Biology Mixed Test - 4

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Which of the following structures will not be visible in the section of a hyaline cartilage?

  1. Perichondrium

  2. Chondroblast

  3. Lacuna

  4. Haversian canal

Correct Option: D

It is present in the bones.

Which of the following types of cells are not present in an areolar connective tissue?

  1. Fibrocytes

  2. Histiocytes

  3. Chromatophores

  4. Chondrocytes

Correct Option: D

These are cartilage-forming cells.

Which of the following statements is true about a cartilage?

  1. It is made up of inflexible material called chondrin.

  2. Its chondrocytes are irregular with off processes.

  3. Its lacunae give off canaliculli.

  4. It is a non-vascular tissue with homogeneous matrix.

Correct Option: D

Cartilage is a non-vascular tissue with homogeneous matrix.

Which of the following body tissues is a connective tissue proper?

  1. Skin

  2. Blood

  3. Cartilage

  4. Adipose

Correct Option: D

It is a connective tissue proper.

Which of the following is true about a bone?

  1. It is made of an inflexible material chondrin.

  2. It is completely non-vascular.

  3. Its matrix is homogeneous.

  4. Its osteocytes are irregular with off branches.

Correct Option: D

The osteocytes are the main bone forming cells.

Which of the following is not a feature of skeletal striated muscle fibres?

  1. Their T-tubule system is well-developed.

  2. Their sarcoplasmic reticulum is well developed.

  3. Their intercalated discs are well developed.

  4. Their mitochondria are numerous.

Correct Option: C

They lack intercalated discs.

Which of the following is the feature of striped muscle fibres?

  1. They are short with sharp ends.

  2. They have only one nucleus.

  3. They are indistinct due to lack of sarcomere.

  4. They have numerous mitochondria.

Correct Option: D

They have numerous mitochondria as they have to produce lot of energy.

Which of the following is a feature of unstriped mucle fibres?

  1. They are short with blunt ends.

  2. They are bound by sarcolemma.

  3. They have many nuclei.

  4. They have less extensive sarcoplasmic reticulum.

Correct Option: D

Their sacroplasmic reticulum is not as developed as in striped muscles.

Which of the following is not a feature of smooth muscles?

  1. High speciality

  2. Separability

  3. High energy production

  4. Voluntary

Correct Option: A

They are less specialised.

Which of the following is a characterstic of cardiac muscle fibre?

  1. Voluntarily

  2. Unbranching

  3. Unseparability

  4. Indefatigability

Correct Option: D

They do not get fatigued out.

Which of the following is the characteristic of white connective fibre?

  1. They are thick and straight.

  2. They occur single and separately.

  3. They are formed from collagen protein.

  4. They are digested by trypsin.

Correct Option: C

They are white and are formed by collagen protein.

Which of the following is a feature of yellow fibrous connective tissue?

  1. They are inelastic and unbranched.

  2. They are made up of collagen protein.

  3. They are digested by trypsin.

  4. They occur in bundles.

Correct Option: D

They occur in single form.

The first commercial antibiotic was discovered by

  1. Waksman

  2. Fleming

  3. Grata and Tash

  4. Robert hook

Correct Option: B

Fleming discovered penicillin which is produced by fungus Penicillium chrysogenum.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of cardiac mucle fibre?

  1. They have only one nucleus.

  2. They have sarcolemma.

  3. They have numeorus mitochondria.

  4. They have stored glycogen granules.

Correct Option: B

They do not possess sarcolemme. They possess only plasma membrane.

Penicillin is produced by

  1. Penicillium chrysogenum

  2. Penicillium grisofulvum

  3. Penicillium patulum

  4. Bacillus lichenformis

Correct Option: A

This was the first commercial antibiotic discovered by Fleming in1929.

Novobiocin is produced by

  1. Streptomyces niveus

  2. Streptomyces noursei

  3. Streptomyces ramosus

  4. Streptomyces aureofaciens

Correct Option: A

True, novobiocin is an antibiotic obtained from Streptomyces niveus.

Food poisoning is caused by all except

  1. Salmonella typhi

  2. Salmonella enteridis

  3. Staphylococcus aureus

  4. Vibrio cholerae

Correct Option: D

It causes cholera.

Which antibiotic is produced by Streptomyces venezuelae and Streptomyces lavendulae?

  1. Terramycin

  2. Nystatin

  3. Chloroamphenicol

  4. Patulin

Correct Option: C

True, chloroamphenicol is produced by S. venezuelae and S. lavendulae.

Which of the following helps in denitrification of soils?

  1. Micrococcus denitrificans

  2. Spirochaete cytophaga

  3. Desulfovibrio desulfuricans

  4. Bacillus brevis

Correct Option: A

They convert nitrate of soils into gaseous nitrogen.

Which bacteria has a role in curing leaves of tea and tobacco?

  1. Clostridium acetabutylicum

  2. Acetobacter aceti

  3. Bacillus megatherium

  4. Pseudomonas florescence

Correct Option: C

Leaves of tobacco and tea are cured by using bacillus megatherium.

Riboflavin is prepared from

  1. E.Coli

  2. Bacillus megatherium

  3. Clostridium butylicum

  4. Streptomyces

Correct Option: C

True, clostridium butylicum produces riboflavin.

Which of the following structures is not visible in the section of a dried bone?

  1. Haversian canal

  2. Lamellae

  3. Perichondrium

  4. Endosteum

Correct Option: C

It is the outer most layer of a cartilage.

Bacitracin is produced by

  1. Bacillus subtilis

  2. Streptomyces griseus

  3. Bacillus lichenformis and Bacillus subtilis

  4. Penicillium notatum

Correct Option: C

True, It is produced by combination of both B. lichenformis and B. subtilis

Which of the following structures can be seen in the section of a yellow fibre?

  1. Chondroblasts

  2. Periosteum

  3. Endosteum

  4. Canaliculi

Correct Option: A

They are the matrix forming cells.

Which of the following is not a type of connective tissue proper?

  1. Adipose tissue

  2. Collagen tissue

  3. Elastic tissue

  4. Cartilagenous tissue

Correct Option: D

It is the skeletal tissue and not the connecive tissue proper.

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