Psychology - 1

Description: PSYCHOLOGY
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: UPSC MEDICAL ENTRANCE MBBS GK(SCIENCE) General Biology Branches of Science Circle Physics
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_____ is defined as the false fixed belief and not in accord with one's intelligence and cultural background.

  1. Delusion

  2. Perseveration

  3. Ideas of guilt

  4. Illusion

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is not classified under the disorder of the motor activity?

  1. Compulsion

  2. Automatism

  3. Flight of ideas

  4. Negativism

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is not classified under the disturbance of thought?

  1. Delusion

  2. Hypochondriasis

  3. Derestic thinking

  4. Illusion

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is/are classified under the disorders of the perception?

  1. Illusion

  2. Hallucination

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Delusion

Correct Option: C

Which type of personality is always kind, quiet, submissive, sympathetic and gloomy?

  1. Hypo manic personality

  2. Melancholic personality

  3. Hysterical personality

  4. Cyclothymic personality

Correct Option: B

Which defence mechanism is normally seen in the latency period?

  1. Repression

  2. Conversion

  3. Denial

  4. Projection

Correct Option: D

Which subsystem of personality is/are concerned with immediate gratification of instinctual needs, biological drives like hunger, sex, etc?

  1. Id

  2. Ego

  3. Super ego

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: A

_____ is described as the part of mind in which ideas and reactions are stored and partially forgotten.

  1. Conscious level

  2. Pre conscious

  3. Unconscious

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

According to Freud's psycho-sexual development, the phallic stage comes in which age category?

  1. 0-2 years

  2. 2-3 years

  3. 3-6 years

  4. 6-12 years

Correct Option: C

Radha is always withdrawn and occupied in herself, manages the stressful situation alone. Name the personality of Radha.

  1. Introvert

  2. Extrovert

  3. Athletic

  4. Geomorphic

Correct Option: A

Which type personality shows the alternating period of elation and depression?

  1. Schizoid personality

  2. Hypo manic personality

  3. Paranoid personality

  4. Cyclothymic personality

Correct Option: D

In the Freud's psycho-sexual development, the latency stage comes in which age category?

  1. 0-2 years

  2. 2-3 years

  3. 3-6 years

  4. 6-12 years

Correct Option: D

Which type of personality suspects about others always?

  1. Cyclothymic personality

  2. Melancholic personality

  3. Schizoid personality

  4. Paranoid personality

Correct Option: D

Who described the psycho-sexual development of the personality?

  1. Freud

  2. Allen Charz

  3. Joseph Maor

  4. Karl Lawman

Correct Option: A

_____ refers to the aggregate of physical and mental qualities of individual's as these interact and function in a characteristic function with the environment.

  1. Mind

  2. Adoption

  3. Mental adoption

  4. Personality

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is/are called the subsystem of personality?

  1. Id

  2. Ego

  3. Super ego

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

What are the factor(s) which influence(s) the personality?

  1. Self

  2. Environment

  3. Heredity

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

_____ is defined as the series of techniques, methods or process by which an individual tries to meet the environmental, spiritual or psychological changes and maintains a satisfactory equilibrium with the world.

  1. Adjustment

  2. Malediction

  3. Social stigma

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Personality is the word derived from the Latin word _________.

  1. Persona

  2. Mama

  3. Porcine

  4. Purine

Correct Option: A

_____ means all the covert and overt activities of the human being that can be observed.

  1. Behavior

  2. Mind

  3. Insanity

  4. Personality

Correct Option: A

_____ is the systematic and scientific study of human behavior.

  1. Psychology

  2. Philosophy

  3. Psychiatry

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

_____ concerns with structure and functions of sense organs, nervous system, muscles and glands underlying all the behavior.

  1. Physiological psychology

  2. Relational psychology

  3. Abnormal psychology

  4. Applied psychology

Correct Option: A

_____ deals with behavior of an individual as it is influenced by others and how an individual influence others.

  1. Genetic psychology

  2. Relation psychology

  3. Social psychology

  4. Clinical psychology

Correct Option: C

_____ refers to study of the techniques usually employed in the diagnosis and treatment of the mentally and emotionally abnormal personalities.

  1. Genetic psychology

  2. Relation psychology

  3. Child psychology

  4. Clinical psychology

Correct Option: D

_____ is a medical specialty and is devoted to the study, diagnosis and treatment of the mentally ill.

  1. Psychology

  2. Psychiatry

  3. Chronology

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B
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