Description: General knowledge, general awareness, current affairs, IQ
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: general knowledge general awareness current affairs IQ General Awareness Sports Business GK Inventions & Discoveries Persons in News
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Parvathy Omanakuttan, a 21-year-old village girl from Kerala emerged as ____ at the Miss World Beauty Pageant held at the Sandton Convention Center in South Africa in 2008.

  1. the winner

  2. the second runner up

  3. the first runner up`

  4. the third

Correct Option: C

Which of the following companies launched the first environment friendly PC - iameco?

  1. MicroPro Computers, Ireland

  2. GreenTech Support, Ireland

  3. Microsoft Inc, USA

  4. Apple computers Inc, USA

Correct Option: A

It has been developed using biodegradable wood panels made from waste products in the lumber and pulp industry.

In December 2008, which country reported the development of world's first diamond laser using a technique based on Raman effect?

  1. India

  2. USA

  3. Australia

  4. Germany

Correct Option: C

In 2009, who won the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score?

  1. Simon Beaufoy

  2. A R Rahman

  3. Dev Patel

  4. Danny Boyle

Correct Option: B

He won this award for Danny Boyle's movie 'Slumdog Millionare' which tells the heart warming story of an 18-year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai who goes on to win a staggering Rs. 20 million ($420,000) on India's Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? game show.

The present (2010) Prime Minister of Thailand is

  1. Abhisit Vejjajiva

  2. Thaksin Shinawatra

  3. Pracha Promnok

  4. Sukhum Wongprasit

Correct Option: A

Which among the following is described as one of the last scientifically unexplored region of the world because of little knowledge about its ecology and biodiversity?

  1. The Sunderban

  2. Amazon Valley

  3. Thar Desert

  4. The Greater Mekong

Correct Option: D

Who among the following spent his lifetime to differentiate plants into Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons?

  1. William Harvey

  2. Thomas Newcomen

  3. Issac Newton

  4. John Ray

Correct Option: D

World's first newspaper was started in Germany in the year

  1. 1520 AD

  2. 1609 AD

  3. 1558 AD

  4. 1738 AD

Correct Option: B

They originally started as company newsletters and gradually turned into publications of political news.

Which of the following was the winner of the Singapore Open 2008?

  1. Padraig Harrington

  2. Jeev Milkha Singh

  3. Ernie Els

  4. Lam Chih Bing

Correct Option: B

Miss World 2008 belongs to

  1. China

  2. USA

  3. India

  4. Russia

Correct Option: D

Who invented “wireless telegraph” based on radio waves?

  1. Guglielmo Marconi

  2. William Ramsay

  3. Eugene Prozolt

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

The first public electricity supply system was opened in 1882 in

  1. London

  2. New York

  3. Washington

  4. Montreal

Correct Option: B

It was built by Thomas Edison.

Who was/were presented the Minorities Rights Award 2008 by the National Commission on Minorities?

  1. Shabnam Hashmi

  2. Dr. Inderjit Kaur

  3. Amarytya Sen

  4. Both 1 and 2

Correct Option: D

Which parliamentary committee was investigating the “cash for votes” scam in the Lok session by three BJP MPs?

  1. The Kishore Chandra Deo Parliamentary Committee

  2. The Raipathy Sambashiva Rao Committee

  3. Parliamentary Standing Committee

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Which of the following was presented the the Shilp Guru Award?

  1. Shri Lal Joshi

  2. Shri Iqbal Ahmed

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Who is the current (2009) speaker of Delhi assembly?

  1. Chaudhary Prem Singh

  2. Dr. Yoganand Shastri

  3. Vijay Kumar Malhotra

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Which country has been ranked first in Education For All Development Index in the Global Monitoring Report (GMR) 2009 survey?

  1. Kazakhistan

  2. Japan

  3. Germany

  4. Norway

Correct Option: A

First public Botanical Garden was opened in 1544 in

  1. Spain

  2. Britain

  3. Italy

  4. China

Correct Option: C

In 2008, which international celebrity was named the Person of the Year by animal-rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)?

  1. Barrack Obama

  2. Oprah Winfrey

  3. Ratan Tata

  4. Aishwarya Rai Bachhan

Correct Option: B

Who is the first US Assistant Secretary of State to resign in the transition to the Obama administration?

  1. Condolezza Rice

  2. James Baker

  3. David Welch

  4. Elliott Abrams

Correct Option: C

What is “Charter 08”?

  1. A document by the UN revealing human rights disasters and social crises in China.

  2. A document by Chinese citizens that calls for a new constitution to establish multiparty democracy in China.

  3. A document giving scathing account of Communist rule in Russia.

  4. No of these

Correct Option: B

US President Barrack Obama announced the closure of which of the following detention centers after coming to office?

  1. Camp Bulkeley

  2. Camp Delta

  3. Guantanamo Bay detention centre

  4. No such announcement was made.

Correct Option: C

Who succeed Mr. Kamath as the Chief of the ICICI Bank?

  1. T.S. Narayanaswami

  2. O.P. Bhatt

  3. Chanda Kochhar

  4. Ajai Chawdhry

Correct Option: C

What is the original name of the secret informant “Deep Throat” in the Watergate scandal?

  1. Carl Bernstein

  2. Joan Felt

  3. Bob Woodward

  4. Mark Felt

Correct Option: D

In 2008, which airlines planned to try a new environmental program to execute the longest green journey on its inaugural flight from Dubai to San Francisco, representing the world's first cross-polar green flight?

  1. Quantas

  2. Emirates

  3. Singapore Airlines

  4. British Airways

Correct Option: B
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