Biology (Medical Entrance) - 4

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In man, PTH or parathyroid hormone

  1. reduces blood calcium level

  2. stimulates calcitonin release

  3. is produced by the thyroid gland

  4. is released when blood calcium level falls

Correct Option: D

In man, PTH or parathyroid hormone is released when blood calcium level falls.

The two hemispheres of cerebrum are connected by

  1. splenium

  2. corpus callosum

  3. island of reil

  4. genu

Correct Option: B

This option is correct.

Which of the following waves are shown in EEG of a normal human?

  1. Alpha, beta and delta

  2. Beta and theta

  3. Alpha, beta, theta and delta

  4. Alpha, theta, beta and gamma

Correct Option: C

 This option is correct because these are the four different types of waves are shown in the EEG of a normal human.

During hanging which vertebra breaks that leads to instant death?

  1. Axis

  2. Atlas

  3. Lumbar

  4. Optic

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option.

Which of the four are collectively known as brain stem?

  1. Pons varolii, mid brain, medulla oblongata and diencephalon

  2. Pons varolli, mid brain, cerebellum and thalamus

  3. Medulla oblongata, cerebellum, pons varolii and cerebrum

  4. Hypothalamus, thalamus, mid brain and cerebellum

Correct Option: A

This option is correct because they all perform the major function of brain considered as brain stem.

How many pairs of cranial nerves do humans have?

  1. 12

  2. 26

  3. 10

  4. 35

Correct Option: A

This option is correct because humans have 12 pairs of cranial nerves. These are the nerves arising from Central Nervous System (CNS).

A frog has only two meninges. Which are they?

  1. Duramater and arachnoid

  2. Duramater and piamater

  3. Piamater and arachnoid

  4. Epiduralspace and duramater

Correct Option: A

This option is correct.

Which is the longest cranial nerve?

  1. Trochlear

  2. Trigeminal

  3. Vagus

  4. Vestibular

Correct Option: C

This option is correct because vagus has the maximum number of branches and it is also known as wondering nerve.

The convolutions present in cerebral hemisphere help in

  1. control and co-ordination

  2. sensation of light

  3. increase the surface area of the cortex

  4. perception of sensation

Correct Option: C

This option is correct because the convolutions/folds increase the surface area of cortex for accomodating more nerve cells in it.

The brain forms about how much % of the weight of the whole CNS?

  1. 98%

  2. 70%

  3. 88%

  4. 100%

Correct Option: A

This option is correct because brain is situated in the cranial cavity of the skull and forms 98% of the weight of the whole CNS.

Natural pain killers produced in the brain are

  1. analgesics

  2. endorphins

  3. neurotoxins

  4. neurins

Correct Option: B

This option is correct because endorphins are produced during the time of physical/emotional stress for example: child birth, etc.

The important areas present in temporal lobe are

  1. broca's area and motor area

  2. visual areas

  3. premotor area and somesthetic

  4. olfactory, auditory and wernicke's area

Correct Option: D

This option is correct because temporal lobe has three important areas which have important functions in the sense of smell, hearing  and understanding. Speech and rest are the parts of other lobes.

Auditory nerve is formed by

  1. vestibular and trochlear nerve

  2. cochlear nerve

  3. trochlear and cochlear nerve

  4. vestibular and cochlear nerve

Correct Option: D

This option is correct because auditory nerve is formed by the union of vestibular nerve and the cochlear nerve.

In case of multiple sclerosis, destruction of ________________ occurs.

  1. axon

  2. dendrite

  3. myelin sheath

  4. nervous tissue

Correct Option: C

This option is correct because multiple sclerosis occurs due to the destruction of  myelin sheath of neuron.

Pick up the examples of simple reflexes.

  1. Knee jerk and coughing

  2. Dancing and cycling

  3. Singing and running

  4. Swimming and driving

Correct Option: A

This option is correct because they are unconditioned and involuntary reflexes without any function of brain, these are inborn.

The yellow spot is also known as

  1. optic disc

  2. ora serrata

  3. fovea centralis

  4. macula lutea

Correct Option: D

This option is correct because macula lutea contains a yellow pigment called xanthophyll. Hence, it is also known as yellow spot.

Which portion of eye does not get blood supply?

  1. Sclera

  2. Cornea

  3. Choroid

  4. Iris

Correct Option: B

This option is correct because cornea is vascular and does not get blood supply. It absorbs oxygen directly from air.


The epithelium of ciliary process continuously secretes watery fluid known as

  1. aqueous humour

  2. vitreous humour

  3. median rectus

  4. ora terminalis

Correct Option: A

This option is correct because it maintains the shape of the front part of the eye and provides nutrients to the lens.


Hypothalamus is an important link between the

  1. nervous system and endocrine system

  2. endocrine system and exocrine system

  3. exocrine system and nervous system

  4. nervous system and circulation system

Correct Option: A

This option is correct because it contains centres for homeostasis by regulating body temperature. It is present in the brain which is a part of the nervous tissue and the hormones released by posterior pituitary gland (endocrine gland) are synthesized in hypothalamus.

Which of the following receptors responds to heat and temperature?

  1. Ruffini's corpuscles

  2. Photoreceptor

  3. Krause's corpuscles

  4. Algesi receptors

Correct Option: A

This option is correct because ruffini's corpuscles is an example of calo receptor which responds to heat and temperature.

Which of the following fluids cannot be replaced in any significant quantity?

  1. Vitreous humour

  2. Cerebrospinal fluid

  3. Pleural fluid

  4. Aqueous humour

Correct Option: A

This option is correct because vitreous humour is present behind the lens and the space inside the retina. It is a clear, semi-solid jelly like substance and is not secreted by the cilliary process. It cannot be replaced in any significant quantity.

Which of the following cavities is not found in human beings?

  1. Rhinocoel

  2. Paracoel

  3. Diocoel

  4. Metacoel

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option.

Nervous tissue is without ____________ vessels.

  1. blood

  2. capillaries

  3. lymphatic

  4. efferent

Correct Option: C

 This option is correct because lymphatic vessels are not present in the nervous tissues.

What is the other name of hindbrain?

  1. Prosencephalon

  2. Rhombencephalon

  3. Mesencephalon

  4. Telencephalon

Correct Option: B

This option is correct because hindbrain is also known as rhombencephalon.

Graves disease is due to

  1. hyposecretion of thyroxine

  2. hypersecretion of thyroxine

  3. deficiency of thyroxine

  4. hypersecretion of parathyroid hormone

Correct Option: B

Graves disease is due to hypersecretion of thyroxine.

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