The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings-I

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What is the habitat of the plants and animals that live on land called?

  1. Xeric habitat

  2. Terrestrial habitat

  3. Aquatic habitat

  4. Aerial habitat

Correct Option: B

Animals and plants that live on the land are known as terrestrial animals. However, the animals like fish, whales, sharks live in water and are known as aquatic animals

Which of the following regions is not a terrestrial habitat?

  1. Deserts

  2. Grasslands

  3. Lakes

  4. Forests

Correct Option: C

Habitat of animals and plants in different regions depends upon their body structure and its adaptability. E.g. animals like Yak, Lions, ants live on ground and are known as terrestrial animals. Forests, grounds, grasslands, deserts are all include in terrestrial habitat whereas ponds, swanks lakes, rivers, sea, ocean in the aquatic habitat.

Which of the following animals is/are found on the beaches?

  1. Yak

  2. Crabs

  3. Ants

  4. Sharks

Correct Option: B

Habitat of animals and plants in different regions depends upon their body structure and their adaptability. For example, animals like Yak, lions and ants live on ground and are known as terrestrial animals. Animals like fish, whales, sharks live in water and are known as aquatic animals. Crab is an animal which is generally found on the sea shores or beaches as it is neither completely terrestrial nor aquatic.

Plants belong to biotic components whereas sunlight and air belongs to ________.

  1. adaptation

  2. habitat

  3. living components

  4. abiotic components

Correct Option: D

Different kinds of plants are found in different regions because of the reason that survival of different plants in a particular area depend upon many factors like climate, soil texture, organisms found over there, etc. All these factors are collectively divided into two major categories; the living components are called biotic and non-living components are called abiotic components. Thus, sunlight and air are the abiotic components.

Which kind of habitat is an example of ponds, swamps and oceans?

  1. Xeric

  2. Aquatic

  3. Marine

  4. Terrestrial

Correct Option: B

Different animals  and  plants inhabitant different regions depending upon their body structure and its adaptability. E.g. animals like Yak, Lions, ants live on ground and are known as terrestrial animals. Forests, grounds, grasslands, deserts are all include in terrestrial habitat whereas ponds, swanks lakes, rivers, sea, ocean in the aquatic habitat.

What is the adaptations in the camels which help them to conserve water?

  1. Thick layer of fur.

  2. No sweating

  3. Thick layer of fat under skin

  4. Excrete large amount of urine

Correct Option: B

Camel is well adapted to the heat of the desert. Their bodies are adapted variably to fit well over there. Deserts have scarcity of water so to conserve water, camels have long legs to stay away from the heat of the sun, they do not sweat much. They excrete less urine and almost dry dung. Thus all these characteristics of camels help in conserving water.

Which organ of the fish helps to change body direction and acts as a balancer?

  1. Gills

  2. Flat fins and tail

  3. Streamlined body

  4. Slippery scales

Correct Option: B

The body of a fish is well adapted to swim in water. They have got a streamlined body to cut the currents of water, gills in fish helps it to respire well in water. Also it is able to swim in water without sinking down due to the presence of flat fins and tail which help the fist in maintaining balance and in changing body direction.

The changes in body of an organism over short period due to environment changes is called

  1. adaptation

  2. stimuli

  3. sensitivity

  4. ascclimatisation

Correct Option: D

Acclimatisation is a gradual change in the environment (such as change in temperature, humidity) in which the oraganism adjust and allowing it to maintain performance across a range of environment conditions. It occurs in a short period of time and within the oraganism's lifetime.

Why different kinds of plants are found in different regions?

  1. Due to varied climatic conditions

  2. Due to varied soil temperature

  3. Due to varied organisms

  4. Due to varied biotic and abiotic factors

Correct Option: D

Different kinds of plants are found in different regions because of the reason that survival of different plants in a particular area depends upon many factors like climate, soil texture, organisms found over there. All these factors are collectively divided into 2 major categories; the living factors as biotic and non living ones as abiotic.

Which of the following options are the dwelling places of snakes in deserts?

  1. Deep burrows

  2. Pits

  3. Shallow holes

  4. Trees

Correct Option: A

The upper layers of sand are comparatively at a very high temperature as compared to the lower layer which are at a low temperature. Thus the animal like snakes live in deserts by digging deep burrows.

What is aquatic habitat?

  1. Habitat of plants and animals that live on land

  2. Habitat of plants and animals that live in water

  3. Habitat of plants and animals that live in deserts

  4. Habitat of animals that live on trees

Correct Option: B

Different animals and plants have habitant in different regions depending upon their body structure and their adaptability. E.g. animals like Yak, Lions, ants live on ground and are known as terrestrial animals.        Animals like fish, whales, sharks live in water and are known as aquatic animals. Crab is an animal        which is generally found on the sea shores or beaches as it is neither completely terrestrial nor aquatic.

Which of the following characteristics is not a feature of xerophytes?

  1. Sunken stomata

  2. Spined leaves

  3. Deep roots

  4. Spongy stem

Correct Option: D

Xerophytes are the plants living in hot and dry places. Their bodies are well adapted to prevent excess water loss. For the same, they have sunken stomata down in the leaves, also leaves are reduced to spines, roots are deep and long enough to absorb more water from the ground. The photosynthesis is performed by thick and waxy stem.

Which of the following is the characteristic feature of xerophyte stem?

  1. Thick and waxy

  2. Tender

  3. Weak

  4. Hard

Correct Option: A

Xerophytes are the plants growing in hot and dry places. For e.g. Cactus is a plant, which grows in deserts. Thus to avoid the loss of excess water through stomata, its leaves are reduced to spine like structures and it is the stem in these plants, which is green in colour and performs the functions of photosynthesis. Also their stem is thick and waxy to prevent loss of water.

Which habitat is characterised by hot and dry places?

  1. Terrestrial

  2. Arboreal

  3. Xeric

  4. Aquatic

Correct Option: C

Different places are having different climatic conditions and thus variety of flora and fauna. For e.g. terrestrial habitat refers to grounds, grasslands, etc. Arboreal refers to staying on trees like monkeys. Xeric refers to deserts having hot and dry climatic conditions and aquatic as the water bodies.

Why leaves in desert plants are either absent, very small or leathery?

  1. To reduce transpiration

  2. To reduce sweating

  3. To reduce respiration

  4. To enhance water absorption

Correct Option: A

Cactus is a plant which grow in deserts. Thus to avoid the loss of excess water through stomata its leaves are reduced to spine like structures and it is the stem in these plants which is green in colour and performs the functions of photosynthesis.

Which of the following sets belong to deserts?

  1. Opunlia, Camels, Pines

  2. Yak, Cow, Rat

  3. Cactus, Babool, Camel

  4. Hydrilla, Snake, Fish

Correct Option: C

Yak and cow are the terrestrial animals, hydrilla and fish the aquatic organisms, so it is cactus, babool and camel which are the organisms belonging to deserts.

If camel is to desert, yak is to ___________.

  1. aquatic

  2. mountain

  3. xeric

  4. aerial

Correct Option: B

Camel is a desert animal and yak is an animal which is very well adapted to the mountain habitat.

Which of the following is a peculiar feature of animals living in mountainous regions?

  1. Thick fur on skin

  2. Long legs

  3. Scaly body

  4. Webbed feet

Correct Option: A

Generally, the temperature in the mountain regions is low. So, the organisms inhabiting mountainous regions are adapted to survive well in the cold climate as they have thick fur or thick skin on the body so as to conserve the body heat and avoid heat loss to the surroundings.

What is the characteristic climate of mountain regions?

  1. Warm and moist

  2. Cold and windy

  3. Hot and dry

  4. Salty

Correct Option: B

Generally the temperature in the mountain regions is lower. Also the cold winds keep blowing over there so the climate of mountain regions is cold and windy.

Which kind of habitat is a component of grasses, libras, lions and giraffes?

  1. Arboreal

  2. Grass land

  3. Desert

  4. Marine

Correct Option: B

The land on which the grass grows is said to be grassland - Zebra, Lions and giraffes are suited well to stay on the grassland. Thus, all the given organisms are inhabitant of grasslands

Which part of the cactus plant performs the function of photosynthesis?

  1. Root

  2. Stem

  3. Leaves

  4. Spines

Correct Option: B

Cactus is a plant which grow in deserts. Thus to avoid the loss of excess water through stomata its leaves are reduced to spine like structures and it is the stem in these plants which is green in colour and performs the functions of photosynthesis.

Which of the following organisms is not a habitant of mountains?

  1. Himalayan ibex

  2. Snow leopard

  3. Cow

  4. Yak

Correct Option: C

Himalayan ibex, snow leopard and yak are the animals whose bodies are well adapted to habitat mountainous regions but cow is an animal which live on the ground or the grass land with a moderate temperature range and can not survive on mountains.

What kind of adaptation is found in mountain goat for running up the mountain's rocky slopes?

  1. Humps

  2. Strong hooves

  3. Thick skin

  4. Padded feet

Correct Option: B

Mountain rocky slopes are generally slippery to walk over. Animal living an the mountains have strong hooves so as to hold the ground surface well without getting slipped off.

Which among the following characteristics of a lion mimics dry grasslands and helps it to catch prey without being caught by the eyes of its prey?

  1. Long legs

  2. Body colour

  3. Front eyes

  4. Strong looks

Correct Option: B

Dry grasses turn brown and also body colour of the lion is muddy brown. This adaptation helps the lion to survive well in dry grasslands as it can easily catch its prey without being identified by its prey.

Why trees in the mountains regions are normally cone shaped and have sloping branches?

  1. To retain water

  2. To slide off snow and rain water

  3. To reduce transpiration

  4. To enhance water conduction

Correct Option: B

Mountain regions have a lower temperature and have extensive rain fall and snow fall so the trees growing in the mountain regions are adapted to grow there by having cone shaped and sloping branches so that the rain water or snow does not reside over there and get removed itself.

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