Law (Legal Aptitude 5)

Description: to increase students legal knowledge
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: LAW Legal Aptitude/ Awareness Mock Tests Legal Terms
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The application for monthly allowance for interim maintenance and expenses under Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code shall be disposed of

  1. within 45 days from the date of notice of application to party

  2. within 60 days from the date of notice of application to party

  3. within 30 days from the date of notice of application to party

  4. within 15 days from the date of notice of application to party

Correct Option: B

The application for monthly allowance for interim maintenance and expenses under Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code shall be disposed of within 60 days from the date of notice of application to party.

Homicide is the killing of a human being by another human being. It may be

  1. lawful

  2. unlawful

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Homicide is the killing of a human being by another human being. It may be lawful or unlawful.

The killing of a new born child by its parents is called

  1. infanticide

  2. abortion

  3. foeticide

  4. malfeasance

Correct Option: A

The killing of a new born child by its parents is called infanticide.

What does the famous M' Naghten rules determine?

  1. Insanity as defence

  2. Law of sea

  3. Distinguished hurt from grievous hurt

  4. Established seasoning in criminal cases

Correct Option: A

Under the M'Naghten rule, a criminal defendant is not guilty by reason of insanity if at the time of the alleged criminal act, the defendant was so deranged that she did not know the nature or quality of her actions.

When a witness repeats another person's statement, the evidence is called

  1. hearsay

  2. heresy

  3. secondary evidence

  4. presumptive evidence

Correct Option: A

When a witness repeats another person's statement, the evidence is called hearsay evidence.

Which of the following is not a negotiable instrument?

  1. Will

  2. Cheque

  3. Promissory note

  4. Bill of exchange

Correct Option: A

A negotiable instrument is a written order or unconditional promise to pay a fixed sum of money on demand or at a certain time. A will is a legal declaration by which a person names one or more persons to manage his or her estate and provides for the distribution of his or her property at death.  A will is not a negotiable instrument.

The first court was introduced in India on 1st August 1672 in

  1. Kolkata

  2. Madras

  3. Bombay

  4. Delhi

Correct Option: A

The first court was introduced in India on 1st August, 1672 in Kolkata.

Death caused by act done in heat and passion makes a person liable for

  1. Murder

  2. Man slaughter

  3. Lawful homicide

  4. Felony

Correct Option: B

Death caused by act done in heat and passion makes a person liable for manslaughter. Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of one human being by another without malice aforethought.

British citizens were protected in India from arbitrary arrest imprisonment by the

  1. Bill of Rights

  2. Lex Loci Act

  3. Magna Carta

  4. Fundamental Rights

Correct Option: C

British citizens were protected in India from arbitrary arrest imprisonment by the Magna Carta.

Who among the following is the guardian of the public purse?

  1. Parliament

  2. Public Accounts Committee

  3. President

  4. Comptroller and Auditor General

Correct Option: D

Comptroller and Auditor General is the guardian of the public purse. The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India is an authority established by the Constitution of India under article 148, who audits all receipts and expenditure of the Government of India and the state governments.

A sets up a liquor shop and starts selling liquor. He is doing something wrong and illegal unless he has a

  1. Court order

  2. Official consent

  3. Authority

  4. License

Correct Option: D

A sets up a liquor shop and starts selling liquor. He is doing something wrong and illegal, unless he has a license.

In law of torts, a master is generally liable for the acts of his servant. This is called

  1. Strict liability

  2. Vicarious liability

  3. Extended liability

  4. Limited liability

Correct Option: B

In law of torts, a master is generally liable for the acts of his servant. This is called vicarious liability.

Liability is

  1. subjection to legal obligation

  2. a responsibility

  3. a duty

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct: Liability means legal obligation for one's acts or omissions. 

Election petitions are heard by

  1. High courts and supreme courts in appeal

  2. Election Tribunals

  3. Election Commission of states and centre

  4. Special Courts

Correct Option: A

Election petitions are heard by High courts and supreme courts in appeal.

One of the following cannot be taken as intellectual property

  1. Patents

  2. Copyright

  3. Know-how

  4. Discovery

Correct Option: D

Discovery cannot be taken as intellectual property. 

Innuendo hints at

  1. Insinuation

  2. Defamation

  3. Slander

  4. Libel

Correct Option: B

In law, it means an indirect hint. Innuendo is used in lawsuits for defamation usually to show that the party suing was the person, about whom the nasty statements were made.

A judge of the Supreme Court is removed by

  1. an order of Vice President

  2. both the Houses of the Parliament

  3. the Chief Justice of India

  4. the order of the President, after both the Houses of the Parliament pass a resolution

Correct Option: D

Explanation: Option (4) is correct: Article 124(4) of Constitution of India - a Judge of the Supreme Court shall not be removed from his office except by an order of the President passed after an address by each House of Parliament supported by a majority of the total membership of that House and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members of that House present.

A right available against world at large is

  1. In personam

  2. In rem

  3. In pleno

  4. In situ

Correct Option: B

A right in rem binds the world as opposed to rights. Thus a right available against world at large is right in rem.

The Universal declaration of human right was adopted by the UN in

  1. 1946

  2. 1947

  3. 1948

  4. 1949

Correct Option: C

The Universal declaration of human rights was adopted by the UN in 1948.

A written acknowledgement of dept is abbreviated as IOU. It stands for

  1. Instrument of Understanding

  2. I owe you

  3. Promissory note

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

A written acknowledgement of dept is abbreviated as IOU. It stands for I owe you.

High sea is

  1. Sea lying more than 5 km beyond the coast of a country

  2. Sea lying beyond a distance of 3 miles from the coast of any country

  3. Sea beyond 200 km of a coast of any country

  4. Both (1) & (2)

Correct Option: C

 High sea is a sea beyond 200 km of a coast of any country.

The Hague conversions of 1899, 1904 & 1907 delineated

  1. Rules of public international law

  2. Rules of human rights

  3. Rules for non-use of chemical weapons

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

The Hague conversions of 1899, 1904 & 1907 delineated rules of public international law.

prerogative writ used to command a person who is detaining another in custody to produced that person before the court

  1. Habeas corpus

  2. Certiorari

  3. Quo Warranto

  4. Mandamus

Correct Option: A

A writ of habeas corpus ('to produce the body') is a court order to a person holding someone in custody to deliver the imprisoned individual to the court issuing the order. 

Under which act it was provided that women doing similar work to men would qualify for equal pay?

  1. Protection of women' s right act, 1980

  2. Equal Remuneration act, 1976

  3. Workmen' s compensation act 1948

  4. Gender equality act, 1976

Correct Option: B

Under Equal Remuneration act, 1976 it was provided that women doing similar work to men would qualify for equal pay.

When does the case of Hung Parliament occur?

  1. A parliament after a general election in which two major political parties get equal number of seats

  2. A parliament after a general election in which no party gets an absolute majority

  3. A parliament after a general election in which every party claims to from a government

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

In a parliamentary system of government, a Hung Parliament is a colloquial expression to describe a state of a Parliament when no single political party has an absolute majority of seats in the Parliament.

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