Chemistry Mixed Test

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Burning of camphor is an example of

  1. distillation

  2. evaporation

  3. condensation

  4. sublimation

Correct Option: D

Sublimation is the transition of a substance from the solid phase to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase.

The temperature and pressure at which all 3 states of matter co-exist in equilibrium is known as

  1. critical point

  2. end point

  3. triple point

  4. absolute zero

Correct Option: C

Triple Point is the temperature and pressure at which solid, liquid, and vapour phases of a particular substance coexist in equilibrium. A specific case of phase equilibrium. e.g.The triple point for water is at 0.01o Celsius at 4.56 mm Hg.

Which of the following is not a property of a gas?

  1. Definite shape & volume

  2. Expansibility

  3. Diffusibility

  4. Low density

Correct Option: A

Gases do not posses any definite shape or volume. They completely fill all the space available to them. The tendency of a gas to fill the available volume within a container is the result of the freedom that gas particles have to move everywhere in the available space. As a result the molecules of gas are in a continuous motion and are associated with high velocity and therefore high kinetic energy.

Van der Waal's forces acts in

  1. covalent crystals

  2. metallic crystals

  3. molecular crystals

  4. ionic crystals

Correct Option: C

In molecular crystals, the constituent particles are molecules. These molecules are held together by weak forces known as Van der Waal's forces. Common examples are dry ice, wax, iodine, sulphur, etc.

The crystalline solids having positive kernels as their constituents are

  1. covalent crystals

  2. molecular crystals

  3. onic crystals

  4. ketallic crystals

Correct Option: D

In metallic crystals the constituent particles are positive kernels i.e., nuclei where inner electrons are dispersed in a sea of mobile valence electrons. The forces present between the constituents are metallic bonds.

Common salt, NaCl, is an example of

  1. molecular crystals

  2. covalent crystals

  3. metallic crystals

  4. ionic crystals

Correct Option: D

The ionic crystals consist of positively and negatively charged ions arranged in a regular fashion throughout the crystal. They form a network of positive and negative ions in three dimension in such a way that cations and anions occupy alternate sites. These are held together by strong electrostatic forces.Common examples of ionic crystals are, salts like NaCl, KNO3, LiF etc. 

When a liquid converts into its vapour at its boiling point it is said to be

  1. vapourised

  2. condensed

  3. sublimised

  4. sedimentated

Correct Option: A

The conversion of a liquid into its vapour at its boiling point is called as vaporization. So ,when a liquid converts into its vapour at its boiling point it is said to be ,vapourised. During the process of evaporation, cooling always occurs. This is because during evaporation the molecules of higher kinetic energy escape. The slow moving molecules are left behind.

Souring of milk is an example of

  1. chemical change

  2. physical properties

  3. physical change

  4. chemical properties

Correct Option: A

Chemical change is the change in which a substance becomes another substance with different properties. An energy change always accompanies a chemical change either loss or gain of heat, light, or some other form of energy. Example: souring of milk, silver tarnishing, electrolysis of water.

In which of the following defects a solid has vacant lattice site?

  1. Vacancy Imperfection

  2. Interstitial Imperfection

  3. Impurity Imperfection

  4. Metal Excess Imperfection

Correct Option: A

When some of the lattice sites are vacant the solid is said to have vacancy imperfection. It decreases density of substance and can be generated by heating the solids.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of liquids?

  1. Volatility

  2. Diffussion

  3. Fixed shape

  4. Exerts vapour pressure

Correct Option: C

Liquid will always take up the same amount of space and have the same number of molecules in it. Liquids, however, do not have a definite shape. Liquids take on the shape of the containers they are in. Paint and juice are just two examples of liquids.

Which of the following factor does not affect the rate of evaporation?

  1. Temperature

  2. Strength of intermolecular forces

  3. Volume

  4. Surface area

Correct Option: C

Volume has no effect on rate of evaporation

PV = k = constant, is a mathematical expression of

  1. Charle's Law

  2. Avagadro's Law

  3. Graham's Law of diffusion

  4. Boyle's Law

Correct Option: D

Robert Boyle proposed this law , giving the relationship between pressure and volume of given mass of a gas at constant temperature. This law states that volume (V) of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional to the pressure (P) at constant temperature. Mathematically it can be expressed as, or PV = k = constant.  At a given temperature, when the pressure of the gas is changed from P1 to P2 the relation becomes P1 V1 = P2 V2 = constant where, V2 is the new volume of the gas. The product of volume and pressure for a given mass of a gas at constant temperature is constant.

Which of the following is a non stochiometric point imperfection?

  1. Vacancy imperfection

  2. Metal deficiency defect

  3. Intrestitial imperfection

  4. Impurity imperfection

Correct Option: B

It is a non stochiometric point imperfection .There are many solids which are difficult to prepare in the stoichiometric composition and contain less amount of metal as compared to stoichiometric proportion.

Gases are formed when

  1. the energy of a system increases & breaks the rigid structure of the solid state

  2. the energy in the system exceeds all of the attractive forces between molecules

  3. the attractive forces between individual molecules are greater than the energy causing them to move apart

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Gases are formed when the energy in the system exceeds all of the attractive forces between molecules. Thus gas molecules have little interaction with each other beyond occasionally bumping into one another. In the gas state, molecules move quickly and are free to move in any direction, spreading out long distances. As the temperature of the gas increases, the amount of movement of individual molecules increases. Gases expand to fill their containers and have low density.

A formula representing the simplest ratio of atoms in a molecule is

  1. chemical formula

  2. molecular formula

  3. empirical formula

  4. structural formula

Correct Option: C

An empirical formula represents the simplest whole number ratio of various atoms present in a compound. If the mass per cent of various elements present in a compound is known, it's empirical formula can be determined. Molecular formula can further be obtained if the molar mass is known.

States of matter are also known as

  1. microscopic property of matter

  2. extensive properties of matter

  3. intensive properties of matter

  4. phases of matter

Correct Option: D

Each state of matter has distinctive properties that can be used to identify it. Each of these states of matter is also known as a phase. Things can move from one phase to another phase when special forces are present. For example, temperature can cause matter to change phases. Water is a liquid but if temperatures drop low enough, water can turn to ice, which is a solid.

Given compound always contains exactly the same proportion of elements by weight. This is

  1. law of multiple proportions

  2. law of conservation of mass

  3. avogadro law

  4. law of definite proportions

Correct Option: D

This law was given by, a French chemist, Joseph Proust. He stated that a given compound always contains exactly the same proportion of elements by weight. Proust worked with two samples of cupric carbonate — one of which was of natural origin and the other was synthetic one. He found that the composition of elements present in it was same for both the samples

Which of the following is not true for ideal gas?

  1. It obeys Boyle's Law

  2. It obeys Van Der Wall's equation

  3. It obeys Charle's Law

  4. It obeys perfect gas equation

Correct Option: B

Ideal gas does not obey Van Der Wall's equation. It is obeyed by real gases. A real gas, does not obey the general gas equation and other gas laws at all conditions of temperature and pressure.

Conversion of gas into a liquid is called

  1. solidification

  2. melting

  3. condensation

  4. sublimation

Correct Option: C

Condensation can be defined as the change in the state of matter from the gaseous phase to the liquid phase. e.g.conversion of water vapours into water.

Which phase of matter does not take the shape of the container?

  1. Liquids

  2. Gas

  3. Solids

  4. Plastics

Correct Option: C

In the solid phase the molecules are closely bound to one another by molecular forces. A solid holds its shape and the volume of a solid is fixed by the shape of the solid. It never takes the shape of the container.

Properties which do not depend on the amount of matter present in the system are known as

  1. macroscopic properties

  2. microscopic properties

  3. intensive properties

  4. extensive properties

Correct Option: C

Properties that do not depend on the amount of the matter present are known as intensive property. e.g.colour ,odour, luster, malleability, conductivity, etc. Intensive properties are extremely important because every possible kind of matter possesses a unique set of intensive properties that distinguishes it from every other kind of matter. In other words, intensive properties serve to characterise matter.

The temperature above which further liquefication of gas is not possible by applying pressure is called

  1. critical pressure

  2. critical temperature

  3. critical volume

  4. critical constants

Correct Option: B

 It may be defined as the temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied by application of pressure. A gas will remain as gas above critical temperature and in order to liquefy it by compression, it has to be cooled to its critical temperature. Critical temperature is denoted by Tc.

Which of the following postulates is wrong regarding the Kinetic Theory of gases?

  1. It is based on wave nature of matter

  2. Rapid motion & collision of molecules

  3. Perfectly elastic molecular collisions

  4. Negligible forces between the molecules

Correct Option: A

In order to explain the observed behaviour of gases, a model was proposed based on the molecular and kinetic concept of gas molecules. This model takes into account the particulate nature of matter and the constant movement of particles.

Sugar solution is an example of

  1. heterogenous mixture

  2. homogenous mixture

  3. elements

  4. compounds

Correct Option: B

A mixture contains two or more substances present in it (in any ratio) which are called its components. In a homogeneous mixture, the components completely mix with each other and its composition is uniform throughout. Sugar solution, and air are thus, the examples of homogeneous mixtures.

Formula of a compound is used to calculate

  1. molecular mass

  2. formula mass

  3. average atomic mass

  4. atomic mass

Correct Option: B

Some substances such as sodium chloride do not contain discrete molecules as their constituent units. In such compounds, positive (sodium) and negative (chloride) entities are arranged in a three-dimensional structure. It may be noted that in sodium chloride, one Na+ is surrounded by six Cl-- and vice-versa. The formula such as NaCl is used to calculate the formula mass instead of molecular mass, as in the solid state sodium chloride does not exist as a single entity.

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