Biology Test

Description: this is based on certain topics from biology which are highly beneficial for learning aspirants.
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: Brain spinal cord genes hereditary evolution etc. Population Census Population Density Cytoplasmic Inheritance Genetics and Evolution Inheritance Pattern of Haemophilia and Blood Groups in Human Beings Gene Expression and Regulation Regulation of Gene Expression
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Human population generally have tendency for which of the following types of mating?

  1. Random mating

  2. Negative assortative mating

  3. Positive assortative mating

  4. Zero assortative mating

Correct Option: C

People most often select mates who are similar to themselves in terms of traits that can be readily observed and discriminated. For instance, tall people usually mate with tall people. Genotypically similar people more often mate with each other.

The possibility of having an offspring with remarkable birth defects when first cousins mate is known to be about

  1. 1.7 - 2.8%

  2. 6.8 - 11.2%

  3. 97.2 - 98.3%

  4. 0%

Correct Option: A

The most prevalent type of consanguineous marriage, show that the excess risk for their offspring of having a significant birth defect ranges from 1.7-2.8%.

The high frequency of hip dysplasia, epilepsy and immune-system malfunctions in certain species of dog and are mainly consequence of

  1. Heterosis

  2. Ellis-van Creveld syndrome

  3. Consanguineous mating

  4. Random mating

Correct Option: C

Consanguineous mating or inbreeding is an extreme form of positive assortative mating. It can result in a variety of homozygous recessive conditions showing up in phenotypes and a subsequent reduction in reproductive potential.

High frequencies of genetically inherited diseases like thalessemia, haemophilia, etc in people who share a common ancestor is most likely the result of

  1. natural selection

  2. the founder effect

  3. genetic drift

  4. genomic selection

Correct Option: B

This occurs when there is a small ancestral or founding population. The potentially numerous descendants of the founders often have similar genetic makeups. This explains why rare diseases are more frequent among descendants of people who had them.

Continuous inbreeding is not recommended for a small population because

  1. it makes the genetic diversity comparatively small

  2. it makes the genetic diversity comparatively larger and richer

  3. it enhances the rate of mutations

  4. it decreases the rate of mutations

Correct Option: A

Usually closely related individuals are genetically similiar. When they mate, there is a less chance of occurrence of significantly new genetic combinations. Compared to crossbreeding, there will be reduced genetic diversity and increased homozygosity.

The concept that South and Central American Indians are nearly 100% type O for the ABO blood system, which can be best explained as being the consequence of

  1. genetic drift

  2. natural selection

  3. the founder effect

  4. bottleneck effect

Correct Option: C

It is likely that most of these Native Americans are descended from a small band of closely related early immigrant founders who also shared this blood type.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT about genetic drift?

  1. It has its greatest impact on gene pool frequencies in bigger populations.

  2. It takes place independently of mutation and recombination.

  3. It occurs due to mutation.

  4. It occurs due to natural selection.

Correct Option: B

Genetic drift operates independently of mutation, recombination and other evolutionary mechanisms, i.e. genetic drift can occur in a population whether or not other evolutionary processes are operating.

Rapid random changes in gene pool frequencies taking place in a small population are the consequence of

  1. genetic drift

  2. founder effect

  3. bottleneck effect

  4. natural selection

Correct Option: A

The significant changes in gene frequencies in small, reproductively isolated populations can occur by chance. They are totally independent of mutation, recombination and natural selection. The smaller the population, the more susceptible it is to such evolution.

Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding genetic bottlenecks?

  1. They take place when there are severe environmental changes that alter natural selection so that most members of a species die before reproducing.

  2. The result is typically increased genetic diversity in a population following a genetic bottleneck.

  3. They minimze the fertility of the survivors.

  4. They does not affect genetic diversity in a population.

Correct Option: A

The result of such catastrophes is a dramatic reduction in genetic diversity of future generations. The variability is lost at the time of the bottleneck as a result of most individuals dying without reproducing.

In which of the following societies would genetic drift have the least probability of causing rapid evolution?

  1. A fleet of 12-16 isolated humans living 70,000 years ago in Southern Africa.

  2. Modern day Japan

  3. A flock of 40 members of a religious sect who had nothing to do with their neighbours in ancient Rome for 8 generations.

  4. Ancient Japan

Correct Option: B

Japan has a population of over 125 million people who form one large potentially interbreeding society. Society was divided into two classes in Feudal Japan, the nobility and the peasants. The noble class made up roughly 12% of the population with peasants making up the rest. In such a population, genetic drift would have virtually no effect.

Maximum volume of human blood is composed of

  1. red cells

  2. hemoglobin

  3. white cells

  4. plasma

Correct Option: D

The liquid component of blood, i.e. plasma is the most abundant substance in blood. 

Individuals having Diego positive blood group are found in

  1. Europe and Africa

  2. India and Australia

  3. Japan and South America

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

East Asians and Native Americans apparently are the only people in the world who have the Diego positive blood type. This supports the hypothesis of an East Asian origin for Native Americans.

Kalpana is Rh positive. Which of the following best describes her condition?

  1. She is either homozygous dominant (DD) or heterozygous (Dd) for this trait.

  2. She is homozygous dominant (DD).

  3. She is homozygous recessive (dd).

  4. She is either homozygous recessive (dd) or heterozygous (Dd) for this trait.

Correct Option: A

The Rh blood factor is a dominant trait. Therefore, both DD and Dd people have the Rh antigen on the surface of their red cells which makes them Rh positive.

Which of the following does not characterise mother-foetus Rh incompatibility problems?

  1. These can be prevented by injecting Rho-GAM into the mother's body.

  2. These are much less likely to take place during the first pregnancy of the mother.

  3. Medical treatment is about 99% effective in preventing all the related problems.

  4. None of these

Correct Option: D

All the above statements characterise mother-fetus Rh incompatibility problems.

An allele can be described as

  1. another term used for a gene

  2. a homozygous genotype

  3. a heterozygous genotype

  4. one among several possible forms of a single gene

Correct Option: B

A homozygous genotype refers to the inheritance of the same allele for a trait from both parents.

According to the recent studies, by the age of 35 years nearly 100% of people with Down syndrome develop

  1. Alzheimer syndrome

  2. Increased fertility

  3. Fragile-X syndrome

  4. Brett syndrome

Correct Option: A

This progressive disease characterized by degeneration of brain cells resulting in severe memory loss usually occurs in old age for normal people, if it occurs at all. It is far more common among Down syndrome sufferers and it occurs at an earlier age.

Brett syndrome is a rare form of mental retardation that can be more or less severe depending on the sex of the parent from whom it has been inherited. This unusual kind of inheritance pattern is known as

  1. a modifying gene inheritance

  2. genome imprinting

  3. incomplete penetrance

  4. pleiotropy

Correct Option: B

When genes have a different effect depending on the gender of the parent from whom they were inherited, it is referred to as genome imprinting. Diabetes, psoriasis, and Prader-Willi syndrome are other examples of this phenomenon.

Doctor told Mr. Pradeep Khatri that he is the universal blood donors for the ABO system. His blood group may be

  1. A

  2. B

  3. O

  4. AB

Correct Option: C

Since type O blood normally lacks both A and B antigens, it will not be recognized as an alien type by the blood of anyone. As a result, anyone usually can be transfused with O blood without concern about rejection for this blood group.

Select the CORRECT statement regarding the Rh blood system in humans.

  1. It was the first blood type system to be discovered in humans.

  2. It is much more genetically complicated than the ABO blood type.

  3. There are 30 Rh blood types.

  4. It was discovered by Henry Landsteiner.

Correct Option: B

The Rh system apparently is much more complex genetically since it involves 45 different antigens on the surface of red cells that are controlled by 2 closely linked genes on chromosome 1. In most cases, the ABO system is controlled by only two antigens.

Aditya's son is suffering from a chromosomal abnormality that causes males to have feminine body contours with large breasts, small penis, testes and prostate gland relatively little body hair; and sterility. This chromosomal abnormality may be

  1. Klinefelter syndrome

  2. XYY syndrome

  3. Triple-X syndrome

  4. XXXX syndrome

Correct Option: A

The feminizing effects of Klinefelter syndrome can be diminished if boys are treated regularly with testosterone injections from the age of puberty on. As a result of this treatment, most become sufficiently ordinary in appearance to live in society without notice.

In which of the following procedures usually a small flexible plastic tube is inserted through the vagina into the uterus?

  1. Amniocentesis

  2. Chorionic villi sampling

  3. Alpha-feto protein screening

  4. Pregnancy ultrasound

Correct Option: B

This method is used to draw out a sample of chorion tissue for cell culturing. As with amniocentesis, ultrasound monitoring helps to prevent damage to the unborn child during the sampling procedure.

In a hospital, two couples claimed for the same child. Which of the following would be least likely to be accepted as legal proof of paternity?

  1. ABO blood type

  2. HLA typing

  3. DNA sequence comparison

  4. All will be equally accepted in the court.

Correct Option: C

DNA sequence comparison is considered to be far more reliable than one of the other forms of evidence in predicting who could or could not be a parent of a particular child.

Mrs. XYZ has delivered a boy who has one X chromosome and no Y chromosome in his somatic cells, he is

  1. metafemales

  2. suffering from Turner syndrome

  3. suffering from Klinefelter syndrome

  4. suffering from Richard Speck syndrome

Correct Option: B

People with Turner syndrome are females who inherit only one X chromosome--their genotype is usually written as X0.

If a newly born baby boy had a karyotype 23 + 23 + 23 chromosomes or 23 + 24, it would be

  1. within the range of normal

  2. an irregular number of chromosomes

  3. a structural modification in the chromosomes of the boy

  4. A genetic modification in the chromosomes of the boy.

Correct Option: B

When there are complete multiples of sets (e.g. 23 + 23 + 23), the error is known as polyploidy. When there is an addition or loss of chromosomes within a set (e.g. 23 + 22 or 23 + 24), it is known as aneuploidy. Both result in medical aberrations.

A 16 year girl is suffering from a chromosomal abnormality that causes her to be unusually short in stature (average 4'7), to have a webbed neck, and to generally lack feminine secondary sexual characteristics. This may be due to

  1. Triple-X syndrome

  2. Turner syndrome

  3. XYY syndrome

  4. Klinefelter syndrome

Correct Option: B

Women with Turner syndrome are essentially postmenopausal from early childhood and are sterile because their ovaries do not develop normally and they do not ovulate.

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