Zoology Test

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Which of the following is an intestinal parasite?

  1. Entamoeba

  2. Plasmodium

  3. Leishmania

  4. Trypanosoma

Correct Option: A

Plasmodium, Leishmania, Trypanosoma are blood parasite which Entamoeba lives as an intestinal parasite.

Kidneys of adult reptiles are

  1. Protonephric

  2. Mesonephric

  3. Metanephric

  4. All of these

Correct Option: C

Metanephric kidney is found in reptiles. Part of it develops from the caudal portion of the intermediate cell mass or nephrotome, the remaining portion is derived from a bud of the mesonephric duct.

Study pertaining to anus and rectum is called

  1. Myrmecology

  2. Analogy

  3. Stomology

  4. Proctology

Correct Option: D

Proctology is the branch of medicine concerned with treating disorders of colon, rectum and anus.

Recombination occurs during

  1. Linkage

  2. Sex linkage

  3. Chiasma

  4. Hybridization

Correct Option: C

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) functions as coenzyme in

  1. Cellular oxidation

  2. NAD

  3. TPP

  4. Pyridoxate

Correct Option: A

Recessive genes in both parents are responsible for

  1. Congenital diseases

  2. Communicable diseases

  3. Non-communicable disease

  4. Deficiency diseases

Correct Option: A

Congenital diseases present at birth and are caused by recessive genes in both parents.

Amount of oxygen that can combine with one gram of haemoglobin is

  1. 1·36 ml

  2. 13·4 ml

  3. 20 ml

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Which of the following groups contains animals that are not pseudocoelomate?

  1. Ancyclostoma, Drancunculus

  2. Taenia, Ascaris

  3. Ancyclostoma, Ascaris

  4. Enterobius, Wuchereria

Correct Option: B

Taenia (tapeworm) belongs to the acoelomate phylum platyhelminthes.

Balbiani rings are the structural features of

  1. Allosomes

  2. Polytene chromosomes

  3. Lampbrush chromosomes

  4. Autosomes

Correct Option: B

Balbiani rings are large RNA puffs reported in the salivary gland chromosomes of chironomus during larval development.

Which of the following enzymes participates in the repair of DNA by catalyzing the addition of mononucleotide units?

  1. Polymerase I

  2. Polymerase II

  3. Polymerase III

  4. DNA methyltransferase

Correct Option: A

Haemozoin is a toxic substance formed in case of malaria. It is produced by

  1. Dead WBCs

  2. Globin protein of RBCs

  3. Colour Pigment of RBCs

  4. Cryptozoites

Correct Option: C

Haemozoin is an insoluble digestion product of malarial parasites produced from haemoglobin.

Which vitamin is destroyed on heating?

  1. C

  2. A

  3. D

  4. K

Correct Option: A

An autoimmune disease in which the body destroys the thyroid gland is

  1. Cretinism

  2. Simmond's disease

  3. Hashimoto's disease

  4. Myxodema

Correct Option: C

Hashimoto's disease is also known as 'suicide of thyroid gland'. It is most frequently seen in middle aged women.

Flame cells are excretory organs of

  1. Leech

  2. Nereis

  3. Earthworm

  4. Tapeworm

Correct Option: D

Trisomy of chromosome number 21 in man causes

  1. Thalassemia

  2. Down's syndrome

  3. Turner's syndrome

  4. Sickle cell anaemia

Correct Option: B

The facial features of Down's syndromes resemble to mongol, an Asian ethnic group.

Which one of the following correctly explains the term 'chimaera'?

  1. Breaking a part of chromosome segment during mutation

  2. During mutation at segregation, chromosomes become equally distributed

  3. Development of genetically diverse tissues in the same organism

  4. Spontaneously induced deletions

Correct Option: C

Chimaera is composed of genetically diverse tissues in most cases in a plant more rarely in an animal.

Which one of the following is hydrogen acceptor?

  1. CoA

  2. DNA

  3. NAD+

  4. ATP

Correct Option: C

Restriction endonuclease is used in

  1. Regeneration of tissues

  2. Cell fractionation

  3. Tissue culture

  4. Genetic engineering

Correct Option: D

There are three general types of restriction enzymes type I and III cleave DNA away from recognition sites. Type II restriction endonucleases DNA at specific recognition sites.

In genetic engineering, recombinant DNA means

  1. DNA not associated with recombination

  2. DNA which takes part in recombination

  3. DNA with a piece of foreign DNA

  4. DNA with a piece of RNA

Correct Option: C

The term recombinant DNA is applied to DNA molecules produced by in vitro ligation of DNA from two different organisms.

When the action potential begins, the sodium gates open, allowing Na+ to cross the membrane. Now the polarity changes to

  1. Negative outside and positive inside

  2. Positive outside and negative inside

  3. There is no difference in change between outside and inside

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Nonsense codons are present in

  1. t-RNA

  2. m-RNA

  3. Ribosomal RNA

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Some codons signify termination of the amino acid chain. These are called nonsense codons. UAG, UAA and UGA respectively known as amber, ochre and opal.

The type of immunoglobulin present in the colostrum secreted by mammary glands is

  1. Ig A

  2. Ig G

  3. Ig D

  4. Ig E

Correct Option: A

IgA is the predominant immunoglobulin in external secretions such as breast milk, saliva, tears and mucus of the bronchial genito urinary and digestive tracts.

The functional kidney of frog tadpole is

  1. Pronephros

  2. Archinephros

  3. Metanephros

  4. Mesonephros

Correct Option: A

The functional kidney of a frog tadpole is pronephros (head kidney) developed from nephrotomes in the anterior regions.

The food in sponges is stored in

  1. Porocytes

  2. Choanocytes

  3. Thesocytes

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

During embryonic period, animals repeat embryonic stages of their ancestors. This law is called

  1. Florkin's law

  2. Hardy-Weinberg's law

  3. Biogenetic law

  4. Anaximander's law

Correct Option: C

Baer's law was reinterpreted in the light of evolutionary theory by Muller and Haeckel (1864) and named as 'Biogenetic law'.

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