Biology (Practice Test)

Description: Test Papers for MPPMT Zoology, MPPMT Botany, MPPMT Biology covers Energy, Cell, Life Process, Reproduction System, Skeleton System
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: MPPMT Zoology MPPMT Botany MPPMT Biology Energy Cell Life Process Reproduction System Skeleton System Protozoan Diseases Protozoal Diseases AID and Cancer -- Causes and Control AIDS Cancer Ecology and Environment Infectious Diseases Infectious and Non Infectious Diseases Binomial Nomenclature Nomenclature of Species
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Chromosomal theory of inheritance was based on

  1. segregation of genes

  2. diploidy and haploidy

  3. sex linkage

  4. presence of sex chromosomes

Correct Option: A

The behaviour of homologous chromosomes during meiosis (their segregation) and independent assortment) and their reunion in fertilisation confirmed that the genetic material occurs in the chromosomes and formed the basis of chromosomal theory of inheritance. Which is propounded independentaly by Sutton and Boveri in 1902. A karyotype composed of two identical sets of dissimilar chromosomes is called diploid set and of single set of chromosomes is called haploid set.

Which of the following cells are associated with immune system of human body?

  1. Neutrophils

  2. Macrophages

  3. Lymphocytes

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

Neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes, eosinophils and basophils are the kinds of WBCs which take part in immune system. 

Study of ecology of population is known as :

  1. autecology

  2. demecology

  3. synecology

  4. ecosystem

Correct Option: A

Autecology is the study of individual organism or individual species. It is also known as population ecology.

World AIDS Day is observed on :

  1. 1st December

  2. 6th December

  3. 15th December

  4. 31st December

Correct Option: A

World AIDS day is organized every year on 1st December to create the awareness against HIV/AIDS. 

Cancer cells are characterized by

  1. uncontrolled growth

  2. invasion of local tissue

  3. spreading to other body parts

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D

Cancer is characterized by uncontrolled growth and division of cells. Abnormal and persistent cell division localized in a particular region is called benign tumour. Tumour cells may be carried by blood steam or lymph or penetrate directly to other parts of the tissue resulting in dangerous malignant tumour. The spread of cancerous cells to distant sites is termed as metastasis. 

In humans, schizont stage of Plasmodium is found in :

  1. liver cells only

  2. liver, spleen and blood cells

  3. RBCs and liver cells

  4. RBCs only

Correct Option: C

Plasmodium vivax is a digenetic malarial parasite which completes its life cycle on two hosts-mosquito (primary host) and man (secondary host). The life cycle of Plasmodium in mosquito called sporogony and in man schizogony. Schizogony includes three stages of which pre-erythrocytic and exo-erythrocytic schizogony takes place in RBC of blood of man which characterized by the formation of signet ring stage and schizont. 

Which of the following pairing is correct?

  1. Housefly - yellow fever

  2. Culex - filariasis

  3. Sandfly- amoebic dysentery

  4. Bedbug - kala azar

Correct Option: B

Filaiasis or elephantiasis is caused in man by a blood and lymph nematode parasite Wuchereria transmitted form man to man by female Culex.

Hemophilia is caused by the absence of

  1. Factor IX

  2. Factor VIII

  3. Factor V

  4. Factor XII

Correct Option: B

Hemophilia A is caused by a lack of the blood clotting factor VIII; about 9 out of 10 people with hemophilia have type A disease. This is also referred to as classic hemophilia or factor VIII deficiency.

The zoological name of North Indian hare is :

  1. Oryctolagus cuniculus

  2. Lepus ruficaudatus

  3. Lepus nigricollis

  4. Sorex arameus

Correct Option: B

Rabbits and hares belongs to order Lagomorpha of class Mammalia. The zoological name of rabbit is Oryctolagus cuniculus which has a world wide distribution. The North Indian hare is Lepus ruficaudatus while the South Indian hare is Lepus nigricollis. 

From the given options, select the option in which all the organisms belong to Phylum Mollusca

  1. Ascaris, Pheretima, Grasshopper

  2. Hydra, Pterido, Leucosolenia

  3. Starfish, Grasshopper, Solen

  4. Pila, Dentalium, Octopus

Correct Option: D

Pila globosa (apple snail), Dentalium (tusk shell) and octopus (devil fish) all belongs to phylum Mollusca. 

In which state is Dudhwa National Park situated?

  1. Rajasthan

  2. Uttar Pradesh

  3. Madhya Pradesh

  4. Gujarat

Correct Option: B

It is located on the Indo-Nepal border of the Lakhimpur Kheri district in Uttar Pradesh, India.

Which one of the following micro-organisms is used for the manufacture of wine :

  1. S. Cerevisiae

  2. S. Carlsbeigensis

  3. S. ellipsoideus

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

S. Cerevisiae, S. Carlsbeigensis and S. ellipsideus, all microorganisms are used for the manufacture of wine. 'Cider' is a wine from apple juice and has rather low alcoholic content. Wines supply about 75 calories per 100 ml. 

Which of the following symmetry is found in adult sea-anemone?

  1. Radial

  2. Biradial

  3. Bilateral

  4. Spherical

Correct Option: A

Sea anemone (Metridium) is a cylindrical and radially symmetrical animal which measures 5-7 cm. in length. It is usually brownish or yellowish in colour. Body of sea anemone is divided into oral disc, peadal disc and column. 

The liver of an alcohol addicted person gets destroyed because

  1. liver starts storing excess of protein

  2. liver starts storing excess of fat

  3. liver starts storing excess of starch

  4. liver starts storing excess of glycogen

Correct Option: B

In a person, addict for alcohol a part of alcohol is changed to acetaldehyde. Hangover is due to it. Acetaldehyde stimulates formation of fat which is deposited over the wall of arteries and in the cells of liver . With the accumulation of fat the liver cell fail to produce protein and enzymes. There is little regulation of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. This disorder is called fatty liver syndrome. Liver later turns into a fibrous organ. 

Marine teleosts undergoing petrification emit sharp characteristic foul odour, which is due to the production of

  1. trimethyl amine

  2. hydrogen sulphide

  3. ammonia

  4. lactic acid

Correct Option: D

Marine teleosts undergoing petrification emit sharp characteristic foul odour, which is due to the production of lactic acid.

Which of the following is correct pair of disease and its causing agent?

  1. Food poisoning-Brevibacillus brevis

  2. Gonorrhoea-Entamoeba

  3. Syphilis-Treponema pallidum

  4. Urethritis-Bacillus anthracis

Correct Option: C

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum. The incubation period of this pathogen varies form 10 to 90 days (average one month). 

A bio-weapon agent used through letters in Sep-2001 was :

  1. Small pox

  2. Anthrax powder

  3. Plague bacteria

  4. AIDS virus

Correct Option: B

In September and October 2001, several cases of anthrax broke out in the United States in the 2001 anthrax attacks, apparently caused deliberately. Letters laced with infectious anthrax were concurrently delivered to news media offices and the U.S Congress, alongside an ambiguously related case in Chile. The letters killed 5.

From which of the following lac is produced?

  1. Tachardia lacca

  2. Lytta

  3. Bombyx mori

  4. Antheraea assama

Correct Option: A

Laccifer lacca, (=Tachardia lacca) is the commercially cultured lac insect. It is mainly cultured in India and Bangladesh on the host plants such as ber, Zizyphus mauritiana, palas, Butea monosperma and kusum, Schleichera oleosa.

Body cavity of adult Ascaris is :

  1. haemocoel

  2. amphicoel

  3. pseudocoel

  4. schizocoel

Correct Option: C

Body cavity of ascaris is called pseudocoel. It is the space between body wall and the alimentary canal which is not lined by mesoderm. 

On which of the following continents maximum fossils of prehistoric man have been recovered?

  1. Europe

  2. Asia

  3. America

  4. Africa

Correct Option: B

The fossils of prehuman and ancestral human forms are obtained form widely diverse regions of Africa, Asia and Europe, which indicates that man's center of origin was probably in Asia and Africa. More precisely man has originated in central Asia because the number of domesticated animals and plants is maximum in Asia and the oldest known fossils have been obtained from Asia, China, Java and India. Climatic conditions in Asia and nearby places were most conducive for human evolution. 

Archeopteryx, a transitional fossil between birds and reptiles was discovered from the rocks of

  1. Jurassic period

  2. Archeozoic era

  3. Cretaceous period

  4. Triassic period

Correct Option: A

Archaeopteryx a transitional fossil between birds and reptiles was discovered from the rocks of Jurassic period, about 140 million years ago. It was discovered in a slate quarry, at Langenaltheim, Bavaria (Germany) in 1861, by “Andreas Wagner”. 

Which of the following divides eye orbit into aqueous humor and viterous humor?

  1. Retina

  2. Iris

  3. Lens

  4. Optic nerve

Correct Option: C

Lens divides eye orbit into aqueous humor and vitreous humor.

The amount of bile released is in proportion to the amount of :

  1. fat in the meal

  2. protein in the meal

  3. carbohydrate in the meal

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: A

Bile is secreted by liver and is stored in the gall bladder. In human bile there are two salts sodium taurocholate and sodium glycocholate. Emulsification of fat takes place through tehse bile salts, therefore, the amount of bile will release in proportion to the amount of fat in meal. 

'Lion' is protected in which of the following National Parks?

  1. Jim Corbett National Park

  2. Keoladea National Park

  3. Kanha National Park

  4. Gir National Park

Correct Option: D

In Asia, Asian lion is found only in Gir forest of Gujarat. A year plan was started in 1972 by Govt. of Gujarat for the conservation of lions and about 140.40 sq. km area was constituted as a National park, which later on increased approximately ten times. 

If a colour-blind man is married to a normal woman, what type of progeny would be obtained?

  1. All sons will be colour-blind

  2. All daughters will be colour-blind

  3. All sons and daughters will be normal, but all daughters will be carrier

  4. All sons and daughters will be colour-blind

Correct Option: C

If a colour-blind man is married to a normal woman all sons and daughters will be normal, but all daughters will be carrier.

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