Data Warehouse Storage Online Quiz

Description: Data Warehouse Storage Online Quiz
Number of Questions: 31
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Tags: storage
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  1. Network Data Method Protection

  2. Network Data Management Protocol

  3. Network Disaster Mitigation Procedure

  4. Network Data Management Privacy

Correct Option: B

Full form of SAN?

  1. Storage Attached Network

  2. Stoarge Area Network

  3. Storage Addes Network

  4. Storage Adapter Network

Correct Option: B
  1. Block

  2. Frame

  3. Cylinder

  4. File

Correct Option: B

To solve this question, the user needs to have an understanding of the basic components and terminology used in Fibre Channel (FC) networks.

In Fibre Channel, data is transferred in units called "frames." A frame is the smallest unit of information transfer in FC. It contains the data being transmitted as well as control information such as headers and CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) for error detection.

With this knowledge, let's evaluate each option:

A. Block: A block is a unit of data storage and is not the smallest unit of information transfer in FC. It refers to a set of data, typically a fixed size, that is read from or written to storage devices.

B. Frame: This option is correct. In Fibre Channel, a frame is the smallest unit of information transfer. It contains the data being transmitted along with control information.

C. Cylinder: A cylinder is a term used in disk storage and refers to a group of tracks that are located at the same radial distance from the center of the disk. It is not the smallest unit of information transfer in FC.

D. File: A file is a collection of data stored on a file system and is not the smallest unit of information transfer in FC.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

B. Frame

  1. Digital Linear Tape

  2. Advanced intelligent tape

  3. Linear Tape open

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D
  1. Quick arbitrartion and selection

  2. Doamin Validation

  3. Cyclic Redundancy and Check

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

How many classes of service are available in Fibre Channel?

  1. 5 Classes

  2. 9 Classes

  3. 7 classes

  4. 3 Classes

Correct Option: D

What is true about spoofing ? a ) One of the class of attacks against SAN b) Allow access to or destruction of data c) Reduces availability d) Allow access to data

  1. a and b

  2. a and c

  3. c and d

  4. All the above

Correct Option: A

What is Hybrid Zones ?

  1. port – port traffic

  2. Access is controlled using WWN

  3. Contains ports and WWNs

  4. A collection of Zones

Correct Option: C

What protocols used in physical/datalink and network layer of SAN?

  1. Ethernet

  2. SCSI

  3. FC

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

What is true about Drive duplexing ?

  1. Two controllers used to write data and faster than disk mirroring

  2. Spread data between multiple drives

  3. The process of reading and writing data on two drives simultaneously

  4. Disk striping with parity

Correct Option: A

What is the function of layer FC-2 ?

  1. Physical layer

  2. encode/decode

  3. routing, flow control

  4. mapping interface

Correct Option: C
  1. Two controllers used to write data and faster than disk mirroring

  2. Spread data between multiple drives

  3. The process of reading and writing data on two drives simultaneously

  4. Disk striping with parity

Correct Option: A
  1. To increase performance of CS

  2. To increase the performance of the DMs on the NS-960 and NS-G8

  3. Will provide a savings in DM slots used allowing for more flexibility

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Support tree quota limit up to a minimum of ____ Terabyte, ___ TB preferable for both block size and file size policy.

  1. 2, 4

  2. 4, 8

  3. 8,16

  4. 16, 32

Correct Option: D

Replicator V1 shall support replication between DART ____ and ______.

  1. source 5.5, target 5.6

  2. source 5.6, taarget 6.0

  3. source 5.6.x.x , target 5.6.x.x

  4. souce 5.6, target 5.5

Correct Option: A
  1. There is no lock system with retention period.

  2. Cannot be deleted, nor the retention period changes

  3. Can be deleted and the retention period can be changes

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A
  1. Support creating both thin (files that share original blocks) and thick (files that are full copies of the source file) clones

  2. Support a minimum of 2000 clones

  3. Clones must be writeable

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D
  1. can be reclaimed.

  2. cannot be reclaimed.

  3. Abort the sessions and resync.

  4. All the above

Correct Option: A,C
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