Verbal Ability (Mixed)

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Directions: Choose the one word to replace the sentence/phrase below.

A person who wants to preserve the existing order of things, feeling content or safe with things as they are.

  1. Conservationist

  2. Conservative

  3. Pragmatist

  4. Optimist

Correct Option: B

 A pragmatist is someone who beleives only facts. A conservative is a persn who does not welcome change.

Directions: Mark the odd word out.

  1. Philistine

  2. Vulgar

  3. Boorish

  4. Precocious

Correct Option: D

 Precocious is a person who is gifted beyond years. All other words represent uncultured persons.

Directions: For the given capitalized word, pick the option that is closest in meaning.


  1. Ingenious

  2. Crafty

  3. Diplomatic

  4. Candid

Correct Option: D

Ingenuous is someone who is frank and sincere. Candid means the same.

Directions: Choose the option, which best illustrates the given capatalized word.


  1. Grandma is always worriying about her health.

  2. Sandra is always suspicious that her competitor is scheming to beat her hollow.

  3. The criminals were constantly looking over their shoulders checking whether someone was following them or not.

  4. The Mugal emperor who built Taj got the hands of his master architect amputated because of the fear of any replication.

Correct Option: B

 Paranoid is usually associated with excessive suspicion of the motives of others.

Directions: Mark the odd word out.

  1. Gloomy

  2. Orthodox

  3. Sad

  4. Dour

Correct Option: B

 Orthodox is a person having conservative beliefs; all other words represent gloomy demeanour.

Directions: For the given capitalized word, pick the option that is farthest in meaning.


  1. Greedy

  2. Gullible

  3. Tactless

  4. Generous

Correct Option: D

 Vulturous is greedy; generous is the opposite in meaning.

Directions: Choose the pair that has the similar relationship as the pair in capital letters.


  1. Celibate : Lecherousness

  2. Agitator : Pogrom

  3. Buccaneer : Greed

  4. Virtuoso : Practice

Correct Option: A

 The lead pair is a set of antonymous words: a crafty person lacks simplicity and strightforwardness. Similarly lecherousness is a trait extraneous to and opposite of the nature of a celibate (a person who indulges in abstinence).

Directions: Choose the one word to replace the sentence/phrase below.

A person who feels he is the centre of the universe.

  1. Alter ego

  2. Egophobic

  3. Egomaniac

  4. Egoist

Correct Option: D

The root word here is 'ego', which means 'I'. An egomaniac is one who is obsessed with himself to the extent of being dangerous, an egophobic is afraid of himself and an alter ego is someone who is just the same as one. The person who thinks and talks about himself is known as an egoist.

Directions: Choose the option, which best illustrates the given capatalized word.


  1. The student tried to better her scores in the exam.

  2. India is satisfied about its defence readiness after the pokhran tests.

  3. Iris overlooked her mistake and accepted her with open arms.

  4. He never cares about the details

Correct Option: B

 Complacency (Com + Plac  = together + pleased) is a state of satisfaction with how things are. Only (2) represents such state. 

Directions: Choose the option, which best illustrates the given capatalized word.


  1. Julian shifted loyalties from the communists to the democrats.

  2. I told mother about the girl's elopement with the boy of another caste.

  3. Though he has been a congress-man for life he has continually shifted camps within the party.

  4. Lee Kwa Yuan raised his voice against the brutal massacre at the tianamen square.

Correct Option: A

 An apostate is a person who forsakes his own cause, party or religion. None of the options, except option 1 has illustrated this feature.

Directions: Choose the pair that has the similar relationship as the pair in capital letters.


  1. Inept : Capacity

  2. Indecisive : Determination

  3. Incurable : Treatment

  4. Insensitive : Stoic

Correct Option: B

 An inerudite person lacks knowledge; an indecisive person lacks determination.

Directions: Choose the pair that has the similar relationship as the pair in capital letters.


  1. Philistine : Vulgar

  2. Steadfast : Staunch

  3. Prodigy : Doltish

  4. Prurient : Immoral

Correct Option: C

 A pair of antonyms. A libertarian (lax) is not exacting (strict); a prodigy (genius) is not doltish (dull). 

Directions: Mark the odd word out.

  1. Austere

  2. Self-abnegating

  3. Hermetic

  4. Aesthete

Correct Option: D

 Aesthete is a worldly person with a sense of beauty. All other words represent simplicity or renunciation of worldly pursuits.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word from the given options and fill in the blank..

Romance fiction is considered to be a very low form of ___________.

  1. science

  2. literature

  3. art

  4. fact

Correct Option: B

 Fiction belong o the category of literature.

Directions: Choose the one word to replace the sentence/phrase below.

The meat of a deer.

  1. Venison

  2. Ham

  3. Pork

  4. Scallops

Correct Option: A

 Ham and Pork  are terms for the meat of a pig, scallops is a sea food. The correct word is 'venison'.

Directions: Choose the one word to replace the sentence/phrase below.

An expert on treating children ailments.

  1. Cardiologist

  2. Paedetrician

  3. Opthamologist

  4. Pedagogue

Correct Option: B

 'Paedetrician' is a doctor who specializes in treating children. The root word here is 'Paed', which means 'child' (peedophile).

Directions: Choose the pair that has the similar relationship as the pair in capital letters.


  1. Fickle : Volatile

  2. Spread-eagle : Jingoist

  3. Sloopy : Slipshod

  4. Convivial : Lively

Correct Option: D

 A pair of synonyms. Saturnine is surly or morose; convivial is lively.

Directions: Choose the pair that has the similar relationship as the pair in capital letters.


  1. Adroit : Gauche

  2. Reckless : Carefulness

  3. Martinet : Discipline

  4. Rectitude : Behaviour

Correct Option: C

 A hypochondriac shows lot of anxiety (false feeling of sickness); a martinet shows lot of strictness in matters of discipline.

Directions: Choose the pair that has the similar relationship as the pair in capital letters.


  1. Supercilious : Disdainful

  2. Prodigal : Spendthrift

  3. Pimp : Panderer

  4. Hermetic : Prurient

Correct Option: D

 A pair of antonyms. Idyllic represents a pastoral laid-back approach. Frenzied or agitaed will be the opposite. Likewise, hermetic represents abstinence while prurient represents not only indulgene but also lewdness. 

Directions: Choose the one word to replace the sentence/phrase below.

A person who is selflessly concerned for the welfare of others.

  1. Paranoid

  2. Altruist

  3. Ascetic

  4. Romantic

Correct Option: B

 A paranoid person is someone who is always anxious or afraid. An ascetic is a person who renounces the worldly benefits for spritual peace. 

Directions: For the given capitalized word, pick the option that is closest in meaning.


  1. Surprised

  2. Believer

  3. Doubtful

  4. Meretricious

Correct Option: C

 Cynical is an adjective used to describe someone who is bitter and distrustful of everyone and is contemptuous.

Directions: For the given capitalized word, pick the option that is closest in meaning.


  1. Abusive

  2. Speedy

  3. Imbecile

  4. Transient

Correct Option: A

 Scurrilous means 'highly abusive and derisive'.

Directions: For the given capitalized word, pick the option that is farthese in meaning.


  1. Noisy

  2. Obedient

  3. Reasonable

  4. Agreeable

Correct Option: B

 This word is usually used in reference to 'noisy and unruly children'. 

Directions: For the given capitalized word, pick the option that is farthest in meaning.


  1. Urban

  2. Unctuous

  3. Bucolic

  4. Fervid

Correct Option: A

 Pastoral pertains to the country or life in the country which is simple.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word from the given options and fill in the blank.

The -------- manner of the lecturer endeared him to his students.

  1. pedantic

  2. affable

  3. repacious

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

 The meaning of the sentence suggests that the missing word should have a positive connotation to it, hence, option 1 and 3 are incorrect. The correct answer is 'affable', which means 'courteous and polite in disposition'.

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