Marketing GK

Description: Marketing GK
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: General Knowledge Retail Management MBA Commerce Bank BBA BBS BCA Banking Awareness
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What is/are Short Term Credit Source(s)?

  1. Loan and Advance (upto one year)

  2. Bank Credit

  3. Short Term Loan

  4. All of the above

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

Correct Answer: All of the above

Which is the type of Customers?

  1. Consumer customer

  2. Industrial customer

  3. Reseller customer

  4. International customer

  5. All of these

Correct Option: E

Which is factor of organisation's Policy?

  1. Accounting Policy

  2. Production and Purchasing Policy

  3. Research and Development

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Which is the type of customer of bank?

  1. Consumer customer

  2. Industrial customer

  3. Reseller customer

  4. A and B are both

  5. All of these

Correct Option: D

Which is/are the main internal factor(s) of a banking environment?

  1. Staff

  2. Present and potential customer

  3. Market

  4. All of the above

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A

Which is/are the internal factor(s) of marketing environment?

  1. Target of organisation

  2. Concept of firm

  3. Resources of the organisation

  4. Production method

  5. All of the above

Correct Option: E

Correct Answer: All of the above

Which is/are the controllable factor(s) of marketing environment?

  1. Aim of marketing department

  2. Policy of the firm

  3. Organisational structure

  4. Marketing policy

  5. All of the above

Correct Option: E

External marketing factor of a bank is

  1. consumer of the bank

  2. property of the bank

  3. assets of the bank

  4. loan of the bank

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A

Marketing intermediaries are____

  1. Retailer or Wholesaler

  2. Personal Selling

  3. Advertisement

  4. Government

  5. All of these

Correct Option: A

The suppliers can be selected by____

  1. Regularity in goods supply

  2. Quality of goods

  3. Price of supply

  4. All of these

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

Market demand is affected by

  1. nature of demand

  2. size of demand

  3. changes in demand

  4. All of the above

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

Which is marketing intermediaries of a bank?

  1. Direct Sales Agetent

  2. ATM

  3. Credit Card

  4. Debit Card

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A

Macro and micro environments of marketing involve

  1. suppliers

  2. rules and policies of government

  3. customers

  4. public

  5. All of the above

Correct Option: E

Public includes____

  1. Financial Public

  2. Media Public

  3. Government Public

  4. General Public

  5. All of these

Correct Option: E

Civil action Publics are____

  1. Minority Union

  2. Consumer Protection Association

  3. Social Association

  4. All of these

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

Which is the part of Media Public?

  1. Shareholders or Debentureholders

  2. Radio

  3. Food Inspector

  4. Managers

  5. Customer

Correct Option: B

Bank is a____

  1. Financial Publics

  2. Government Publics

  3. General Publics

  4. Internal Publics

  5. All of these

Correct Option: A

Government policies are

  1. purchasing policies of the government

  2. subsidy Policies

  3. production and distribution policies of public sector

  4. policies relating to marketing of a public sector

  5. All of the above

Correct Option: E

Which is the Internal Public of a bank?

  1. Staff of the bank

  2. Managers of a bank

  3. Directors of the bank

  4. All of these

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

Which is part of Government Publics?

  1. Income Tax and Sales Tax Officer

  2. Customer

  3. Society

  4. Bank

  5. All of these

Correct Option: A

Match the following:

List – I (Type of Customer) List – II (Functions)
1. Consumer customer (a) Domestic customer
2. Industrial customer (b) Company
3. Reseller customer (c) Retailer Manufacturing
4. International customer (d) Import
(e) Competitor
  1. 1 - (a), 2 - (b), 3 - (c), 4 - (d)

  2. 1 - (c), 2 - (d), 3 - (b), 4 - (a)

  3. 1 - (c), 2 - (a), 3 - (b), 4 - (d)

  4. 1 - (a), 2 - (d), 3 - (c), 4 - (b)

  5. 1 - (d), 2 - (a), 3 - (b), 4 - (c)

Correct Option: A

Maching the following:

List–I (Factor of Marketing Environment) List–II (Elements)
1. Marketing Intermediaries (a) Distribution
2. Suppliers (b) Credit condition
3. Government Rules (c) Competition Protection Rules
4. Public (d) Shareholders
(e) Consumer

  1. 1 - (a) 2 - (b) 3 - (c) 4 - (d)

  2. 1 - (e) 2 - (b) 3 - (a) 4 - (d)

  3. 1 - (c) 2 - (a) 3 - (b) 4 - (d)

  4. 1 - (a) 2 - (d) 3 - (c) 4 - (b)

  5. 1 - (b) 2 - (a) 3 - (d) 4 - (e)

Correct Option: A

Match the following:

List–I (Types of Public) List–II (Example)
1. Financial Public (a) Debenture holder
2. Media Public (b) TV
3. Government Public (c) Income Tax Officer
4. Local Public (d) Panchayat
(e) Staff
  1. 1 - (a) 2 - (b) 3 - (c) 4 - (d)

  2. 1 - (b) 2 - (d) 3 - (a) 4 - (c)

  3. 1 - (c) 2 - (a) 3 - (b) 4 - (d)

  4. 1 - (a) 2 - (d) 3 - (b) 4 - (c)

  5. 1 - (e) 2 - (a) 3 - (b) 4 - (d)

Correct Option: A

Match the following:

List – I (Type of Bank’s Customer) List – II (Example)
1. Consumer (a) The person who takes educational loan from a bank
2. Industrial Customer (b) The person or firm who takes loan for production
3. Reseller Customer (c) The person who borrowed the fund from the bank for re-financing
4. International Customer (d) The person who lives in USA and purchase the product of a bank
(e) The person who is appointed as manager in the bank
  1. 1 - (a), 2 - (b), 3 - (c), 4 - (d)

  2. 1 - (b), 2 - (d), 3 - (c), 4 - (a)

  3. 1 - (c), 2 - (a), 3 - (b), 4 - (d)

  4. 1 - (a), 2 - (c), 3 - (b), 4 - (d)

  5. 1 - (e), 2 - (a), 3 - (b), 4 - (d)

Correct Option: A

Match the following:

List–I (Type of Bank’s Public) List–II (Example)
1. Civil action Publics (a) Consumer Forum
2. Government Public (b) Service Tax Officer
3. Media Public (c) News Paper
4. Financial Public (d) Investor
(e) Staff
  1. 1 - (a) 2 - (b) 3 - (d) 4 - (c)

  2. 1 - (a) 2 - (b) 3 - (c) 4 - (d)

  3. 1 - (c) 2 - (a) 3 - (b) 4 - (e)

  4. 1 - (d) 2 - (b) 3 - (a) 4 - (c)

  5. 1 - (b) 2 - (d) 3 - (a) 4 - (c)

Correct Option: B
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