Components of Food-II

Description: Components of food (II)
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: Components of food (II) Components of Food Importance of Balanced Diet and Deficiency Disorder Symptoms of Deficiency Disorders
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If a person does not eat protein-containing food for a long time, which of the following disorders may appear in him?

  1. Poor vision

  2. Swelling of face

  3. Weak teeth

  4. Bleeding gums

Correct Option: B

Deficiency of proteins in the diet for a long time results in swelling of face and neck, undergrowth of the body, etc. This is because proteins are the building blocks of the body and should be taken in sufficient amounts. 

Goitre disease is commonly found among people living in the Himalayan regions because their diet has

  1. low iodine content

  2. low sodium content

  3. low calcium content

  4. low iron content

Correct Option: A

Goitre is a disease in which the thyroid gland in the body does not work properly. This happens due to low intake of iodine in diet. 

Which of the following is the cause of anaemia?

  1. Excessive intake of iron

  2. Deficiency of iron

  3. Excessive intake of vitamins

  4. Deficiency of vitamins

Correct Option: B

Anaemia refers to low haemoglobin/blood level in the body which occurs when we do not take enough iron in our diet. This is because iron forms haemoglobin, which is a major component of our blood. 

Excessive washing of vegetables and peeling of fruits result in the loss of

  1. minerals

  2. vitamins

  3. proteins

  4. both (1) and (2)

Correct Option: D

Fruits and vegetables are a major source of vitamins and minerals. Washing and peeling more than required result in the loss of these two nutrients from them. 

Which nutrient gets easily destroyed by heat during cooking?

  1. Vitamin C

  2. Vitamin D

  3. Vitamin A

  4. Vitamin K

Correct Option: A

Vitamin C is a nutrient, which can not tolerate high temperature and gets destroyed on over heating. 

Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibres are part of _____.

  1. vegetables

  2. fruits

  3. pulses

  4. balanced diet

Correct Option: D

Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, water and dietary fibres are the substances which help in the optimal functioning of our body and form the various components of our balanced diet. 

Pick the odd one out.

  1. Calcium

  2. Vitamin D

  3. Iodine

  4. Iron

Correct Option: B

Calcium, iodine and iron are minerals required by the body; whereas vitamin D is a vitamin and is the odd one out. 

Deficiency of which of the following can cause diarrhea?

  1. Vitamin C

  2. Carbohydrates

  3. Calcium

  4. Proteins

Correct Option: D

Deficiency of proteins in the diet for a long time results in swelling of face, swollen neck, under growth of the body and diarrhea etc. This is because proteins are the building blocks of the body and should be taken in sufficient amount. 

Potato and rice are rich sources of

  1. proteins

  2. fats

  3. fibres

  4. carbohydrates

Correct Option: D

Potato and rice are rich sources of carbohydrates. Both are abundant in starch. 

What are the symptoms of scurvy?

  1. Soft bones

  2. Swollen neck

  3. Bleeding gums

  4. Weakness

Correct Option: C

Scurvy results due to lack of vitamin C and is basically symptomized when our gums start bleeding. 

It is good to avoid fat rich food because it causes

  1. obesity

  2. malnutrition

  3. deficiency diseases

  4. low body energy

Correct Option: A

The lack or excess of anything is harmful, e.g. lack of fat lowers the body energy and intake of excess fat results in obesity.

Which of the following is not correctly matched?

  1. Deficiency of vitamin D - Rickets

  2. Deficiency of vitamin C - Scurvy

  3. Deficiency of vitamin B - Beri-beri

  4. Deficiency of vitamin A -- Dehydration

Correct Option: D

Deficiency of vitamin D - Rickets

Deficiency of vitamin C - Scurvy

Deficiency of vitamin B - Beri-beri

Excess loss of water -- Dehydration

Lemon and citrus fruits contain vitamin C that protects us from

  1. goitre

  2. anaemia

  3. scurvy

  4. rickets

Correct Option: C

Deficiency of vitamin D - Rickets

Deficiency of vitamin C - Scurvy

Deficiency of vitamin B - Beri-Beri

So, scurvy is the disease which is prevented by the intake of citrus fruits. 

______ and ______ prevent bones and teeth from decaying.

  1. Carbohydrates, proteins

  2. Vitamin D, calcium

  3. Calcium, vitamin C

  4. Iron, calcium

Correct Option: B

Vitamin A is the one which helps in keeping our skin and eyes healthy. Carbohydrates and fats are the energy providing foods and proteins are the basic building blocks of the body. Vitamin D also helps in maintaining the calcium requirements of the body. So, the deficiency of vitamin D and calcium in the body causes bones and tooth decay. 

If a person eats a diet deficient in both proteins and carbohydrates, what happens?

  1. He may become lean and thin.

  2. His growth may stop completely.

  3. He may become unable to walk.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

A person who does not take proteins and carbohydrates in his diet for long, he may become so lean and thin that he will not be able to walk properly and his growth may also stop completely. This is because these two are the major nutrients for our body. 

Which of the following minerals helps us in maintaining a balanced mental status?

  1. Iron

  2. Calcium

  3. Iodine

  4. Sodium

Correct Option: C

Sufficient amount of iodine is required by our body for maintaining a balanced mental status. 

Vitamin D helps our body to use _____ for bone and teeth and protects from ______ disease.

  1. calcium, rickets

  2. calcium, anemia

  3. calcium, goiter

  4. calcium, scurvy

Correct Option: A

Vitamin D maintains the proper functioning of bones and teeth. It also helps our body to use calcium and thus prevents rickets. 

Weakness of muscles and laziness in the body are symptoms of ______.

  1. beriberi

  2. rickets

  3. scurvy

  4. goiter

Correct Option: A

Goiter - swollen neck glands

Scurvy - bleeding germs

Rickets - bow shaped legs

Beriberi - weak muscles and laziness 

Which vitamin is required for the healing of wound?

  1. C

  2. D

  3. A

  4. E

Correct Option: A

Vitamin C helps body in fighting against infection and also in healing wounds. 

Beriberi is caused by the deficiency of vitamin ____.

  1. C

  2. A

  3. B1

  4. D

Correct Option: C

Lack of any nutrient in the body causes one or the other diseases in the body.

For example, Deficiency of vitamin D - Rickets

Deficiency of vitamin C - Scurvy

Deficiency of vitamin B - Beriberi etc. 

Deficiency of which of the following two nutrients leads to the complete stoppage of growth?

  1. Vitamins and minerals

  2. Carbohydrates and proteins

  3. Vitamins and proteins

  4. Vitamins and carbohydrates

Correct Option: B

A person who does not take proteins and carbohydrates in his diet for a long time, may become so lean that he will not be able to walk properly and his growth may also stop completely. This is because these two are the major nutrients for our body. 

How much water should a growing child drink daily?

  1. 2 - 3 litres

  2. 0.5 - 1 litres

  3. 6 - 8 litres

  4. 10 - 15 litres

Correct Option: A

Though water is not one of the five nutrients of balanced diet, but it is a major food component. Minimum water intake by a child should be 2 - 3 litres daily. 

It is advisable to use the least amount of water while cooking to prevent the loss of _____.

  1. proteins and carbohydrates

  2. minerals and starch

  3. proteins and minerals

  4. vitamins and carbohydrates

Correct Option: C

High temperature cooking for longer duration results in the destruction of vitamin C, protein and mineral content of the food. Use of less water and cooking for shorter duration will result in preserving protein and mineral content of the food. 

Goiter is a disorder which leads to________.

  1. wrinkling of face

  2. swelling of neck glands

  3. bending of legs

  4. bulging of eyes

Correct Option: B

Goiter - swollen neck glands

Scurvy - bleeding gums

Rickets - bow shaped legs

Beriberi - weak muscles and laziness 

Match the following and choose the correct options given below. A. Scurvy I.

Deficiency of vitamin D

B. Goiter II.

Deficiency of vitamin B

C. Rickets III.

Deficiency of vitamin C

D. Beriberi IV. Deficiency of iodine

  1. A - I, B- II, C - IV, D - III

  2. A - III, B- IV, C - I, D - II

  3. A - II, B - III, C - IV, D - I

  4. A - I, B- III, C - IV, D - II

Correct Option: B

Scurvy - Deficiency of vitamin C

Goiter - Deficiency of iodine

Rickets - Deficiency of vitamin D

Beriberi - Deficiency of vitamin B. 

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