Biology Mixed Test - 5

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Girdling of a tree involves the removal of

  1. xylem

  2. phloem

  3. xylem and phloem

  4. vascular cambium

Correct Option: B

 Phloem is the conducting tissue, which is removed in girdling as it forms a part of the bark.

Unipolar neurons are present in

  1. dorsal root ganglia of spinal cord

  2. retina of eye

  3. olfactory epithelium

  4. grey matter of brain

Correct Option: A

This is the region where unipolar neurons are present.

Which of the following is true about the myelinated nerve fibres?

  1. They appear grey in colour.

  2. They occur in autonomic nerves.

  3. They give off collateral nerve fibres.

  4. They carry nerve impulse slowly.

Correct Option: C

This is true about myelinated nerve fibres whereas collateral nerve fibres are absent in non myelinated fibres.

Which of the following is not the feature of the dendrites of neurons?

  1. They are usually numerous per neuron.

  2. They contain neurofibrils and Nissl's granules.

  3. They have terminal branches with synaptic knobs.

  4. They carry impulse towards the cyton.

Correct Option: C

Synaptic knobs are present in the branches of axons.

Which of the following types of epithellium is present in parotid salivary gland?

  1. Simple cuboidal ciliated epithelium

  2. Simple columnar ciliated epithelium

  3. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium

  4. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium

Correct Option: C

This is present in parotid gland and urethra of human males.

Which of the following are the complex polymers of amino acids?

  1. Proteins

  2. Carbohydrates

  3. Fats

  4. Vitamins

Correct Option: A

They are the complex polymers of amino acids.

Penicillin is extracted from

  1. Penicillium camemberti

  2. Penicillium notatum

  3. Penicillium candidum

  4. Penicillium expansum

Correct Option: B

 Penicillium notatum, an ascomycotic fungi is used to extract penicillin which is a very important antibiotic.

Which plant hormone is responsible for promoting cell division?

  1. Gibberellin

  2. Auxin

  3. Cytokinin

  4. Abscisic acid

Correct Option: C

Cytokinin is a group of plant hormones which is mainly responsible for cell division in roots and shoots.

The Avery-Macleod-McCarty experiment demonstrated that

  1. RNA is involved in transduction in bacteria

  2. DNA is involved in transduction in bacteria

  3. DNA causes transformation in bacteria

  4. RNA causes transformation in bacteria

Correct Option: C

 The Avery-Macleod-McCarty experiment was carried out by three scientists to show that transformation in bacteria is caused by taking up free DNA by bacteria either naturally or artificially in lab.

Which of the following statements is true about cilia and microvilli?

  1. Microvilli arise from basal granule.

  2. Cilia are longer and thinner than microvilli.

  3. Both cilia and microvilli are covered by coat of glycocalyx.

  4. Cilia are usually cylindrical in shape.

Correct Option: B

Cilia are long cellular appendages and are very thin.

Which of the following mineral nutrients helps in the oxidation of carbohydrates in energy metabolism?

  1. Calcium

  2. Iodine

  3. Iron

  4. Phosphorous

Correct Option: C

Iron helps in energy metabolism.

Resting spore of many fungi which survive in unfavourable conditions is called

  1. sporangium

  2. chlamydospore

  3. sporangiophore

  4. synangium

Correct Option: B

Chlamydospore is the resting stage of spores formed by nuclear fusion of haploid cells in fungi also known as zygospore.

Cavities formed in plant cells by autolysis of glandular cells are called

  1. schizogenous cavities

  2. lysigenous cavities

  3. schizolysigenous cavities

  4. intercellular spaces

Correct Option: B

 Lysigenous cavities are formed by the autolysis or degeneration of glandular cells, so that secretions from cells are poured into the space formed.

The scientific name of bread mould is

  1. Rhizopus artocarpi

  2. Rhizopus oligiosporus

  3. Rhizopus nigricans

  4. Rhizopus oryzae

Correct Option: C

 Rhizopus nigricans is the name of bread mould which belongs to zygomycota division of fungi.

According to the chemical structure of DNA, a base linked to a sugar is called

  1. nucleotide

  2. nucleoside

  3. polynucleotide

  4. base pair

Correct Option: B

 A nitrogenous base linked to sugar in the structure without the phosphate group is called nucleoside.

Responses to stimuli by plants in the night is called

  1. thermonasty

  2. chemonasty

  3. thigmonasty

  4. nyctinasty

Correct Option: D

 Nyctinasty is a nastic movement in plants in response to the dark period during night and an example is closing of many leguminous leaves at the onset of darkness.

Which division of fungi does penicillium belong to

  1. basidiomycota

  2. zygomycota

  3. ascomycota

  4. deuteromycotina

Correct Option: C

 Penicillium is derived from a group of fungi belonging to division Ascomycota which are sac like fungi.

Which vitamin plays an important role in health and development of the vision?

  1. Vitamin A

  2. Vitamin D

  3. Vitamin C

  4. Vitamin E

Correct Option: A

Vitamin A helps to improve vision.

Where does stomata occur in a dorsi-ventral leaf?

  1. Upper epidermis

  2. Lower epidermis

  3. Both upper and lower epidermis

  4. Mesophyll layer

Correct Option: B

 Stomata is present in the lower epidermis to help the dorsi-ventral leaf which faces the sun on the upper side to minimise the rate of transpiration.

Retting of fibres is performed by

  1. Pseudomonas florescence

  2. Bacillus megatherium

  3. Lactobacillus delbreuckii

  4. Beggiatoa

Correct Option: A

The stems and the leaves are seperated from the softer tissues by dew retting.

The microscopic channels of cell walls through which transport of materials occurs in plant cells are called

  1. gap junctions

  2. membrane nanotubes

  3. plasmodesmata

  4. stromules

Correct Option: C

Plasmodesmata are microscopic channels which traverse the cell walls of plant cells to connect the cytoplasm of the neighbouring cells.

Which of the following is required for the normal growth, development and maintenance of good health?

  1. Vitamin A

  2. Haemoglobin

  3. Calcium

  4. Fats

Correct Option: A

It helps in the growth and development of the body.

Which of the following is not true about red algae?

  1. They belong to division rhodophyta.

  2. They are highly poisonous if consumed in any form.

  3. Phycobiliproteins give them their red colour.

  4. They have high vitamin and protein content.

Correct Option: B

 Red algae are highly nutritious and are also used in many food products, so it cannot be poisonous.

Which of the following is the correct feature of keratinised epithelium in contrast to non- keratinised epithelium?

  1. It forms the lining of buccal cavity, pharynx and oesophagus.

  2. Its surface cells are living and contain cytoplasm.

  3. It forms the layer impervious to water.

  4. It is not protected against abrasion.

Correct Option: C

Keratinised layer of epidermis is dead and thus osmosis or any other fluid transport mechanism does not work.

Which of the following pairs of vitamins are fat-soluble?

  1. A and D

  2. B and C

  3. A and C

  4. A and B

Correct Option: A

Vitamins A and D are fat soluble.

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