Mixed Test (Biology)

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Which of the following is the smallest known cell?

  1. Mycoplasma

  2. Virus

  3. Yeast

  4. Bacteriophages

Correct Option: A

These are the monerans which are without cell wall and are the smallest cellular entities.

Which of the following groups has glycogen as its reserve food material?

  1. Algae

  2. Fungi

  3. Gymnosperms

  4. Bryophyta

Correct Option: B

Like animals they have glycogen as their main reserve food material.

Which of the following structures in a plant cell is/are enucleated?

  1. Xylem parenchyma

  2. Comapanion cells

  3. Seive tube elements

  4. Phloem parenchyma

Correct Option: C

These are the enucleated protoplasts whose activities are controlled by companion cells.

Which of the following is the main factor of difference between photosynthetic and chemosynthetic bacteria?

  1. Energy source of food synthesis

  2. Distribution in the biosphere

  3. Mode of nutrition

  4. Intake of liquid food

Correct Option: A

Photosynthetic bacteria uses sunlight and chemosynthetic organisms use the chemical energy.

Which of the following root zones absorbs maximum water from the soil in which it is planted?

  1. Root cap zone

  2. Cell division zone

  3. Cell elongation zone

  4. Root hair zone

Correct Option: D

Hair are present in this zone to increase the surface area and thus, absorbs more water.

What does a genophore consist of?

  1. A double stranded DNA

  2. A single stranded DNA

  3. Histones and RNA

  4. Histone and non-histones

Correct Option: A

It is the nucleoid which is a circular DNA of prokaryotes.

Under which of the following disciplines is the life cycle of pathogens studied?

  1. Virology

  2. Nematology

  3. Etiology

  4. Parasitology

Correct Option: C

This is the study of pathogen in relation to host and the causes of disease.

Which type of enzymes are present in lysosomes?

  1. Hydrolase

  2. ATP synthetase

  3. Peroxidase

  4. Carboxylase

Correct Option: A

Lysosomes have the digestive enzymes for the breakdown of bonds.

Mitochondria is abundantly found in which of the following options?

  1. Erythrocytes

  2. Streptococcus

  3. Nostoc

  4. Hepatocytes

Correct Option: D

They are very active cells and require more energy.

A small densely stained barr body appears in a female cell nuclei. What will be the nature of this body?

  1. Constitutive euchromatin

  2. Facultative euchromatin

  3. Constitutive heterochromatin

  4. Facultative heterochromatin

Correct Option: D

The regions of DNA packed in facultative heterochromatin will not be consistent between the cell types within a species, and thus is a sequence in one cell that is packed in facultative heterochromatin.

Which of the following sugars acts as the counter part of glycogen in plants?

  1. Starch

  2. Chitin

  3. Cellulose

  4. Insulin

Correct Option: A

Glycogen is the reserve food in animals and starch is the reserve food in plants.

What is the position of multiple alleles?

  1. They are present on different chromosomes.

  2. They are present on different loci of the same chromosome.

  3. They are present on the same locus of same chromosomes.

  4. They are present on non-sister chromatids.

Correct Option: C

Alleles are always present on the same locus of homologous chromosomes for crossing over.

Which of the following phenomena exhibited by the fungi is also called pullulation?

  1. Budding

  2. Conjugation

  3. Fission

  4. Fermentation

Correct Option: A

It is the sexual reproduction in which a bud arises from the main cell of body.

All cells in the filaments of Ulothrix have the girdle shaped chloroplast in them, except

  1. holdfast

  2. apical cell

  3. gametangium

  4. zoosporangium

Correct Option: A

It is the basal cell of the filament which helps in its attachment to the substrate.

The bacillus form of bacteria that has a tuft of flagella present on one end of it is called

  1. monotrichous

  2. peritrichous

  3. amphitrichous

  4. lophotrichous

Correct Option: D

In this condition, flagella is present on one end of the cell in a tuft.

Which of the following features of selaginella indicates the origin of seed-habit of higher groups?

  1. Photosynthetic mode of nutrition

  2. Heterosporophylly

  3. Heterospory

  4. Biflagellated gametes

Correct Option: C

It is the condition in which the mega and microspores are distinguishable from each other.

Which of the following phenomena distinguishes meiosis from mitosis?

  1. Pairing of homologous chromosomes

  2. Separation of duplicated strands

  3. Spliting of cytoplasm

  4. Disappearance of nucleolus

Correct Option: A

This division involves recombination due to which this step is unique to meiosis.

Which type of enzyme inhibition takes place due to the conformational change in the enzyme molecules?

  1. Competitive inhibition

  2. Non-competitive inhibition

  3. Alloseric inhibition

  4. Feed-back inhibition

Correct Option: C

It occurs due to change in the allosteric site.

Which of the following kingdoms includes multicellular producers?

  1. Kingdom monera

  2. Kingdom protista

  3. Kingdom plantae

  4. Kingdom fungi

Correct Option: C

This is the kingdom of the photosynthetic organisms.

In which of the following plants is the surface of the leaf covered with silica grains?

  1. Maize

  2. Calotropis

  3. Ficus

  4. Citrus

Correct Option: A

The lamina is silicate type due to the presence of silica grains.

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