Synthetic Fibres and Plastics - 2

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Which of the following synthetic fibres is/are used for making a device used to slow down the movement of an object as it falls or moves through the air?

  1. Acrylic

  2. Nylon

  3. Cotton

  4. Polyester

  5. Both (1) and (2)

Correct Option: B

A parachute is a device used to slow down the movement of a person or an object when such person/object falls or moves through the air. Parachute is made of nylon because it is more elastic, more resistant to mildew and less expensive.

Which of the following fibres is used as a cheaper substitute of wool?

  1. Rayon

  2. Teflon

  3. Acrylic

  4. Nylon

  5. Terylene

Correct Option: C

Acrylic is a popular synthetic fibre that is used as a cheaper substitute of wool. It can be dyed and is available in vibrant colours.

Name a polymer occurs naturally?

  1. woollen

  2. cellulose

  3. rayon

  4. petrochemicals

  5. both (1) and (2)

Correct Option: B

Polymers that occur naturally is cellulose. Cellulose is made up of a large number of glucose units.

The raw materials for manufacturing synthetic fibres are obtained from (a) wood (b) coal (c) petroleum (d) water

  1. Both (a) and (b)

  2. Both (a) and (d)

  3. Both (b) and (c)

  4. (a), (b) and (c)

  5. (b), (c) and (d)

Correct Option: D

 Wood, coal and petroleum are used as raw materials for manufacturing synthetic fibres.

All the synthetic fibres are prepared by a number of processes using raw material obtained from

  1. animals

  2. bacteria

  3. plants

  4. dead organisms

  5. none of these

Correct Option: C

  Synthetic fibres are made from cellulose, which comes from th plants.

Which of the following materials is used in the making of a fireman's uniform?

  1. Teflon

  2. Melamine

  3. Ryon

  4. Acrylic

  5. Terylene

Correct Option: B

 Melamine is a special type of synthetic plastic which is fire resistant and is used in the making of uniforms of firemen. Teflon is also a synthetic fibre but it is not fire resistant.

Which of the following is/are matched correctly? (a) PVC - Thermoplastic (b) PET - Thermosetting plastic (c) Polyethylene - Thermoplastic

  1. Only (a)

  2. Only (b)

  3. Only (c)

  4. All of these

  5. Both (2) and (3)

Correct Option: D

 PVC is a thermoplastic. Also, polyethylene is a type of polymer that is a thermoplastic and PET is a thermosetting plastic.

Which of the following types of plastic is/are used to make electric plugs and switches?

  1. PVC

  2. Bakelite

  3. Melamine

  4. Both (2) and (3)

Correct Option: D

 Electric plugs and switches are made of thermosetting plastics because they are bad conductors of heat and electricity. So, bakelite and melamine both are used to manufacture plugs and switches.

Which of the following objects can be recycled? (a) Cooker handles (b) Plastic toys
(c) Plastic carry bags (d) Wooden chairs (e) Ballpoint pens

  1. a, c and d

  2. b, c, d and e

  3. both a and d

  4. both b and c

  5. a, b, c, d and e

Correct Option: D

 Recycling is the process of recovering and reprocessing the material into useful products, sometimes completely different in form from their original state. Both plastic carry bags and toys can be recycled.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of synthetic fibres?

  1. Synthetic fibres are cheaper than natural fibres.

  2. Natural fibres are stronger than synthetic fibres.

  3. Synthetic fabrics get dried up in less time.

  4. Synthetic fibres are readily available.

Correct Option: B

Fibres which are obtained from natural sources are called natural fibres. For example – cotton, silk, wool, etc. Synthetic fibres are small units of chemicals joined together in the form of chain and these are more durable and stronger than natural fibres.

Which of the following substances is not a constituent of artificial silk?

  1. Rayon

  2. Polyester

  3. Jute

  4. Mercerised cotton

Correct Option: C

Artificial silk or (as the term is used in the textile industry) Art silk is a synthetically manufactured fibre which resembles silk but is cheaper to produce. Art silk is just a synonym for rayon and it is also sometimes called bamboo silk. In the present day, imitation silk may be made with rayon, mercerised cotton, polyester, a blend of these materials, or a blend of rayon and silk.

Which of the following fibres has properties similar to that of silk?

  1. Bakelite

  2. Nylon

  3. Maleamine

  4. Rayon

Correct Option: D

Both silk and rayon are highly durable and versatile and have the same comfort properties. 

Which of the following is/are biodegradable?

  1. Aluminium cans

  2. Wood

  3. Tin cans

  4. Plastic bag

Correct Option: B

 Wood is a biodegreable substance because it is decomposed by the action of microorganisms.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of vulcanised rubber?

  1. It does not melt upon heating.

  2. It is resistant to chemical attack.

  3. It is an insoluble thermosetting polymer.

  4. It possesses weak covalent bonds.

Correct Option: D

 When rubber is vulcanised, it becomes cross-linked. This linking of stronger bonds makes vulcanised rubber over 10 times stronger than natural rubber. 

Which of the following is a popular polyester?

  1. Terylene

  2. Nylon

  3. Teflon

  4. Polythene

Correct Option: A

Terylene is a popular polyester. It can be drawn into very fine fibres that can be woven like any other yarn.

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