Mixed Test (Biology)

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Which of the following techniques is used for tracing metabolic processes using isotopes?

  1. Autoradiography

  2. Chromatography

  3. Ultra-centrifugation

  4. Electrophoresis

Correct Option: A

This technique employs the radioactive isotopes for the tracing of life processes.

Which of the following organelles plays an important role in cytokinesis in plant cells?

  1. Lysosomes

  2. Chloroplast

  3. Endoplasmic reticulum

  4. Golgi complex

Correct Option: D

These form the small vesicles that form the plant in the end of the telophase for the division of cytoplasm.

Which of the following cell structures is/are associated with oxidative phosphorylation?

  1. Grana

  2. Oxisomes

  3. Ribosomes

  4. Endoplasmic reticulum

Correct Option: B

They are associated with mitochondria and take part in aerobic respiration.

Which of the following body organs is studied under myology?

  1. Muscles

  2. Kidney

  3. Heart

  4. Nerves

Correct Option: A

The study of muscles is called myology.

Which of the following microbes causes Bubonic Plague?

  1. Bordetella pertussis

  2. Pasteurella pestis

  3. Treponema pallidum

  4. Streptococcus scarlatina

Correct Option: B

This microbe causes Black death (bubonic plague).

Which of the following factors is responsible for keeping the water molecules together in xylem column?

  1. Imbibition pressure

  2. Osmotic pressure

  3. Adhesion force

  4. Cohesion force

Correct Option: D

Molecules of a substance stick to that of its own type of substance due to this force.

A plant cell has the tendency to differentiate and divide to form a mass of undifferentiated cells. What is this property called?

  1. Tissue culture

  2. Pluripotency

  3. Totipotency

  4. Gene cloning

Correct Option: C

This is the property of plant cell to give rise to whole plant.

Which of the following types of cells do not possess mitochondria?

  1. Hepatocytes

  2. Lymphocytes

  3. Erythrocytes

  4. Nephrocytes

Correct Option: C

These cells do not have all the essential organelles like nucleus and mitochondria.

Which of the following phenomena is indicated by the formation of chiasmata?

  1. Synapsis

  2. Crossing over

  3. Non disjunction

  4. Translation

Correct Option: B

The homologous chromosomes bear a mark called chiasmata on the point were crossing over had taken place.

Which of the following biomolecules are joined by a peptide bond?

  1. Amino acids

  2. Fatty acids

  3. Nucleotides

  4. Monosaccharides

Correct Option: A

These are joined by a peptide bond to form peptide chains.

What type of surface is possessed by the leaves of tobacco plant?

  1. Glutinous

  2. Glaucous

  3. Pubescent

  4. Tomentose

Correct Option: A

The surface is covered with a sticky exudation.

Plant modifications like phyllode, phylloclade, cladode, etc. are for

  1. decreasing transpiration

  2. speciation and variation

  3. decreasing photosynthesis

  4. storing absorbed moisture

Correct Option: A

These are the plant modified structures with adaptations like thick cuticles, sunken stomata, etc.

Which of the following cell structures is deviod of a nuclear membrane and mitochondria?

  1. Sperm

  2. Protist

  3. Bacterial cell

  4. Sponge cell

Correct Option: C

Bacteria are included in monera, which forms the kingdom of unicellular prokaryotes so lack both these organelles.

Which of the following has a well organised nucleus?

  1. Bacterial cell

  2. Prokaryotic cell

  3. Blue-green algae

  4. Eukaryotic cell

Correct Option: D

Eukaryotes have a well organised nucleus.

Which of the following forms the basic element of a chromatin thread?

  1. Histones

  2. Nucleosomes

  3. Nuclear matrix

  4. Chromonema

Correct Option: B

Nucleosome is a subunit formed by the winding over of DNA chain over the histone proteins.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. Many proteins are the structural component of the cell membrane.

  2. Enzymes and hormones are basically proteins that maintain homeostasis.

  3. Proteins are energy rich compounds used as immediate energy source.

  4. Immunoglobulins are the proteins associated with the immune system.

Correct Option: C

Carbohydrates are used as immediate energy source.

In which of the following conditions will the size of nucleolus be large?

  1. When protein synthesis is active.

  2. When protein synthesis is inactive.

  3. When lipid synthesis is active.

  4. When protein synthesis is active.

Correct Option: A

Protein synthesis need ribosomes which are produced from nucleolus.

Keratin, histones and albumin are examples of

  1. derived proteins

  2. nucleoproteins

  3. mucoproteins

  4. simple proteins

Correct Option: D

These are the simple proteins made from amino acids alone.

Bacteria having a tuft of flagella on one end is called

  1. lophotrichous

  2. amphitrichous

  3. peritrichous

  4. atrichous

Correct Option: A

Lopho literally means hill top, trichous means hair like outgrowth.

Which of the following studies will a person undertake if he wants to study the relation of physiology and anatomy with respect to the movements of living beings?

  1. Kinesology

  2. Mammology

  3. Ethology

  4. Ethnology

Correct Option: A

It is the study of relation between the physiology and anatomy of organs with respect to the movements of living beings.

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