The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings-II

Description: Chapter - 9 (II)
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: Chapter - 9 (II) Adaptations in Terrestrial Habitats Basic Characteristics of Living Beings Habitat and Its Types
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What is the main function of the roots in aquatic plants?

  1. To absorb nutrients from soil

  2. To absorb water from soil

  3. To hold plant in place

  4. To transport mineral and water

Correct Option: C

Hydrilla is an aquatic plant i.e. it lives in water. Function of roots is to fix the plant in the soil and to absorb water from the soil both these requirements get reduced in aquatic plants so hydrilla has got poorly developed roots. Its function is to hold the plant in its place against the water currents.

Which of the following statements is not related to deer?

  1. Strongh teeth for tearing the skin of prey

  2. Long ears to hear movement of predators

  3. Deer are herbivores

  4. Deer live in grass lands

Correct Option: A

Deer is a plant eating animal living in the grassland. To hear even minute noise it has long ears to protect itself from its predator, also for the same reason, it has the legs well suited to run fast. It has got the side eyes orgain to see that its predator does not catch it. Strong teeth cannot help the deer to escape predators. As it is plant eating, so it does not need to tear the skin of prey.

What are plants that live in water called?

  1. Desert plants

  2. Mesophytes

  3. Aquatic plants

  4. Terrestrial plants

Correct Option: C

Different animals and plants have habitant in different regions depending upon their body structure and adaptability. E.g. animals like Yak, Lions, ants live on ground and are known as terrestrial animals. Animals like fish, whales, sharks live in water and are known as aquatic animals crab is an animal which is generally found on the sea shores or beaches as it is neither completely terrestrial nor aquatic.

Among which of the following habitat(s) lotus grow?

  1. Ponds

  2. Seas

  3. Oceans

  4. Groundwater

Correct Option: A

Lotus is generally seen growing on the surface of ponds which do not have fast water current.

Which of the following features of deer does not help to escape predators?

  1. Long ears

  2. Strong teeth

  3. Fast running ability

  4. Side eyes

Correct Option: B

Deer is a plant eating animal living in the grassland. To hear even minute noise it has long ears to protect itself from its predator, also for the same reason, it has the legs well suited to run fast. It has got the side eyes organ to see that its predator does not catch it. Strong teeth cannot help the deer to escape predators.

What kind of roots is/are observed in hydrilla?

  1. Reduced or poorly developed roots

  2. Deep roots

  3. Fibrous roots

  4. Well developed root system

Correct Option: A

Hydrilla is an aquatic plant, i.e. it lives in water. Function of roots is to hold the plant in the soil and to absorb water from the soil. Since both these requirements get reduced in aquatic plants, so hydrilla has got poorly developed roots.

Why aquatic plants have narrow and thin ribbon like leaves?

  1. To bind with water flow

  2. To conduct water in tissues

  3. To reduce transpiration

  4. To enhance photosynthesis

Correct Option: A

Aquatic plants are the plants living in water. These plants have to face the water current that is why their leaves are narrower and ribbon like so as they can easily bend against the water flow without being broken down. Conduction of water is the function of internal xylem tissue and has nothing to do with leaf structure.

Which part of some aquatic plants float on the surface of the water?

  1. Leaves and flowers

  2. Roots

  3. Stem

  4. All of these

Correct Option: A

Generally leaves and flowers of aquatic plants are found to float on water surface. This is because leaves have to prepare food in the presence of sunlight and to get the same, they remain on the surface.

Which of the following sets completely belongs to the aquatic habitat?

  1. Sea weeds, lotus, cacti

  2. Hydrilla, crocodiles, reindeer

  3. Sea horse, water lilies, whales

  4. Water hyacinth, lotus, pines

Correct Option: C

Aquatic habitat refers to the water bodies. Cactus is a xerophytes i.e. desert plant, reindeer lives in the regions with lower temperature, pines on the mountain region. So it is the sea horse, water lilies and whales which all live in the water bodies and are thus belonging to aquatic animals.

Which of the following aquatic animals does/do not have streamlined shape?

  1. Whales

  2. Squids

  3. Shark

  4. Salmon

Correct Option: B

There are some aquatic animals like squids, octopus etc. which do not have streamlined body. They stay deeper in the sea and catch any prey coming towards them. However they make their bodies shape streamlined when required.

Which of the following statement is not true?

  1. living things grow and die

  2. Living things show movement

  3. Living things reproduce

  4. Living things do not respond to stimulus

Correct Option: D

Living organisms are those which move from one place to another, grow, respire, excrete, reproduce, show response towards stimulus and finally die after a certain age.

Which organ of the earthworm involve(s) in the process of breathing?

  1. Lungs

  2. Nostrils

  3. Skin

  4. Gills

Correct Option: C

Earthworm is not a highly complex organism to have gills, lung or nostrils for respiration. Its cells are in contact with the absorphere directly so breathing in earthworm takes place through skin.

What is the function of gills in aquatic animals?

  1. To absorb dissolved oxygen in water

  2. To attain energy from food

  3. To help in body movement

  4. To act as balancer

Correct Option: A

Gills are the organ of respiration in aquatic animals. Oxygen is present in dissolved form in water. Gills help these animals to absorb this dissolved oxygen in water. It is the fins in fish which act as balancer and a streamlined body to help in movement.

What kinds of feet are observed in frogs?

  1. Padded feet

  2. Webbed feet

  3. Flat feet

  4. Small feet

Correct Option: B

Frog is an animal which is both aquatic and terrestrial. To suit well towards both the environments, it has webbed feet i.e. fingers joined together so as to jump easily on the ground and move easily in water.

Changes in the surrounding that make us respond to them are called______.

  1. Stimulus

  2. Sensitivity

  3. Acclimatization

  4. Irritability

Correct Option: A

It is a characteristic features of living beings to respond towards the changes taking place in the surroundings. What ever are the changes in the surrounding that make living organisms to response are known as stimuli.

Which of the following animals does/do not respire through lungs?

  1. Frog

  2. Dogs

  3. Cows

  4. Cat

Correct Option: A

Lungs are the organs of respiration in highly complex organisms i.e. dogs, cows, cats, humans etc. Frog is an animal which respire through its skin when on land for the same it has got a wet and slimy skin to facilitate gaseous exchange.

Which of the following is not an example of response to stimulus?

  1. Breathing

  2. Withdrawal of hand on touching an object

  3. Closing of mimosa leaves on touching

  4. Moving away of animals from bright light

Correct Option: A

Withdrawal of hand on touching hot body, closure of mimosa leaves on touching and movement away from bright light are all the examples of response to stimulus. But breathing is an action of body going continuously without waiting for any response and is involuntary.

Which of the following groups contains organisms that give birth to young ones?

  1. Fish, frog, crocodile

  2. Snake, ostrich, hen

  3. Eagle, crow, pigeon

  4. Dog, lion, deer

Correct Option: D

The animals which lay eggs, for example, snakes, ostriches, frogs, crows, etc. are known as oviparous animals. On the other hand, the animals which directly give birth to young ones, for example, dogs, lions, deers and humans are known as viviparous animals.

Pick out the egg laying organism.

  1. Snake

  2. Goat

  3. Rat

  4. Zebra

Correct Option: A

There are some animals which lay eggs e.g. snake, ostrich, frog, crow etc are known as oviparous animals. On the other hand, there are animals which directly give birth to young ones like dog, lion, deer, and man and are known as viviparous animals.

Sea animals, like dolphins and whales breathe in air through .

  1. nostrils

  2. lungs

  3. skin

  4. gills

Correct Option: A

Dolphins and Whales are the animals which neither have gills nor lungs to take in the air and to breathe for these animals come at the surface of water, absorb the oxygen from air through their nostrils and remain in water for longer by utilising this oxygen gradually.

Which kind of movement is not observed in plants?

  1. Water and food transportation

  2. Opening or closing of flower

  3. Movement from one place to another

  4. Stomatal opening or closing another

Correct Option: C

Plants are the living organisms which stay fixed at one point, do not move as a whole from one place to another rather show differential movement of its parts like leaves, flower etc. food and water are being transported within the pant from one to another part. Flower is closed in the initial stage but opens out when grow fully. Stomata keeps on opening and closing depending upon the requirements.

Which system is involved in the inhale and exhale of air?

  1. Digestive system

  2. Respiratory system

  3. Circulatory system

  4. Excretory system

Correct Option: B
System Function
Digestive system
Taking in complex food and its breakdown into simpler forms which is then used up by the body.
Respiratory system
Inhaling and exhaling air and utilizing it to meet energy needs
Circulatory system
Movement of blood to each and every part of body to provide nutrition
Excretory system
Removal of water materials from the body

So it is the respiratory system involved in the inhalation and exhalation of air.

What is the process of removal of waste material from body known as?

  1. Circulation

  2. Transpiration

  3. Reproduction

  4. Excretion

Correct Option: D
Digestive system
Taking in complex food and using it in simple form by body
Respiratory system
Inhaling and exhaling air and utilizing it to meet energy needs
Circulatory system
Movement of blood to each and every part of body to provide nutrition
Excretory system
Removal of water materials from the body

So it is the respiratory system involved in the inhalation and exhalation of air. Whereas transpiration is loss of water from leaf surface and reproduction is a mode of giving birth to similar ones.

By which process living things produce their own kind?

  1. Reproduction

  2. Excretion

  3. Transpiration

  4. Respiration

Correct Option: A
Digestive system
Taking in complex food and using it in simple form by body
Respiratory system
Inhaling and exhaling air and utilizing it to meet energy needs
Circulatory system
Movement of blood to each and every part of body to provide nutrition
Excretory system
Removal of water materials from the body

So it is the respiratory system involved in the inhalation and exhalation of air. Whereas transpiration is loss of water from leaf surface and reproduction is a mode of giving birth to similar ones.

Which part of a potato grow(s) into a new plant?

  1. Stem

  2. Bud

  3. Leaf

  4. Roots

Correct Option: B

Potato is a plant which grows vegetatively i.e. from part other than flower or seed. Potato grows from the eye on potato which develops into bud finally giving rise to new plant.

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