Air and Water Pollution (Set - I)

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Piyush wants to purify drinking water. Which among the following chemicals would you suggest him to purify this water?

  1. Fluorine

  2. Lead

  3. Chlorine

  4. Phosphorus

Correct Option: C

Chlorination is a commonly used chemical method for purifying water. It is done by adding chlorine tablets or bleaching powder to water.

Which among the following chemicals cause toxicity when present in water?

  1. Chlorides and phosphates

  2. Arsenic and lead

  3. Nitrogen and chlorine

  4. Hydrogen and oxygen

Correct Option: B

The chemicals released in water during industrial processes include arsenic, lead and fluorides. They contaminate the water and cause toxicity.

Acid rain corrodes marbles of a monument. What is this phenomenon called?

  1. Marble acidosis

  2. Marble poisoning

  3. Marble cancer

  4. Marble canker

Correct Option: C

Acid rain corrodes marbles of a monument. This phenomenon is called marble cancer.

Match the following:

1. Carbon monoxide i. Combustion of fuels
2. CFCs ii. Acid rain
3. Oxides of sulphur iii. Spray cans
4. Soot iv. Incomplete combustion
  1. 1 - i, 2 - ii, 3 - iii, 4 - iv

  2. 1 - ii, 2 - i, 3 - iv, 4 - iii

  3. 1 - iii, 2 - iv, 3 - i, 4 - ii

  4. 1 - iv, 2 - iii, 3 - ii, 4 - i

Correct Option: D
1. Carbon monoxide i. Incomplete combustion
2. CFCs ii. Spray cans
3. Oxides of sulphur iii. Acid rain
4. Soot iv. Combustion of fuels

Shreya’s mother told her not to open the refrigerator for long. What could be its possible reason?

  1. It results in the loss of temperature.

  2. It results in the leakage of CFCs.

  3. It results in increase in temperature.

  4. It results in the leakage of oxides of sulphur.

Correct Option: B

Leakage of CFCs from refrigerators and air conditioners causes air pollution. CFCs result in the depletion of ozone air.

Rishi is sleeping in a closed room during a winter night. He heated some pieces of coal in the room to make it warm. After some time, he felt suffocation due to incomplete combustion of coal. Which among the following gases is released during incomplete combustion of fuel?

  1. Carbon dioxide

  2. Sulphur dioxide

  3. Nitrogen dioxide

  4. Carbon monoxide

Correct Option: D

Carbon monoxide is released due to incomplete combustion of fuel.

Which among the following are the effects of acid rain? I. Deadening of aquatic animals and plants. II. Makes the soil acidic in nature.
III. Erodes the sculptures, monuments and buildings.

  1. Only I and II

  2. Only II and III

  3. Only I and III

  4. All I, II and III

Correct Option: D

Acid rain makes the water and the soil acidic. Thus, causes deadening of plants and animals. It erodes sculptures, monuments and buildings.

Which among the following is not a method of reducing air pollution?

  1. Using compressed natural gas

  2. Using catalytic converter

  3. Using leaded petrol

  4. Modifying automobile engines

Correct Option: C

Lead in petrol releases poisonous fumes and is said to be an air pollutant. Thus, unleaded petrol should be used as a fuel in automobiles.

What is Kyoto Protocol?

  1. An agreement to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases

  2. An agreement to reduce acid rain

  3. An agreement to reduce the use of CFCs

  4. An agreement to reduce the use of petrol and diesel

Correct Option: A

Global warming has become a major concern for governments worldwide. Kyoto Protocol is one of such agreements which aim to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

Which among the following gases hampers the transport of oxygen in our body by replacing oxygen in oxyhaemoglobin?

  1. Carbon dioxide

  2. Carbon monoxide

  3. Carbon disulphide

  4. Carbon carbide

Correct Option: B

Carbon monoxide hampers the transport of oxygen in our body. In lungs, oxygen combines with haemoglobin present in blood and is transported to all parts of the body. However, carbon monoxide if inhaled, displaces oxygen and forms carboxyhaemoglobin.

Which compound gets converted into oxygen due to the action of CFCs in the environment and results in the depletion of the ozone layer?

  1. Ozone

  2. Methane

  3. Carbon dioxide

  4. Nitrogen dioxide

Correct Option: A

Ozone gets converted into oxygen due to the action of CFCs in the environment and results in the depletion of the protective ozone layer of Earth.

Which among the following is the average composition of dry air?

  1. N2 = 55%, O2 = 40%, Argon = 1%, CO2 = 3% and other gases = 1%

  2. N2 = 85%, O2 = 12 %, Argon = 2%, CO2 = 0.5% and other gases = 0.5%

  3. N2 = 75%, O2 = 20.95 %, Argon = 0.93%, CO2 = 0.03% and other gases = 0.01%

  4. N2 = 73%, O2 = 19.75%, Argon = 2.4%, CO2 = 0.09% and other gases = 1.52%

Correct Option: C

The average composition of dry air is N2 = 75%, O2 = 20.95%, Argon = 0.93%, CO2 = 0.03% and other gases = 0.01%.

Which of the following compounds are responsible for acid rain?

  1. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide

  2. Carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide

  3. Carbon dioxide and silver nitrite

  4. CFCs and carbon monoxide

Correct Option: A

The oxides of sulphur and nitrogen present as pollutants in air react with water present in the atmosphere to form acids, which results in acid rain.

Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?

  1. Carbon monoxide

  2. Methane

  3. Nitrous oxide

  4. Water vapour

Correct Option: A

Carbon monoxide is not a greenhouse gas.

What would happen if earth’s temperature rises by 0.50C than its normal temperature?

  1. Global warming

  2. Acid rain

  3. Ozone depletion

  4. Greenhouse effect

Correct Option: A

The increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere can cause global warming.

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