Biology Test

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What type of freely movable joint is present in between atlas and axis?

  1. Ball and socket

  2. Hinge joint

  3. Pivot joint

  4. Saddle joint

Correct Option: C

Synovial joint present in between atlas and axis is of pivot joint type.

Which of the following cells is/are absent in areolar tissues?

  1. Macrophages

  2. Neurogloea cells

  3. Fibroblast

  4. Mast cells

Correct Option: B

Neurogloea cells are absent in areolar tissues. 

The type of cartilage that is present in ear pinna is known as

  1. hyaline cartilage

  2. elastic cartilage

  3. fibrous cartilage

  4. calcified cartilage

Correct Option: B

Elastic cartilage is present in ear pinna. Hyaline cartilage is present in trachea, larynx and bronchi.

A bacterium with numerous flagella all around is

  1. monotrichous

  2. lophotrichous

  3. amphitrichous

  4. peritrichous

Correct Option: D

A bacterium with numerous flagella all around is peritrichous.

Which of the following tissues do not consist of nerves?

  1. Bones

  2. Muscles

  3. Cartilage

  4. Skin

Correct Option: C

Out of skin, muscle, bone and cartilage, only cartilage does not contain nerves.

Intercalated disc is found in

  1. striated muscle

  2. non-striated muscle

  3. cardiac muscle

  4. ligament

Correct Option: C

The intercalated disc is found in cardiac muscle. It is a zig zag junction found inbetween two cardiac muscle cells.

Which one of the following is a function of circulatory system?

  1. Storage of minerals

  2. Providing structural framework

  3. Body temperature regulation

  4. Storage of fat

Correct Option: C

Circulatory system helps in regulating the body or blood temperature.

Which of the following muscles is voluntary in action?

  1. Muscles in the arm

  2. Muscles in the heart wall

  3. Smooth muscles on the wall of large intestine

  4. Muscles in the iris of eye

Correct Option: A

The muscles in the arm are striated and are voluntary.

The phagocytic cell which helps in engulfing foreign materials is

  1. mast cell

  2. macrophage

  3. fibroblast

  4. plasma cell

Correct Option: B

Macrophages perform the function of engulfing foreign materials.

Total number of cervical vertebrae in a man is

  1. one

  2. seven

  3. twelve

  4. five

Correct Option: B

Total number of cervical vertebrae in a man is 7.

Which of the following is the longest bone in human body?

  1. Stapes

  2. Femur

  3. Tibia

  4. Radius

Correct Option: B

Longest bone in human body is femur.

Total number of true ribs in man is

  1. three pairs

  2. seven pairs

  3. two pairs

  4. twelve pairs

Correct Option: B

Total number of true ribs in man is seven pairs.

Which of the following is present both in the plant and animal cells?

  1. Central vacuole

  2. Tonoplast

  3. Cell wall

  4. Peroxisomes

Correct Option: D

Peroxisomes are found in some of the cells of almost every eukaryotic species.

Which one of the following is not a double membranous structure?

  1. Vacuole

  2. Chloroplast

  3. Mitochondrion

  4. Nucleus

Correct Option: A

Vacuole is not a double membranous structure. Vacuole has single membrane.

Which of the following cells contains the most smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

  1. Liver cell

  2. Islet cell from the pancreas

  3. Mature sperm

  4. Zygote

Correct Option: A

Liver cell contains the most smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Liver cell is most active in detoxification, one of the jobs of smooth ER. 

Name a polysaccharide which is stored in plants and cannot be digested by human beings.

  1. Cellulose

  2. Glycogen

  3. Starch

  4. Fructose

Correct Option: A

Cellulose is found in plant cell walls and is not digestible by humans.

Protein part of an enzyme is called

  1. co- enzyme

  2. prosthetic group

  3. co-factor

  4. apo enzyme

Correct Option: D

Protein part of an enzyme is called apo enzyme.

The connective tissue which joins a bone with another bone is called

  1. ligament

  2. tendon

  3. muscle

  4. neural tissue

Correct Option: A

In a synovial joint, the connective tissues holding the bones together are called ligaments. Ligaments attach a bone to another bone.

In a human cell, Kreb's cycle occurs in

  1. cytosol

  2. mitochondrial matrix

  3. inner mitochondrial membrane

  4. inter membrane space

Correct Option: B

The Kreb's cycle occurs with in the mitochondrial matrix in all eukaryotic cells.

The V shaped bone which serves as anchoring structure to the tongue is called

  1. malleus

  2. hyoid

  3. dentary

  4. frontal

Correct Option: B

The V shaped bone which serves as anchoring structure to the tongue is hyoid.

Which organelle is not surrounded by any membrane?

  1. Ribosome

  2. Chloroplast

  3. Mitochondrion

  4. Peroxisome

Correct Option: A

Ribosome is not surrounded by any membrane.

Which of the following are not seen in the plasma membrane of an eukaryotic cell?

  1. Peripheral proteins

  2. Lipids

  3. Mesosomes

  4. Integral proteins

Correct Option: C

Prokaryotes have internal membrane folds that remain attached to the plasma membrane. These mesosomes may function in cell division or in various energy-releasing reactions.

Lipids in the plasma membrane have

  1. hydrophilic part only

  2. hydrophobic part only

  3. both hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts

  4. no fatty acid chains

Correct Option: C

Most of the lipids in biological membranes are phospholipids. Phospholipids have both hydrophilic regions and hydrophobic regions. In hydrophilic regions, phosphorus containing head of phospholipid is electrically charged and hence associates with polar water molecules. In hydrophobic regions, long, nonpolar fatty acid tails of the phospholipids associate with other nonpolar materials, but they do not dissolve in water or associate with hydrophilic substances.

Ribosome is the site of

  1. DNA replication

  2. autophagic digestion

  3. intracellular transport

  4. protein synthesis

Correct Option: D

Ribosome is the site of protein synthesis.

Polysome is a condition were several ribosomes are attached to

  1. DNA

  2. rRNA

  3. tRNA

  4. mRNA

Correct Option: D

Polysome is a condition were several ribosomes are attached to mRNA.

In prokaryotes, ribosomes are associated with

  1. nucleoid

  2. plasma membrane

  3. plasmids

  4. capsule

Correct Option: B

In prokaryotes, ribosomes are associated with plasma membrane.

Reserve material in prokaryotic cells are stored in the cytoplasm in the form of

  1. glyoxysomes

  2. peroxisomes

  3. golgi bodies

  4. inclusion bodies

Correct Option: D

Reserve material in prokaryotic cells are stored in the cytoplasm in the form of inclusion bodies.

The subunits of a prokaryotic ribosome are

  1. 60S and 40S

  2. 50S and 30S

  3. 60S and 50S

  4. 20S and 15S

Correct Option: B

The subunits of a prokaryotic ribosome are 50S and 30S. The 70S ribosomes of prokaryotes have in the larger 50S subunit, 23S and 5S types of rRNA and 34 different proteins. The 30S subunit contains a molecule of 16S rRNA and 21 different proteins.

Middle lamella is mainly composed of

  1. calcium carbonate

  2. calcium oxalate

  3. calcium pectate

  4. magnesium dioxide

Correct Option: C

Middle lamella is mainly composed of calcium pectate

Na+/K+ pump in plasma membrane of animal cells is an example for

  1. passive transport

  2. osmosis

  3. ATP free transport

  4. active transport

Correct Option: D

Na+/K+ pump requires the direct participation of the energy-rich molecule ATP and is active transport. Sodium-potassium (Na+/K+) pump is found in all animal cells and is an integral membrane of glycoprotein. It breaks down a molecule of ATP to ADP and phosphate (Pi) and uses the energy released to bring two K+ ions into the cell and export three Na+ ions.

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