Body Movements-II

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The muscles which help a cockroach in flying are

  1. breast muscles

  2. flight muscles

  3. back muscles

  4. strong muscles

Correct Option: A

Breast muscles help a cockroach in flying. 

Which system in our body forms a framework to give a shape to our body?

  1. Skeletal system

  2. Digestive system

  3. Circulatory system

  4. Excretory system

Correct Option: A

Skeletal system is the system of the body which provides framework to the body. It supports, protects the body and allows the movement of various body parts. It includes bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilages, joints, etc. Digestive system helps in food digestion, circulatory in the circulation of blood and excretory in the removal of wastes.

With the help of , we can observe shape of the skeleton.

  1. X-ray images

  2. ECG

  3. Auto radiography

  4. Blood test

Correct Option: A

X-ray is the technique by which one can observe the shape and structure of the bones whereas ECG checks the functioning of heart and blood test to check the level or the components of the blood.

Which of the following is not related with earth worm?

  1. Bristles

  2. Hollow bones

  3. Slimy secretion

  4. Peristalsis

Correct Option: B

The body of earth worm is soft as it does not have bones. It moves by the peristaltic action of muscles and affixes itself to the ground with the help of large number of tiny bristles. Also, its body secretes a slimy substances to help the movement.

Snails show movement.

  1. slow and wavy

  2. fast and wavy

  3. crawling

  4. slithering

Correct Option: A

Snail is an animal which is having outer skeleton called shell or the lid. It has a foot made of strong muscles. It is a very slow moving animal with a wavy motion.

Which bone is present in the middle of the back?

  1. Pectoral bone

  2. Backbone

  3. Ribs

  4. Pelvic bone

Correct Option: B

If we touch our back below the neck in the middle, then we can feel a hard bony structure known as back bone. It helps to maintain the erect posture of body.

What is the importance of ribcage?

  1. It protects the inner delicate organ.

  2. It helps in attachment of muscle and bone.

  3. It helps in bone movement.

  4. It provides elasticity to bones.

Correct Option: A

Rib cage is a hard bony structure, in the cavity of which the lungs rest. Lungs are the delicate organs and stay protected in this hard bony structure. Thus, ribcage protect delicate organs.

How does an earthworm fix itself to the ground?

  1. With the help of muscles

  2. With the help of slimy secretions

  3. With the help of tiny bristles

  4. With the help of bones

Correct Option: C

The body of earth worm is soft as it does not have bones. It moves by the peristaltic action of muscles and affixes itself to the ground with the help of large number of tiny bristles. Also, its body secretes a slimy substances to help the movement.

Which of the following options is not a body part of snail?

  1. Shell

  2. Foot

  3. Lid

  4. Bristles

Correct Option: D

Snail is an animal which is having outer skeleton called shell or the lid. It has a foot made of strong muscles. It is a very slow moving animal with a wavy motion. Bristles is not a part of snail's body but is a body part of earth worm.

________ forms the outer skeleton of the snail.

  1. Foot

  2. Head

  3. Shell

  4. Back

Correct Option: C

Snail is an animal which is with outer skeleton called shell or the lid. It has a foot made of strong muscles. It is a very slow moving animal with a wavy motion.

Find out the incorrect match from the given options.

  1. Elbow → Hinge joint

  2. Neck → Gliding joint

  3. Hip → Ball and socket joint

  4. Skull → Fixed joint

Correct Option: B

There are different joints present is our body allowing a particular range of movemen |||| |---|---|---| |

Types of joint
Range of movement
| |
Pivotal joint
Ball and socket joint
Hinge joint
Fixed joint
Between neck and head
Arm and shoulder, hip
Knee, elbow
Upper jaw, skull
Right, left, forward, backward
Free movement in all planes
Back and forth movement only
No movement at all

So, it is the neck gliding joint which is a mismatched pair.

How many pairs of legs are observed in a cockroach?

  1. 3

  2. 4

  3. 2

  4. 5

Correct Option: A

Cockroach is an animal with 3 pairs of legs. It can walk with the help of its legs. It can climb up the walls and can also undergo short flights due to presence of wings which are attached to breast.

Which type of movement is not shown by a cockroach?

  1. Climbing

  2. Walking

  3. Flying

  4. Creeping

Correct Option: D

Cockroach is an animal with 3 pairs of legs. It can walk with the help of its legs. It can climb up the walls and can also undergo short flights due to presence of wings which are attached to breast.

Which of the following adaptations are not found in the birds?

  1. Light and hollow bones

  2. Strong shoulder bones

  3. Streamlined body

  4. Scaly body

Correct Option: D

Birds are the living organisms which can fly in the air and walk on the ground. For this they need to have lighter bodies with light and hollow bones. For flying, they have strong shoulders bones and a streamlined body to act against air currents.

Which of the following birds can swim in water?

  1. Swan

  2. Pigeon

  3. Vulture

  4. Sparrow

Correct Option: A

Birds are the living organisms which can fly in the air and walk on the ground. Pigeon, vulture and sparrow are not at all adapted to swim in water but birds like swans and ducks are adapted for the same.

Which body part of a snake is used for moving from place to place?

  1. Legs

  2. Whole body

  3. Fins

  4. Wings

Correct Option: B

Different organisms have different mode of movement from one place to another. E.g. fish swims in water, human beings walk, monkey jump and snake slithers to move from one place to another. Slithering is the zig-zag movement of the whole body of snake.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. Outer skeleton of cockroach is made up of different joint units.

  2. In birds, the bony parts of the hind limbs are modified as wings.

  3. Snakes have a long back bone.

  4. Fishes have stream lined body.

Correct Option: B

Cockroaches have outer skeleton made of different jointed units. Snakes have a long single back bone. Fishes have stream lined body to swim well in water. In birds, the forelimbs are modified as wings.

Find out the incorrect match from the given options.

  1. Earthworm - Crawling

  2. Fish - Swimming

  3. Cockroach - Climbing

  4. Snakes - Walking

Correct Option: D

Different organisms have different mode of movement from one place to another. E.g. fish swims in water, human beings walk, monkey jump and snake slithers to move from one place to another. Slithering is the zig-zag movement of the whole body of snake. Also earthworm moves by crawling and cockroach by climbing. So, it is snakes: walking which is a mismatched pair.

Which body part of the snail helps in movement?

  1. Shell

  2. Muscular foot

  3. Skin

  4. Head

Correct Option: B

Snail is an animal which is with outer skeleton called shell or the lid. It has a foot made of strong muscles. It is a very slow moving animal with a wavy motion.

Which of the following organisms does not have streamlined body?

  1. Whale

  2. Snake

  3. Sharks

  4. Pigeon

Correct Option: B

Streamlined body is found in organisms which are adapted for flying or swimming. It helps them to cut through air and water currents. Snake is a terrestrial animal which does not have a streamlined body.

Which of the following body parts of birds are modified into wings?

  1. Bones of the hindlimbs

  2. Bones in the shoulder

  3. Bones of the forelimbs

  4. Bones in the breast

Correct Option: C

Birds are the living organisms which can fly in air and walk on the ground. The bones of the bird limbs are typical for walking and perching, and the bony parts of forelimbs are modified into wings.

Which of the following animals makes the soil more useful for plants?

  1. Cockroaches

  2. Ants

  3. Spiders

  4. Earthworms

Correct Option: D

Earthworms eat their way through the soil. Its body then throws away the undigested part of materials that it eats. This activity of earthworms makes the soil more useful for plants.

The organ of the bony fish which acts as a balancer is/are

  1. fins

  2. tail

  3. scales

  4. stream lined body

Correct Option: A

Fish swim in water as they have a streamlined body. They also need to maintain balance so that they may not sink down. For this purpose, they have fins which act as balancer organ for them.

Which of the following is a function of hindlimbs of birds?

  1. Flying

  2. Perching

  3. Swimming

  4. Crawling

Correct Option: B

Birds are the living organisms which can fly in the air and walk on the ground. The bones of the bird hindlimbs are typical for walking and perching and the bony part of forelimbs are modified as wings.

The type of movement shown by snakes is

  1. slithering

  2. walking

  3. creeping

  4. swimming

Correct Option: A

Snakes slither to move from one place to another. Slithering is the zigzag movement of the whole body of snake.

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