Cytology: Test 2

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In case of mitosis in 'Gnetum', which of the following is the correct explanation for the term ‘karyochoresis’?

  1. During cell division, the karyotheca disappears completely.

  2. During cell division, the karyotheca and the nucleolus disappear completely.

  3. During cell division, the karyotheca does not disappear.

  4. During cell division, the mitotic spindle is not formed.

Correct Option: C

Karyochoresis is that type of mitosis in which the nuclear membrane (karyotheca) does not disappear, but it persists throughout the cell division and it can be seen even at the telophase. During karyochoresis, the spindle formation is internal. After telophase, the parent nucleus undergoes centripetal constriction and divides into two daughter nuclei.

Which of the following processes takes place during the G2 phase of cell division?

  1. Synthesis of RNA, proteins, nucleotides and amino acids

  2. Synthesis of factors required for initiation and completion of mitosis and checks for any abberrations resulting from DNA synthesis

  3. Synthesis of RNA and proteins leading to the growth of cell to normal size

  4. Synthesis of DNA leading to chromosomal replication

Correct Option: B

All these changes occur in G2 phase and halts to complete this process.

Which of the following is not a correct statement with reference to peroxisomes?

  1. They are also known as uricosomes.

  2. They help in the storage and transport of lipids in plants.

  3. They carry out photorespiration.

  4. They were first discovered in the liver cells and kidney cells.

Correct Option: B

They do not help in the storage and transport of lipids in plants. This function is performed by spherosomes. So, this is not the correct statement. 

Under high concentration of oxygen, which of the following physiological functions are performed by the chloroplasts of C-3 plants?

  1. Oxygenic photosynthesis

  2. Synthesise starch

  3. Photorespiration

  4. Anoxygenic photosynthesis

Correct Option: C

Under high oxygen concentration, RUBP acts as RUBP oxygenase and performs photorespiration. 

Which of the following components joins the adjacent doublets of the axoneme of the eukaryotic flagellum?

  1. Protofilament

  2. Sheath

  3. Dynein arm

  4. Nexin

Correct Option: D

 Nexins are also known as 'interdoublet links' . Nexin joins the adjacent doublets of the axoneme of the eukaryotic flagellum.

Match the name of the scientist in column I to his contribution to cytology in column II.

  1. 1-(b), 2-(e), 3-(a), 4-(c)

  2. 1-(a), 2-(b), 3-(c), 4-(d)

  3. 1-(e), 2-(c), 3-(d), 4-(b)

  4. 1-(d), 2-(a), 3-(b), 4-(c)

Correct Option: A

Huxley proposed that Protoplasm is the physical basis of life.

Which of the following is the most suitable statement to justify 'the mesosomes of bacteria are equivalent to the mitochondria of eukaryotes'?

  1. These are double membraned organelles.

  2. These occur freely in the bacterial cytoplasm.

  3. These help in respiration in bacteria.

  4. These are self replicating organelles & can multiply, even when the cell is not dividing.

Correct Option: C

 Mesosome is the invagination of the plasma membrane. It has respiratory enzymes, so it helps in bacterial respiration.

Name the cell organelle which is surrounded by a single unit membrane and contains two major enzymes namely isocitrate lyase and maltase synthetase.

  1. Glyoxysomes

  2. Lomasomes

  3. Spherosomes

  4. Peroxisomes

Correct Option: A

Glyoxysome is the cell organelle which is surrounded by a single unit membrane and contains two major enzymes namely isocitrate lyase and maltase synthetase. Glyoxysomes were first discovered by Beevers (1961) and later on described in detail by R.W. Briedenbach (1967).

What concentration of magnesium ions is required for joining of ribosomes to form dimers?

  1. Mg++ ion concentration is 0.001 M

  2. Mg++ ion concentration is 0.01 M

  3. Mg++ ion concentration is less than 0.0001 M

  4. Mg++ ion concentration is more than 0.02 M

Correct Option: B

 At this concentration, the ribosomes combine in pairs, to form dimers, each of which has a sedimentation coefficient of 120 S.(�S� is the sedimentation coefficient & is also known as �Svedberg Unit� ).

The general formula CnH2n-2x O2 represents

  1. carbohydrates

  2. saturated fatty acids

  3. unsaturated fatty acids

  4. monosaccharides

Correct Option: C

 Yes, it is the general formula for unsaturated fatty acids.

Miescher (1869) discovered the first nucleic acid and named it

  1. nucleotide

  2. nucleoid

  3. nucleic acid

  4. nuclein

Correct Option: D

Yes, the first discovered nucleic acid was named as nuclein.

Cell components can be physically separated from each other by

  1. perfusion

  2. centrifugation

  3. homogenation

  4. chromatography

Correct Option: B

 Centrifugation involves centrifugal force to separate substances from mixtures. Ultra centrifugation helps to separate biomolecules.

Match the cell organelles in Column I with that of their enzymes in Column II.

  1. A – ii, B – iii, C – iv, D - i

  2. A – iii, B – iv, C – ii, D – i

  3. A – iv, B – iii, C – ii, D – i

  4. A – iv, B – ii, C – iii, D – i

Correct Option: C

 Peroxisomes contain oxidative enzymes, such as catalase, D-amino acid oxidase, and uric acid oxidase. However the last enzyme is absent in humans, explaining the disease known as gout, caused by the accumulation of uric acid. Certain enzymes within the peroxisome, by using molecular oxygen, remove hydrogen atoms from specific organic substrates, in an oxidative reaction, producing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, itself toxic).

Circular DNA is found in A. E. coli and Mitochondria B. Yeast only   C. E.coli only D. All the bacteria E. Chloroplast

  1. A and E

  2. A, D and E

  3. D only

  4. B and E

Correct Option: A

Circular DNA is found in E. coli and mitochondria. Chloroplast also has circular DNA.

Assertion (A) - Striated muscles show many nuclei in their muscle tissue. Reason (R)- If karyokinesis is not followed by cytokinesis the cell becomes multinucleate or coenocytic or syncytial.

  1. Both Assertion and Reasoning are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

  2. Both Assertion and Reasoning are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

  3. A is true and R is false.

  4. Both A and R is false.

Correct Option: A

 Both Assertion and Reasoning are true and R is the correct explanation of A. If karyokinesis is not followed by cytokinesis the cell becomes multinucleate or coenocytic or syncytial. Striated muscle fibers show striations with many nuclei in their striations. It shows syncytial condition.

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