Life Processes - 2

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The phenomenon of uptake of water at the expense of energy by the cell against osmotic gradient is known as _______.

  1. osmosis

  2. active absorption

  3. passive absorption

  4. imbibition

Correct Option: B

Exchange of gases in the tissues takes place due to difference in _______.

  1. temperature

  2. concentration of gases

  3. pH value of gases

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B

The functional unit of kidney is _______.

  1. nephridia

  2. nephron

  3. flame cells

  4. nephridian tubules

Correct Option: B

The loss of water from the aerial parts of the plants is known as _______.

  1. traslocation

  2. diffusion

  3. evaporation

  4. transpiration

Correct Option: D

The main nitrogenous waste in the men is _______.

  1. carbon dioxide

  2. urea

  3. uric acid

  4. ammonia

Correct Option: B

The bunch of capillaries present in Bowman's capsule is known as _______.

  1. malphigian tubules

  2. renal artery

  3. glomerulus

  4. nephrons

Correct Option: C

The common process of excretion in unicellular plants and animals is _______.

  1. osmosis

  2. diffusion

  3. plasmolysis

  4. imbibition

Correct Option: B

Blood cells that help in clotting of blood are _______.

  1. RBC

  2. WBC

  3. platelets

  4. lymph

Correct Option: C

As the blood flows out of a damaged blood vessel, the blood platelets release a substance called _______.

  1. thrombin

  2. prothrombin

  3. thromboplastin

  4. fibrin

Correct Option: C

The heart in fish has _______.

  1. one chamber

  2. two chambers

  3. three chambers

  4. four chambers

Correct Option: B

The products of anaerobic respiration in yeast is _______.

  1. oxygen

  2. lactic acid

  3. ethyl alcohol

  4. water and energy

Correct Option: C

The artery can be distinguished from the vein in having _______.

  1. thicker walls

  2. more blood cells

  3. more plasma

  4. larger cavity

Correct Option: A

Nitrogen needed by the plants is taken up in the form of _______.

  1. nitrates

  2. nitrogen gas

  3. ammonia

  4. nitrous oxides

Correct Option: A

Haemoglobin is found dissolved in the plasma of a/an _______.

  1. man

  2. toad

  3. bird

  4. earthworm

Correct Option: D

The membrane covering of heart is _______.

  1. pleura

  2. pericardium

  3. mylein sheath

  4. meninges

Correct Option: B

The largest lymphatic organ of the body is _______.

  1. spleen

  2. lymph vessel

  3. lymph node

  4. lymphatic capillary

Correct Option: A

The blood from the right ventricle is pumped to the lungs through _______.

  1. aorta

  2. pulmonary vein

  3. pulmonary artery

  4. capillaries

Correct Option: C

The heart of a man is 4 chambered. The right half of the heart contains _______.

  1. oxygenated blood

  2. deoxygenated blood

  3. blood with more oxygen

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B

The lymph differs from the blood in having _______.

  1. less RBC and more WBC

  2. less WBC and more RBC

  3. no RBC and less WBC

  4. no RBC and more WBC

Correct Option: D

The water balance and the levels of mineral-ions in the body are maintained by _______.

  1. blood

  2. glomerolous

  3. kidney

  4. lymph

Correct Option: C

The osmoregulatory organ in amoeba is _______.

  1. contractile vacuole

  2. food vacuole

  3. pseudopodia

  4. osculum

Correct Option: A

The pale yellow colour of the urine is due to _______.

  1. urochrome

  2. urinoid

  3. creatine

  4. diuretics

Correct Option: A

The reabsorption and removal of water from the urinary track are under the control of _______.

  1. pitutiary gland

  2. adrenal

  3. hypothalamus

  4. thalamus

Correct Option: C

The procedure used in artificial kidney in place of normal is called _______.

  1. pacemaker

  2. electrocardiograph

  3. osmoregulation

  4. dialysis

Correct Option: D

The universal recipient blood group is _______.

  1. A

  2. B

  3. AB

  4. O

Correct Option: C
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