Grammar Revision Test 1

Description: Speed test grammar revision1
Number of Questions: 30
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Tags: Speed test grammar revision1 Parts of Speech Preposition and Conjunction Vocabulary Objective English Error Identification Structural Errors Singular Plural Nouns
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Directions: Identify the part having an error. If no part has an error, mark (5).

  1. A majority

  2. of your

  3. colleagues is employed

  4. in government jobs

  5. No error

Correct Option: C

'A majority' is a plural subject. Therefore, colleagues are employed

Directions: Identify the part having an error. If no part has an error, mark (5).

  1. One must keep

  2. one's words

  3. otherwise one

  4. will earn disrepute

  5. No error

Correct Option: B

Use 'word' in place of 'words'. 'Wrod' means 'promise'; 'words' means 'ordinary language'.

Directions: Identify the part having an error. If no part has an error, mark (5).

  1. If rational men cooperated

  2. and used their scientific knowledge

  3. to the full, they can now

  4. secure the economic welfare of all

  5. No error

Correct Option: C

Case of past tense. Replace 'can' with 'could'.

Directions: Identify the part having an error. If no part has an error, mark (5).

  1. He

  2. is coming

  3. to school

  4. regularly

  5. No error

Correct Option: B

Case of present perfect continuous tense. 'He has been coming'.

Directions: Identify the part having an error. If no part has an error, mark (5).

  1. I have read very carefully

  2. the three first chapters of this book

  3. and I have just glanced through

  4. the rest of the novel

  5. No error

Correct Option: B

Error of modifier. 'The first three chapters' is ther correct placement of modifier.

Directions: Identify the part having an error. If no part has an error, mark (5).

  1. We heard him to say

  2. something disgraceful about his cousin

  3. who had left the house

  4. all of a sudden

  5. No error

Correct Option: A

Delete preposition 'to'.

Directions: Select the appropriate word or phrase to complete a grammatical and idiomatic sentence.

_____ pompous, yet he was an entertaining companion.

  1. Before

  2. Never

  3. Though

  4. Despite

  5. While

Correct Option: C

Case of correlative conjunction. 'Though and yet' come together.

Directions: Identify the part having an error.

  1. A deal between the

  2. European Union and the U.S. on agriculture,

  3. so close to the Cancun conference, is

  4. both good as well as bad for the other members of the WTO.

  5. No error

Correct Option: D

‘Both’ and ‘as well as’ cannot be used together.

Directions: Select the appropriate word or phrase to complete a grammatical and idiomatic sentence.

The Major Corporation had to lay ______15% of its employees due to decreased sales.

  1. aside

  2. up

  3. of

  4. off

  5. out

Correct Option: D

Phrasal preposition. 'Lay off' means to put (an employee) out of work, esp. temporarily.

Directions: Select the appropriate word or phrase to complete a grammatical and idiomatic sentence.

The leaders put ______ a rebellion in their country by appeasing the different groups.

  1. up

  2. down

  3. on

  4. off

  5. away

Correct Option: B

Phrasal preposition. 'Put down' means 'to crush; repress'.

Directions: Select the appropriate word or phrase to complete a grammatical and idiomatic sentence.

He is studying hard ______ he may become learned.

  1. although

  2. for

  3. because

  4. so that

  5. lest

Correct Option: D

This is a cause-effect case. He works hard to become learned.

Directions: Select the appropriate words or phrases to complete a grammatical and idiomatic sentence.

______ did a soldier of the tenth legion leap into the water ______ the ship touched the shore.

  1. Though, yet

  2. No sooner, than

  3. Scarcely, when

  4. When, still

  5. As soon, as

Correct Option: B

Coordinating conjunction. 'No sooner and than' talls that just after one event, the other took place.

Directions: Select the appropriate word or phrase to complete a grammatical and idiomatic sentence.

The patient was cheered ____ by the news that she was likely to be discharged in a day or two.

  1. on

  2. up

  3. out

  4. down

  5. (blank)

Correct Option: B

Prepositional usage. 'Cheered up' means 'gladden'.

Directions: Select the appropriate words or phrases to complete a grammatical and idiomatic sentence.

It is a long time ______ I saw my brother who is studying ______ a boarding school ______ Shimla.

  1. when, at, of

  2. since, for, of

  3. since, at, in

  4. before, in, at

  5. before, with, at

Correct Option: C

Correct conjunctional and prepositional use. 'In Shimla' is the correct usage. Hence, option 4, as no other option has 'in' for 'Shimla'.

Directions: Select the appropriate word or phrase to complete a grammatical and idiomatic sentence.

As soon as my attention was _____ the dangerous state of the staircase, I got it repaired.

  1. drawn for

  2. drawn upon

  3. drawn near

  4. drawn to

  5. drawn away from

Correct Option: D

Idiomatic use. 'Attention drawn to somthing' means 'getting informed of something'.

Directions: Select the option that replaces the underlined portion of the given sentence most effectively.

All the social service organizations have realized that the abolition of illiteracy is one of the more urgent of social reforms.

  1. one of the more urgent of social reforms

  2. one of the most urgent of sociable reforms

  3. one of the most urgent of social reforms

  4. the only social reform required

  5. an urgent social reform

Correct Option: C

As the sentence informs us that all the organizations have consensually decided that abolition of illiteracy is of utmost importance, so keyword 'most' should occur. Therefore, option (3) is the correct answer.

Directions: Select the option that replaces the underlined portions of the given sentence most effectively.

We thought we had made adequate arrangements for seating but a large amount of people turned up than we had expected.

  1. had made, a larger amount of

  2. had made, a larger number of

  3. could make, a larger number of

  4. would make, a large number of

  5. could have made, a larger number of

Correct Option: B

The term 'amount' is used to denote quantities, volume etc. For people we use the term 'number'. So the correct expression should be 'a large number of '. This, therefore, helps us mark option (2) as the correct answer.

Directions: Select the option that expresses the central idea in the most clear, concise and correct manner.

  1. A loud shout was given by the boys, which had been heard across the river.

  2. A loud shout was given by the boys which had been heard above the river.

  3. The boys gave a loud shout, which was heard across the river.

  4. A loud shout was heard over the river, given by the boys.

  5. Heard across the river was a loud shout that was given by the boys.

Correct Option: C

This is an assertive sentence, whose best formation goes like 'subject + verb + object'. Option 3 best exprreses the information.

Directions: Select the appropriate word or phrase to complete a grammatical and idiomatic sentence.

The City Council was forced to ______ and put a stop to the development in the area when it was judged to be unsafe.

  1. step up

  2. step in

  3. step back

  4. step by

  5. step out

Correct Option: B

Prepositional usage. 'Step in' means to intervene.

Directions: Select the option that expresses the central idea in the most clear, concise and correct manner.

  1. The troublesome rise of fundamentalist forces in India is bad signal indeed.

  2. It is troublesome to observe the rise of fundamentalist forces in India gradually.

  3. The gradual rise of fundamentalist forces in India is a bad signal.

  4. The troublesome and gradual rise of Indian fundamentalist forces is a very bad signal indeed.

  5. The rise of fundamentalist forces in India is proving to be a troublesome bad signal.

Correct Option: C

If something is 'troublesome' its rise is undoubtedly a 'bad signal'.  So, we don't need to use both the phrases.  This eliminates (1), (4) & (5).  Now, choice (2) is in passive voice and (3) is in the active voice. So (3) is better answer than (2).  Hence, (3).

Directions: Select the appropriate word or phrase to complete a grammatical and idiomatic sentence.

As soon as the visitor's dishonest purpose was discovered, he was ____ the door.

  1. show with

  2. shown to

  3. shown

  4. shown out of

  5. shown off

Correct Option: C

Idiomatic use. 'To show the door' means 'to ask to get out'.

Directions: Select the option that expresses the central idea in the most clear, concise and correct manner.

  1. It is rather cumbersome.

  2. It is rather more cumbersome.

  3. It is rather much more cumbersome.

  4. It is rather most cumbersome.

  5. It is a cumbersome job to do.

Correct Option: A

The subtle comparative 'rather' is used for comparison. We don't use double comparative in a sentence. Hence, (1).

Directions: Select the option that expresses the central idea in the most clear, concise and correct manner.

  1. Due in twenty minutes, is the race's start.

  2. The race will begin precisely within twenty minutes.

  3. In twenty minutes, a start for the race is sure.

  4. The race is due to start in twenty minutes.

Correct Option: D

Option (1) here doesn't make much sense; nor does (3). In (2), “precisely within twenty minutes” is quite ambiguous. (5) is grammatically incorrect. So, the best answer choice we have is (4).

Directions: Select the option that expresses the central idea in the most clear, concise and correct manner.

  1. Taller than any of his comrades, rushed forward, a Sikh.

  2. Tallest than any of his comrades, a Sikh, rushed forward.

  3. A Sikh, taller than any of his counterparts, rushed forward.

  4. A Sikh, taller than any of his comrades, rushed forward.

  5. Taller than any comrade, a Sikh rushed forward.

Correct Option: D

The structure of the sentence has to be kept into consideration. Option 1puts the verb before the subject; option 2 puts the superlative (tallest) for making a comparison; option 3 replaces 'comrades' by counterparts; and option 5 is not a complete sentence and also omits 'any of his'. Hence, (4)

Directions: Select the option that replaces the underlined portion of the given sentence most effectively.

In cover of darkness, the enemy crept over the hill.

  1. In cover of darkness, the enemy crept over the hill.

  2. In cover of darkness, the enemy crept along the hill.

  3. Under cover of darkness, the enemy crept over the hill.

  4. Under the cover of darkness, the enemy crept up the hill.

  5. In the cover of darkness, the enemy crept above the hill.

Correct Option: D

You move ‘under’ cover of darkness and creep ‘up’ the hill.

Directions: Out of given five options, select the option that replaces the underlined portion of the given sentence most effectively.

On the house tops the kite flew until it got lost within the clouds.

  1. On the house tops the kite flew until it got lost within the clouds.

  2. From the house tops the kite flew until it got lost in the clouds.

  3. From the house tops the kite flew until it got lost among the clouds.

  4. Over the house tops the kite flew until it got lost among the clouds.

  5. Over the house tops the kite flew until it got lost in the clouds.

Correct Option: D

Kites fly ‘over’ the housetops and they may get lost ‘among’ clouds. 

Directions: Identify the part having an error. If no part has an error, mark (5).

  1. Taking pity

  2. on the rat,

  3. the sage transformed it

  4. into a dog

  5. No error

Correct Option: E

The sentence is correct as given.

Directions: Identify the part having an error. If no part has an error, mark (5).

  1. Try to venture

  2. a prophesize

  3. about share market

  4. next year

  5. No error

Correct Option: B

Here, we need a noun, not a verb. A prophecy is the correct usage.

Directions: Select the option that replaces the underlined portions of the given sentence most effectively.

After investigating various types of machines Sathyajit chose the monoplane, considering it more serviceable than the bi-plane because its reduced head resistance provided a greater cruising range.

  1. various types of machines, its

  2. many machines, its

  3. various types of machines, it is

  4. various types of machine, it

  5. various machines, of its

Correct Option: A

Among different answer options only two seem valid i.e. the original sentence in option (1) and option (2), but option (2) can be rejected because two different types of machines have been referenced in this sentence: monoplane and bi-plane. Therefore, correct answer is option (1).

Directions: Identify the part having an error. If no part has an error, mark (5).

  1. The urgent need to improve training measure

  2. for pilots

  3. is something which experts have

  4. stressed time and again

  5. No error

Correct Option: C

Article 'the' talks of something specific. For pinpoint references 'all', 'everything', 'something' we use indicative 'that' rather than 'which'. So, replace 'which' by 'that'.

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