Sentence Correction - 2

Description: Sentence Correction - 2
Number of Questions: 23
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Tags: Sentence Correction - 2 Error Identification Sentence GMAT Pattern) Improvement Sentence Improvement
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Directions: In the following sentence four words or phrases have been underlined. Only one underlined part is not acceptable in Standard Written English. Pick up the part (A) or (B) or (C) or (D). If there is no mistake, mark (E).

This year (A) the monsoons failed (B) which caused a (C) terrible famine (D) in the country. (E) No error

  1. (A)

  2. (B)

  3. (C)

  4. (D)

  5. (E)

Correct Option: B

(B) Put 'a failure' before 'which'.

Directions: In the following sentence four words or phrases have been underlined. Only one underlined part is not acceptable in Standard Written English. Pick up the part (A) or (B) or (C) or (D). If there is no mistake, mark (E).

He is (A) trying his best to please his master (B) whom he fears (C) may be seriously offended (D) by what has happened. (E) No error

  1. (A)

  2. (B)

  3. (C)

  4. (D)

  5. (E)

Correct Option: B

(B) Replace 'whom' with 'who'.

Directions: In the following sentence four words or phrases have been underlined. Only one underlined part is not acceptable in Standard Written English. Pick up the part (A) or (B) or (C) or (D). If there is no mistake, mark (E).

(A) Two hundred year later, Emperor Ashoka, (B) who embraced Buddhism, (C) sent emissaries to central and west Asia (D) to spread its message. (E) No error

  1. (A)

  2. (B)

  3. (C)

  4. (D)

  5. (E)

Correct Option: B

(B) Put 'had' before 'embraced'.

Directions: In the following sentence four words or phrases have been underlined. Only one underlined part is not acceptable in Standard Written English. Pick up the part (A) or (B) or (C) or (D). If there is no mistake, mark (E).

A necklace of diamonds, (A) presented by the friends of the bride (B) were among (C) the presents (D) on view. (E) No error

  1. (A)

  2. (B)

  3. (C)

  4. (D)

  5. (E)

Correct Option: B

(B) 'Were' in B should be replaced with 'was'.

Directions: The underlined part the following sentence may have an error of grammar or syntax. The part has been rewritten in options (B) to (E) in four different ways - (A) being an exact restatement of the underlined part. Pick up the option (B) or (C) or (D) or (E) that corrects the error in the underlined part, if any. If there is no error, mark (A).

Humans have been damaging the environment for centuries by over-cutting trees and farming too intensively, and though some protective measures, like the establishment of national forests and wildlife sanctuaries, having been taken decades ago, great increases in population and in the intensity of industrialization are causing a worldwide ecological crisis.

  1. though some protective measures, like the establishment of national forests and wildlife sanctuaries, having been taken decades ago, great increases in population

  2. though some protective measures, such as the establishment of national forests and wildlife sanctuaries, were taken decades ago, great increases in population

  3. though some protective measures, such as establishing national forests and wildlife sanctuaries, having been taken decades ago, great population increases

  4. with some protective measures, like establishing national forests and wildlife sanctuaries that were taken decades ago, great increases in population

  5. with some protective measures, such as the establishment of national forests and wildlife sanctuaries, having been taken decades ago, great population increases

Correct Option: B

(B) In the latter part of the sentence, some protective measures have been described. 'Such as' justifies the context better them 'like', which is used to describe likeness. (C) is incorrect due to the Gerund usage and (D) and (E) change the context of the sentence.

Directions: The underlined part the following sentence may have an error of grammar or syntax. The part has been rewritten in options (B) to (E) in four different ways - (A) being an exact restatement of the underlined part. Pick up the option (B) or (C) or (D) or (E) that corrects the error in the underlined part, if any. If there is no error, mark (A).

Tiny quantities of more than thirty rare gases, most of them industrial by-products, threaten to warm the Earth's atmosphere even more rapidly than carbon dioxide during the next fifty years.

  1. to warm the Earth's atmosphere even more rapidly than carbon dioxide during the next fifty years

  2. to warm the Earth's atmosphere even more rapidly over the next fifty years than carbon dioxide will

  3. during the next fifty years to warm the Earth's atmosphere even more rapidly than carbon dioxide

  4. a warming of the Earth's atmosphere during the next fifty years even more rapid than carbon dioxide's

  5. a warming of the Earth's atmosphere even more rapid than carbon dioxide's will be over the next fifty years

Correct Option: B

The comparison is between warming created by rare gases and that generated by carbon dioxide. (A), (C) and (D) and (E) all compare the warming to carbon dioxide as a gas and not its effects. Answer: (B)

Directions: The underlined part the following sentence may have an error of grammar or syntax. The part has been rewritten in options (B) to (E) in four different ways - (A) being an exact restatement of the underlined part. Pick up the option (B) or (C) or (D) or (E) that corrects the error in the underlined part, if any. If there is no error, mark (A).

In archaeology, there must be a balance between explanation of the value and workings of archaeology, revealing the mysteries of past and present cultures, and to promote respect for archaeological sites.

  1. between explanation of the value and workings of archaeology, revealing the mysteries of past and present cultures, and to promote

  2. among explaining the value and workings of archaeology, revealing the mysteries of past and present cultures, and promoting

  3. between explaining the value and workings of archaeology, revealing the mysteries of past and present cultures, and when promoting

  4. among explaining the value and workings of archaeology, the revelation of the mysteries of past and present cultures, and to promote

  5. between explaining archaeology's value and workings, in the revealing the mysteries of past and present cultures, and in promoting

Correct Option: B

(B) The usage of 'between' is for two things, whereas 'among' is used for more than two  things.  (A), (C) and (E) are eliminated. (D) suffers from the error of parallelism.

Directions: The underlined part the following sentence may have an error of grammar or syntax. The part has been rewritten in options (B) to (E) in four different ways - (A) being an exact restatement of the underlined part. Pick up the option (B) or (C) or (D) or (E) that corrects the error in the underlined part, if any. If there is no error, mark (A).

Using the techniques employed by genetic engineering, a new species of microorganism has been developed by laboratory scientists to aid in cleaning up oil spills by digesting the oil.

  1. Using the techniques employed by genetic engineering, a new species of microorganism has been developed by laboratory scientists to

  2. Using the techniques employed by genetic engineering, a new species of microorganism that was developed by laboratory scientists will

  3. Using the techniques of genetic engineering laboratory scientists have developed a new species of microorganism to

  4. Employing the techniques of genetic engineering there has been a development by laboratory scientists of a new species of microorganism that will

  5. Employing the techniques of genetic engineering, a new species of microorganism that was developed by laboratory scientists will

Correct Option: C

(C) The modifying clause does not have a subject. Either the modified clause should begin with the subject, or the subject should be included in the modifying clause. Only (C) has the modified clause that begins with the subject: 'scientists'. Hence, (C).

Directions: The underlined part the following sentence may have an error of grammar or syntax. The part has been rewritten in options (B) to (E) in four different ways - (A) being an exact restatement of the underlined part. Pick up the option (B) or (C) or (D) or (E) that corrects the error in the underlined part, if any. If there is no error, mark (A).

Unlike most severance packages, which require workers to stay until the last day scheduled to collect, workers at the automobile company are eligible for its severance package even if they find a new job before they are terminated.

  1. the last day scheduled to collect, workers at the automobile company are eligible for its severance package

  2. the last day they are scheduled to collect, workers are eligible for it at the automobile company's severance package

  3. their last scheduled day to collect, the automobile company offers its severance package to workers.

  4. their last scheduled day in order to collect, the automobile company's severance package is available to workers.

  5. the last day that they are scheduled to collect, the automobile company's severance package is available to workers.

Correct Option: E

ed. (A) and (B) are incorrect as 'it' is not justified in the sentence.

Directions: The underlined part the following sentence may have an error of grammar or syntax. The part has been rewritten in options (B) to (E) in four different ways - (A) being an exact restatement of the underlined part. Pick up the option (B) or (C) or (D) or (E) that corrects the error in the underlined part, if any. If there is no error, mark (A).

Promotions, retirements, deaths, and other actions approved by the board of directors at its May meeting will be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper.

  1. Promotions, retirements, deaths, and other actions approved by the board of directors at its May meeting will be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper.

  2. Promotions, retirements, and other actions which have been approved at the May meeting of the board of directors along with deaths, with be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper.

  3. To be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper are the promotions, retirements, deaths, and other actions which were approved at the board of directors' May meeting.

  4. Meeting in May, the promotions, retirements, and other actions approved by the board of directors, including obituaries, will be reported in the July 15 issue of the company paper.

  5. The July 15 issue of the company paper will report on promotions, retirements, and other actions approved by the board of directors at its May meeting; the paper will also include obituaries.

Correct Option: E

(E) The sentence contains 'syntax' error (or) an incorrect word (or) phrase. 'Deaths' cannot be approved by Board of Directors only (E) rectifies the error.

Directions: In the following sentence four words or phrases have been underlined. Only one underlined part is not acceptable in Standard Written English. Pick up the part (A) or (B) or (C) or (D). If there is no mistake, mark (E).

He was disciplined (A) in his actions (B) such as in the case of (C) being late (D) for an appointment. (E) No error

  1. (A)

  2. (B)

  3. (C)

  4. (D)

  5. (E)

Correct Option: A

(A) Preposition 'in' in A should be replaced with 'for'.

Directions: The underlined part the following sentence may have an error of grammar or syntax. The part has been rewritten in options (B) to (E) in four different ways - (A) being an exact restatement of the underlined part. Pick up the option (B) or (C) or (D) or (E) that corrects the error in the underlined part, if any. If there is no error, mark (A).

Fossil fuels, at least those which have been identified so far, are not going to last beyond the century, that too if we are not as reckless in their consumption than we presently are.

  1. Fossil fuels, at least those which have been identified so far, are not going to last beyond the century, that too if we are not as reckless in their consumption than we presently are.

  2. Fossil fuels, at least those, which have been identified so far, are not going to last beyond the century, that too if we are not as reckless in their consumption as we presently are.

  3. Fossil fuels, at least those that have been identified so far, are not going to last beyond the century; that too if we are not as reckless in their consumption as we presently are.

  4. Fossil fuels, at least those which have been identified so far, are not going to last beyond the century, that too if we are not more reckless in their consumption than we presently are.

Correct Option: C

(C) “Those which have been identified so far” is incorrect usage. “Which” identifies an important condition. It should preferably be replaced by 'that'. Even if 'which' is to be used, this should ordinarily be preceded by a comma. Again 'that too' should appropriately be precede by a semi-colon, rather than a comma.

Directions: In the following question there are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option.

A. Up to the time the last vote was recorded
B. it was difficult to decide whether
C. victory lay with the ruling party or the opposition. D. Neither the board of trustees nor the president of the university E. were quite certain how to respond to the lawsuit.

  1. A, C and D

  2. B and C

  3. A and B

  4. D and E

Correct Option: A

(1) B: Difficulty was before the counting of the last vote. So, the correct usage ought to be “it had been difficult”. E: For the usage of 'neither … nor', the verb corresponds to the first subject, which is 'board of trustees' (singular) in this case. Hence, singular auxiliary 'was quite certain' will be used.

Directions: In the following question there are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option.

A. The knee is likely to be damaged more than most other joints in the body B. because it cannot twist without injury. C. The light from a firefly is said to be “cold” D. because the insect's utilization of the energy is E. so efficient that a little of it is converted into heat.

  1. B, C and D

  2. B and C

  3. A, C and E

  4. A ll except A

Correct Option: A

(1) A: The correct usage is “more likely …than most' E: There is a difference between 'little' and 'a little'. The former means next to nothing; the latter means some. Here the usage is next to nothing.

Directions: In the following question there are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option.

A. The manager and me had to travel

B. a lot to promote our newly designed product.

C. You had better to do it.

D. All of them helped each other

E. when the earthquake devastated the town.

  1. A and C

  2. B and E

  3. B and D

  4. A and D

Correct Option: B

A: (The manager) “and I”

C: “Better” is not followed by preposition “to”.

D: “Helped one another”

Directions: In the following question there are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option.

A. Judge in him prevailed upon the father and he sentenced his son to death.

B. Not only seismology is used to determine the depth of the ocean floor,

C. but it is also used to locate oil.

D. By the time peace and happiness will have come to the planet,

E. many lives will be wasted.

  1. B, C and D

  2. B and C

  3. A and B

  4. C only

Correct Option: D

(4) A: “The judge … the father”

(B) Statements beginning with negative words use auxiliaries before the subject.

(D) and (E) “By the time … peace comes” “many lives will have been wasted”.

Directions: In the following question there are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option.

A. The whole spinal column is surrounded in

B. a number of interlocking muscles and ligaments.

C. The manufacturing was extremely expensive until

D. assembly-line techniques made them cheaper to produce.

E. The winding roads of Simla are less in number than Ludhiana.

  1. B, C and E

  2. B and C

  3. A, B and D

  4. All except D

Correct Option: B

A: “surrounded by”

D: “Made it cheaper”

E: “Fewer in number”

Directions: In the following question there are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option.

A. Rice forms the staple diet of many of the world's populations.

B. Why do you always make someone's problems your own.

C. Groups of tissues, each with its own function

D. makes up the organs in the human body

E. The mother is not at home right now; I am her eldest son.

  1. B only

  2. B and C

  3. A and B

  4. C only

Correct Option: D

A: “much of the world's population”

B: Question mark missing

D: (Groups of tissues) “make up”

E: For own mother, article 'the' is not required. “The mother” means spiritual being (female).

Directions: The underlined part the following sentence may have an error of grammar or syntax. The part has been rewritten in options (B) to (E) in four different ways - (A) being an exact restatement of the underlined part. Pick up the option (B) or (C) or (D) or (E) that corrects the error in the underlined part, if any. If there is no error, mark (A).

While some propose to combat widespread illegal copying of computer programs by attempting to change people's attitudes toward pirating, others by suggesting reducing software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still others by calling for the prosecution of those who copy software illegally.

  1. by suggesting reducing software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still others by calling

  2. by suggesting the reduction of software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still others call

  3. suggest the reduction of software prices for decreasing the incentive for pirating, and still others call

  4. suggest the reduction of software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still others by calling

  5. suggest reducing software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still others are calling

Correct Option: E

This is a tricky parallelism question. Let's check each option. (A) is incorrect, 'some propose and others by suggesting' is not correct; (B) is also incorrect due to the same reason. (C) is incorrect as it states, 'some propose attempting, others suggests reduction' is not parallel. (D) commits the same error. (E) is the only option that rectifies the error, hence it is the answer.

Directions: In the following question there are sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option.

A. The great bulk of the people was B. either having one-time meals or not having at all. C. When he had known what he wanted to know he went home. D. The major areas of medicine in which lasers are effective is in the cutting and closing E. of blood vessels, and in the destruction of tumors

  1. All except A

  2. B and C

  3. A and B

  4. All except B

Correct Option: D

(4) (The usage of 'was' with bulk in A is correct. The usage of 'destruction' in E is also correct). B should be rephrased as “not having any at all”.

Directions: The underlined part the following sentence may have an error of grammar or syntax. The part has been rewritten in options (B) to (E) in four different ways - (A) being an exact restatement of the underlined part. Pick up the option (B) or (C) or (D) or (E) that corrects the error in the underlined part, if any. If there is no error, mark (A).

Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced x-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, is finding uses in medicine, archaeology, and criminology.

  1. Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced x-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,

  2. Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, having the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, a technique called proton induced x-ray emission

  3. A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced x-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,

  4. A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced x-ray emission, which has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying it,

  5. A technique that was originally developed for detecting air pollutants and has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying the substance, called proton-induced x-ray emission,

Correct Option: A

Answer (A). The sentence is correct as given.

Directions: The underlined part the following sentence may have an error of grammar or syntax. The part has been rewritten in options (B) to (E) in four different ways - (A) being an exact restatement of the underlined part. Pick up the option (B) or (C) or (D) or (E) that corrects the error in the underlined part, if any. If there is no error, mark (A).

To help preserve ancient Egyptian monuments threatened by high water tables, a Swedish engineering firm has proposed installing pumps, perhaps solar powered, to lower the underground water level and dig trenches around the bases of the stone walls.

  1. to lower the underground water level and dig trenches

  2. to lower the underground water level and to dig trenches

  3. to lower the underground water level and digging trenches

  4. that lower the underground water level and that trenches be dug

  5. that lower the underground water level and trench digging

Correct Option: C

(C) 'To help' should be parallel to 'to lower'. Hence (D) and (E) are eliminated. Further, 'installing pumps' is parallel to 'digging trenches'. Hence (C) is the answer.

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