  2. excretion

  3. nutrition

  4. digestion

Correct Option: B

Flame cells are associated with excretion.

Which of the following is a causal agent of ‘Elephantiasis’?

  1. Trichinella

  2. Anchylostoma

  3. Wuchereria

  4. Rhabditis

Correct Option: C

Wuchereria is a casual agent of ‘Elephantiasis’.

Sensory cells of hydra possess

  1. flagellum

  2. hair-like projections

  3. cilia

  4. pseudopodia

Correct Option: B

Sensory cells of hydra possess hair-like projections.

Which of the following mammals lays eggs?

  1. Echidna

  2. Kangaroo

  3. Bat

  4. Whale

Correct Option: A

Echidna and platypus are the egg-laying mammals.

What is the level of organisation in sponges?

  1. Cellular level

  2. Tissue level

  3. Organ level

  4. Acellular level

Correct Option: A

Sponges possess cellular level of organisation.

Which of the following reptiles has a four-chambered heart?

  1. Chameleon

  2. Draco

  3. King cobra

  4. Crocodile

Correct Option: D

Reptiles generally have a three-chambered heart. Crocodile, being an exception, possesses a four-chambered heart.

Which of the following organisms does not belong to the phylum Mollusca?

  1. Chiton

  2. Echinus

  3. Pila

  4. Unio

Correct Option: B

Echinus does not belong to the phylum Mollusca. It belongs to the phylum Echinodermata.

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