Chemical Equilibrium and Electrochemistry Test - 2

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Directions: Choose the most appropriate word and fill in the blank.

While holidaying in Toronto, Alice ________ a strong Canadian accent.

  1. caught

  2. earned

  3. acquired

  4. scored

Correct Option: C

 Accents are acquired, so option 3 is correct.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word/phrase and fill in the blank.

Does John enjoy ________ models from clay?

  1. to make

  2. make

  3. making

  4. to making

Correct Option: C

John is already doing this activity, so 'making' is correct. 'To' alone is not used with 'verb+ing'. So, option 3 is correct.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word/phrase and fill in the blank.

________ he was, he played well.

  1. Though tired

  2. Tired though

  3. As tired

  4. Although tired

Correct Option: B

Though can be used after an adjective or an adverb. 'Tired though he was = Although he was tired.' So, option 2 is correct.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word/phrase and fill in the blank.

________ she was, she could not find her way.

  1. Though shocked

  2. Although shocked

  3. As shocked

  4. Shocked as

Correct Option: D

 'As' can be used after an adjective or an adverb, so option 4 is correct.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word and fill in the blank.

Their front door was open, ________ nobody was at home.

  1. as

  2. or

  3. but

  4. so

Correct Option: C

 'But' is used when one clause is on the contrary to the other one. So, option 3 is the correct answer.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word and fill in the blank.

The bell for school has already ________.

  1. rang

  2. ring

  3. rung

  4. ringing

Correct Option: C

 The sentence is in the past tense, so the verb has be be in the past tense. So, option 3 is the correct answer.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word and fill in the blank.

There were ________ children in the class than expected.

  1. few

  2. fewer

  3. less

  4. lesser

Correct Option: B

Few means not many, so few or fewer is used with children. Fewer is used in comparisons, so option 2 is the correct answer.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word and fill in the blank.

John has ________ on the sofa all morning.

  1. laid

  2. lain

  3. lied

  4. lay

Correct Option: B

'Lain' is the past participle of the word 'lie', so option 2 is the correct answer.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word and fill in the blank.

Each day she ________ her books neatly on the table.

  1. lies

  2. lays

  3. lay

  4. laid

Correct Option: B

The sentence is in simple present tense, so 'verb+s' is used. So, option 2 is the correct answer.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate words and fill in the blanks.

His old car goes _____, but sounds _____.

  1. quick, noisy

  2. quickly, noisy

  3. quickly, noisily

  4. quick, noisily

Correct Option: B

'Quickly' is an adverb which describes the verb 'goes' and 'noisy' is the adverb which describes the verb 'sounds'. So, option 2 is correct.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word/phrase and fill in the blank.

My aunt gave me a necklace ________ I was very thankful.

  1. to which

  2. on which

  3. at which

  4. for which

Correct Option: D

 'For which' is used when one event occurs because of another, so in this case, the person is thankful because her aunt gave her a necklace. So, option 4 is correct.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word and fill in the blank.

________ circumstances arise that work becomes available, we shall tell you.

  1. Could

  2. Would

  3. Should

  4. Must

Correct Option: C

'Should' is used in case of probability, so in this case, option 3 is correct.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word and fill in the blank.

We were given ________ work today than yesterday.

  1. fewer

  2. lesser

  3. less

  4. few

Correct Option: C

'Less' and 'lesser' mean 'not much'. 'Less' is used in comparisons, so option 3 is the correct answer.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word and fill in the blank.

Alice says that she has already ________ the table.

  1. laid

  2. lied

  3. lay

  4. lain

Correct Option: A

 'Laid' is the past participle of 'lay'. As the sentence is in past tense, option 1 is the correct answer.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word/phrase and fill in the blank.

Sita ________ wait until her birthday.

  1. can hardly

  2. can't hardly

  3. won't hardly

  4. couldn't hardly

Correct Option: A

'Hardly' doesn't follow 'not', so option 1 is correct.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word/phrase and fill in the blank.

_______ much blood, the driver struggled with the controls, which felt sluggish.

  1. Losing

  2. Having lost

  3. Being lost

  4. Lost

Correct Option: B

 As the sentence is in the past perfect progressive tense, option 2 is correct.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word/phrase and fill in the blank.

The man was charged with theft. ________, he was suspected of committing a serious crime in another state.

  1. In addition

  2. In the same way

  3. For instance

  4. Similarly

Correct Option: A

 When more information is provided which is related to the previous one, 'in addition' is used. So, option 1 is the correct answer.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word/phrase and fill in the blank.

I believe that smoking is extremely injurious to health. ________, have you heard of the people who die from cancer because they smoke?

  1. For instance

  2. In addition

  3. Similarly

  4. In the same way

Correct Option: A

 'For instance' is used to illustrate. So, option 1 is correct.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word and fill in the blank.

You will benefit ________ the experience.

  1. with

  2. to

  3. from

  4. by

Correct Option: C

'From' is used when something originates from another, in this case benefit comes from experience. So, option 3 is the correct answer.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word/phrase and fill in the blank.

I have invited John and Peter. ________ Harry, I don't care whether he comes or not.

  1. As for

  2. As far as

  3. While

  4. Whereas

Correct Option: A

'As for' means 'speaking of something or someone', so in this case, option 1 is correct.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word/phrase and fill in the blank.

The train was an hour late. ________, I managed to get to the meeting in time.

  1. On the contrary

  2. In the same way

  3. In spite of this

  4. Incidentally

Correct Option: C

'Inspite of' is used to show contrast, so in this case, option 3 is correct.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate words and fill in the blanks.

She held the bag ________ even though her arm hurt ________.

  1. tight, bad

  2. tightly, badly

  3. tight, badly

  4. tightly, bad

Correct Option: B

'Tightly' and 'badly' are the adverbs of adjectives 'tight' and 'bad', respectively. They describe the verbs 'held' and 'hurt', so option 2 is the correct answer.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word/phrase and fill in the blank.

________ as quickly as possible, she managed to arrive in time.

  1. Being driving

  2. Driven

  3. Driving

  4. Having driving

Correct Option: C

The sentence is in past progressive tense, so 'verb+ing' is used. Option 3 is the correct answer.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word/phrase and fill in the blank.

Why do you want to get a job as a secretary? You won’t be able to work for eight years. ________, you can’t type.

  1. In any case

  2. In general

  3. For instance

  4. Incidentally

Correct Option: A

'In any case' is used to give more information, so option 1 is correct.

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.

Don’t miss this opportunity ________ travelling to Japan.

  1. at

  2. to

  3. of

  4. on

Correct Option: C

'Of' is used to represent the relation or connection. In this case, it is between 'opportunity' and 'travelling'. So, option 3 is correct.

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