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Directions: Fill in the blank.

The cat was hiding ______ the bed because she knew that she will be punished for its wrong deeds.

  1. along

  2. under

  3. over

  4. below

Correct Option: B

Though we use both 'under' and 'below' to refer to a place/thing lower than the other, but 'below' is used for greater distances and 'under' for smaller gaps.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

The student performed in the tests ________ our expectation.

  1. against

  2. beyond

  3. under

  4. further

Correct Option: B

To perform beyond one's expectations means on or to the far side of something; farther than expectations. Further is not the correct usage.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

The injured man slowly crawled ______ the road till he reached the hospital.

  1. along

  2. under

  3. over

  4. in

Correct Option: A

Phrasal usage. 'To crawl along' means to move across something on hands and knees.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

We came _____ an old lady who was begging on the roadside.

  1. across

  2. by

  3. around

  4. to

Correct Option: A

Case of idiomatic usage. 'To come across someone or something' means to find someone or something. 'Come around' means to revive; recover.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

I was _______ to call him and he arrived.

  1. against

  2. almost

  3. along

  4. about

Correct Option: D

The clue here is 'and he arrived' which shows that 'I was just going to call him when he arrived'. Preposition 'about' is the best usage in this case.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

The old man was waiting for him ________ morning, but Arun did not turn up.

  1. from

  2. since

  3. for

  4. with

Correct Option: B

For specific point of time we use preposition 'since', while 'for' is used for period of time'.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

The thieves fanned _______ in different directions to make the chase difficult for the police.

  1. outside

  2. out

  3. for

  4. with

Correct Option: B

Idiomatic usage. 'Fan out' means to spread over a wide area .

Directions: Fill in the blank.

Anil is waiting for you _____ 9 a.m.

  1. since

  2. for

  3. from

  4. with

Correct Option: A

To refer to a specific point of time of the past we use preposition 'since', while 'for' is used to refer to a period of time.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

We are all feeling ecstatic that India has made it ______ the final hurdle.

  1. against

  2. through

  3. in

  4. throughout

Correct Option: B

'To be through something' means to reach the end/destination or to achieve success.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

We tried very hard to explain her, ____ in vain.

  1. with

  2. along

  3. for

  4. but

Correct Option: D

The sentence implies that all the efforts were fruitless. Preposition 'but' is the correct usage here.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

They were searching _____ a good hotel to have their lunch.

  1. across

  2. by

  3. over

  4. for

Correct Option: D

Phrasal usage. 'To search for someone or something' means to look very hard for someone or something.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

Once ______ a time there lived an old man in the isolated island along with his daughter.

  1. about

  2. on

  3. upon

  4. at

Correct Option: C

Idiomatic usage. 'Once upon a time' means once in the past.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

The group was ______ to step out of the house when the sad news came.

  1. about

  2. beside

  3. till

  4. with

Correct Option: A

When one work is almost to happen at the time of occurence of the other, we use preposition 'about' for the first one.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

It is not possible for any living being to survive ________ water.

  1. with

  2. without

  3. along

  4. over

Correct Option: B

Preposition 'without' means with avoidance of. Nobody can live by avoiding the use of water. Thus, 'without' is the correct usage.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

My cousin is presently residing ____ Austria.

  1. in

  2. at

  3. along

  4. with

Correct Option: A

For nations, continents, and large cities we use preposition 'in', while for specific places, small towns etc we use preposition 'at'.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

The quest _____ success took him a long way towards a better understanding of himself.

  1. about

  2. of

  3. around

  4. for

Correct Option: D

Phrasal usage. 'Quest for someone or something' means to seek after someone or something.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

After a long search, he found his lost money _____ the pages of his Chemistry book.

  1. in

  2. beside

  3. between

  4. along

Correct Option: C

Preposition between is used in case of two. We sometimes keep our money between two leaves of paper of a book. And that is what referred here.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

The snakes sleep ______ the winters.

  1. in

  2. throughout

  3. beyond

  4. along

Correct Option: B

The sentence implies that snakes sleep during the whole of winters. Preposition throughout is the correct usage in this case as it means during every part of something.


Directions: Fill in the blank.

The book was lying ___ the bed and he was searching it elsewhere.

  1. on

  2. beside

  3. in

  4. under

Correct Option: A

In this case we mean that the book is lying on the bed; but in case of persons we generally prefer 'lying in the bed' as it includes not only the bed underneath but also the sheet/blanket over us.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

Rohan, while defending his friend in the court, challenged one of the amendments ___ the Constitution.

  1. about

  2. to

  3. by

  4. with

Correct Option: B

We make 'amendments to' something.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

She was staying separately ____ the rest of her family.

  1. for

  2. beside

  3. from

  4. with

Correct Option: C

The word 'separately' is always followed by preposition 'from'.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

Anita was cheating in the exams and she did not realize that the examiner was sitting ______ her.

  1. across

  2. beside

  3. besides

  4. for

Correct Option: B

Beside means to the side of something or someone, while besides means in addition to something or someone.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

She stays with her grandmother in Delhi throughout the summers and comes here _____ the winters.

  1. in

  2. into

  3. during

  4. throughout

Correct Option: A

Here, preposition 'in' will be used with 'comes'. "During" and "throughout" means 'from the beginning to the end of'. 

Directions: Fill in the blank.

All were present at the birthday party, ______ for his own son.

  1. besides

  2. beside

  3. accept

  4. except

Correct Option: D

Here, the key word is 'all'. 'All, but him' or 'All, except him' is the correct usage, which means all were present there, excluding his son.

Directions: Fill in the blank.

It was so sad to see that the father and the son were _______ each other in the election.

  1. against

  2. beside

  3. for

  4. with

Correct Option: A

Against means in opposition to someone or something. In elections two candidates stand in opposition to each other. Thus, option 1.

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