Biology Mixed Test - 7

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Directions: The following question has four choices out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

Beta interferons are produced by

  1. leucocytes

  2. lymphocytes

  3. fibroblasts

  4. thrombocytes

Correct Option: C

They produce beta inteferons.

The five kingdom classification of living organisms was proposed by

  1. Engler and Prantl

  2. Whittaker

  3. Linnaeus

  4. Bentham and Hooker

Correct Option: B

Whittaker (1969) gave the 'five kingdom classification' based on which he classified living organisms in five groups: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.

Directions: The following question has four choices out of which only one is correct.

Multinucleated and multiciliated asexual spores of Vaucheria are called

  1. zoospores

  2. aplanospores

  3. meiospores

  4. synzoospore

Correct Option: D

It is supposed to be formed by the fusion of many zoospores. Hence, it consists of many nuclei and flagella. It is called synzoospore.

Agrobacterium rhizogenes consists of

  1. F factor

  2. Col factor

  3. Ti factor

  4. Ri factor

Correct Option: D

Root inducing plasmid which induces profuse rooting in infected plants.

Which of the following statements is true about guttation in plants?

  1. It involves exudation of water through roots.

  2. It involves exudation of water through stomatal apertures.

  3. It involves exudation of water and salts through roots and leaf margins.

  4. It involves exudation of water and salts through hydathodes.

Correct Option: D

Hydathodes are specialised openings on leaves to facilitate guttation and it involves exudation of water along with some solutes as evident on examination of the fluid deposited.

The most common parasitic disease of human is

  1. Schistosomiasis

  2. Malaria

  3. Amoebic dysentry

  4. Botulism

Correct Option: B

It is the most common parasitic disease caused by a parasite of the genus Plasmodium.

Taxonomic study is divided into three categories except

  1. alpha taxonomy

  2. beta taxonomy

  3. gamma taxonomy

  4. omega taxonomy

Correct Option: C

It is not included in taxonomic study. There is no such branch.

Diatoms have

  1. cell wall of cellulose

  2. cell wall of silica

  3. no cell wall

  4. flagellated cell wall

Correct Option: B

Diatoms are a group of algae characterised by the presence of a silicated cell wall called frustule.

Which of the following is not an eukaryote?

  1. Monera

  2. Protista

  3. Fungi

  4. Plantae

Correct Option: A

It is a prokaryote as it has nucleus and membrane bound organelles.

Which of the following is correct regarding lytic cycle of viruses?

  1. Viral genome integrates with host DNA.

  2. Virus is non virulent.

  3. Causes cell lysis

  4. Virus does not replicate in host cell.

Correct Option: C

 Virus causes host cell lysis and some number of virus particles are liberated.

Viroids are

  1. infectious RNA particles

  2. infectious DNA particles

  3. large in size

  4. non replicating particles

Correct Option: A

 Viroids are infectious RNA paricles which are devoid of protein coat. They are obligate parasites of low molecular weight.

What is common between Coelacanth, Cycads, Gingko tree and Horsetails?

  1. They all are trace fossils.

  2. They are index fossils.

  3. They are all living fossils.

  4. They are extinct plants.

Correct Option: C

It is correct because the plants are still found and have very less taxonomic diversity.

The process which immediately precedes germination is

  1. osmosis

  2. imbibition

  3. dispersion

  4. venation

Correct Option: B

It is correct because imbibition involves absorption of water to loose the seed coats and activates the dormant seed by starting the life processes.

The microbes used by Chaim Weizmann in 1917 for manufacturing corn starch to produce acetone, which was also used as an explosive in World War I, was

  1. Ephedra vulgaris

  2. Clostridium acetobutylicum

  3. Arabdiopsis thaliana

  4. Bacillus thuringiensis

Correct Option: B

Clostridium acetobutylicum is also called as Weizmann organism, because it was first used by Weizmann.

Genetically altered mammalian cells, such as Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO), are used in the production of

  1. insecticides

  2. alcohol

  3. biopharmaceuticals

  4. biofertilizers

Correct Option: C

Modern biotechnology uses genetically altered microorganisms, plants or mammalian cells in biopharmaceuticals.

Guttation in plants occur due to

  1. root pressure

  2. transpiration

  3. respiration

  4. turgidity of cells

Correct Option: A

Root pressure pulls the water level up and excess water absorbed during water logged condition along with some salt, is given out through hydathodes in leaves which is guttation.

ATP is generated in

  1. thylakoid walls of mitochondria

  2. membrane wall of mitochondria

  3. cristae walls of mitochondria

  4. amyloplasts

Correct Option: C

It is correct because the cristae of mitochondria have the enzyme ATP synthetase for ATP manufacture.

What is the composition of type II restriction endonuclease?

  1. It is a three-subunit enzyme with endonuclease and methylase activities.

  2. It is a single subunit enzyme in which endonuclease and methylase are seperate.

  3. It is a two subunit complexes, in which endonuclease and methylase are seperate.

  4. It is a two subunit enzyme, with endonuclease and methylase actiivities.

Correct Option: B

This enzyme is very much useful to recombinant DNA researches than the other two types.

Cosmid is a vector used in

  1. subcloning and downstream manipulation

  2. genomic DNA cloning

  3. genomic library construction

  4. analysis of large genomes

Correct Option: C

This is the major application of cosmid.

Restriction enzyme and ligase were used to recombine DNA in 1973 by

  1. Georges Kohler and Cesar Milstein

  2. Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer

  3. Herbert Boyer and Robert Swanson

  4. Kary Mullis and coworkers

Correct Option: B

Used restriction enzymes and ligases to recombine DNA in 1973.

World's first biotechnologically manufactured medicine, developed in the year 1982 was

  1. human insulin

  2. penicillin

  3. protropin

  4. activase

Correct Option: A

Human insulin was the first recombinant medicine to be approved for use. The drug is marketed by the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly under licence from Genentech.

The first draft of human genome project was published in the year

  1. 1997

  2. 1998

  3. 2001

  4. 2003

Correct Option: C

The first draft of the human genome was published in 2001.


Which of the following diseases in humans is known to be caused by a spore forming bacteria?

  1. Pneumonia

  2. Typhoid

  3. Tetanus

  4. Tuberculosis

Correct Option: C

Clostridum tetani which causes tetanus and bacillus anthracis which causes anthrax in cattle are the only spore producing bacteria known.

Red biotechnology is the term used to address

  1. biological problems using computational techniques

  2. biotechnology applied to agricultural processes

  3. biotechnology applied to medical processes

  4. biotechnology applied to industrial purposes

Correct Option: C

Biotechnology applied to medical processes is addressed to red biotechnology. 

Psychrophilic bacteria are those bacteria that grow best in

  1. extreme temperature conditions

  2. excessively saline conditions

  3. low gravity areas

  4. low aeration areas

Correct Option: A

They are called psychrophiles.

The inherent capacity of a cell to regenerate whole new organism is called

  1. ontogeny

  2. totipotency

  3. phylogeny

  4. proliferation

Correct Option: B

Totipotency is the ability of a cell, such as an egg, to give rise to unlike cells and thus to develop into or generate a new organism or part.

Which of the following is a neurotropic disease?

  1. Poliomyelitis

  2. Hepatitis A

  3. Rubella

  4. SARS

Correct Option: A

It infects the neuro motor cells. Hence, it is a neurotropic disease.

According to five kingdom classification, algae are studied under

  1. kingdom protista

  2. kingdom monera

  3. kingdom plantae

  4. kingdom fungi

Correct Option: C

Algae is studied in Kingdom plantae.

Diaminopimelic acid, an amino acid derivative, is present in the cell wall of

  1. E.coli

  2. Nostoc

  3. Oscillatoria

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

All the above consists of diaminopimelic acid in their cell wall.

Which of the following is not an influential condition encountered in researches involving recombinant DNA technology?

  1. Negative pressure air locks in laboratories.

  2. Experiments should be done in laminar-flow hoods with filtered air.

  3. Experiments should be done in laminar-flow hoods with exhaust air.

  4. Vectors are genetically designed to increase the probability of dissemination of rDNA outside laboratory.

Correct Option: D

Vectors are genetically designed to decrease the probability of dissemination of recombinant DNA outside laboratory, because it prevents their survival in the outer environment.

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