CET Biology 12

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The calorific values of carbohydrates, proteins and fats respectively are

  1. 4.1 k cal/g, 5.65 k cal/g and 9.45 k cal/g

  2. 5.65 k cal/g, 10 k cal/g and 2.3 kcal/g

  3. 3.1 k cal/g, 9 k cal/g and 6 k cal/g

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: A

Greenish-black substance discharge from the bowels of a newly born baby is known as

  1. zirconium

  2. atrium

  3. meconium

  4. niacin

Correct Option: C

In ageing there is

  1. decrease in cholesterol level

  2. increase in calcium content of arteries and cartilage

  3. decrease in calcium content of arteries and cartilage

  4. decrease in blood urea

Correct Option: B

Appetite and satiety centres are located in

  1. cerebellum

  2. medulla oblongata

  3. mucosa of stomach

  4. hypothalamus

Correct Option: D

Osteomalacia, a disease of the bones in adult is

  1. due to hypoparathyroidism

  2. due to dietary deficiency of calcium and vitamin D

  3. due to hyperthyroidism

  4. due to hyperparathyroidism

Correct Option: B

 Osteomalacia, a disease of the bones in adults, is due to dietary deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. Measures to prevent and treat osteomalacia usually revolve around intake of vitamin D and calcium supplements.

A pregnant woman usually becomes deficient in

  1. iron and sodium

  2. calcium and iron

  3. sodium and calcium

  4. iron and magnesium

Correct Option: B

A nerve fibre is depolarized when it acquires

  1. a negative charge in the intracellular fluid and positive charge outside

  2. a positive charge in the intracellular fluid and negative charge outside

  3. positive charge on both sides

  4. negative charge on both sides

Correct Option: B

Hydrocephalus is a condition developed in the brain if the return of CSF is blocked, a similar situation developed in the eye is termed as

  1. cataract

  2. glaucoma

  3. trachoma

  4. presbyopia

Correct Option: B

 Glaucoma is a term describing a group of ocular (eye) disorders that result in optic nerve damage.

One gram haemoglobin can combine with

  1. 1.3 ml oxygen

  2. 3.5 ml oxygen

  3. 3.1 ml oxygen

  4. 31 ml oxygen

Correct Option: A

In the tissues, high concentration of carbon dioxide

  1. increases the affinity of haemoglobin to both oxygen and hydrogen

  2. increases the affinity of haemoglobin to oxygen but decreases its affinity to hydrogen

  3. decreases the affinity of haemoglobin to oxygen but increases its affinity to hydrogen

  4. decreases the affinity of haemoglobin to both oxygen and hydrogen

Correct Option: C

The heart keeps on beating throughout life without fatigue because

  1. it contracts slowly

  2. it has a resting or recovery period

  3. it can use lactic acid as an extra source of energy

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

Red bone marrow in the human adult is found in

  1. spongy bones of the cranial region only

  2. ribs, sternum, proximal extremities of femur and humerus

  3. vertebral centra only

  4. all the above locations

Correct Option: D

Partly digested food that leaves the stomach is called

  1. chyle

  2. chyme

  3. bolus

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B

The 'end organs of Ruffini' are receptors of

  1. pressure

  2. cold

  3. heat

  4. touch

Correct Option: C

The treatment of snake-bite by antivenine is an example of

  1. artificially acquired active immunity

  2. artificially acquired passive immunity

  3. naturally acquired passive immunity

  4. specific natural immunity

Correct Option: B

 The treatment of snakebite by antivenin is an example of artificially acquired passive immunity.

Pick an odd-one out.

  1. Nervous tissue : Nodes of Ranvier

  2. Ear : Aqueduct of Sylvius

  3. Bone : Volkman's canal

  4. Eye : Canal of Schlemm

Correct Option: B

One of these is administrated for dissolving a clot in the coronary circulation, it is

  1. enterokinase

  2. streptokinase

  3. urease

  4. fibrinolysins

Correct Option: B

Which of the following placental types is/are human feature?

  1. Chorio - Allantoic placenta

  2. Deciduate placenta

  3. Haemochorial placenta

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In which of the following follicles, primary oocyte grows in size and completes its first meiotic division?

  1. Primary follicle

  2. Tertiary follicle

  3. Secondary follicle

  4. Atretic follicle

Correct Option: C

Glisson's capsules are present in

  1. liver

  2. lung

  3. kidney

  4. stomach

Correct Option: A

A “silent killer” is

  1. hypertension

  2. tuberculosis

  3. cholera

  4. malaria

Correct Option: A

Blood colloidal osmotic pressure is maintained by

  1. albumin

  2. globulin

  3. fibrinogen

  4. thrombin

Correct Option: A

Increase in body temperature is due to chemical called as pyrogen which is actually released by

  1. virus

  2. bacteria

  3. white blood cells

  4. red blood cells

Correct Option: C

Which of the following helps in maintaining the low temperature of the testis, necessary for spermatogenesis?

  1. Testicular lobules

  2. Seminiferous tubule

  3. Scrotum

  4. Sertoli cells

Correct Option: C

In mammals, the thermostat is called as

  1. cerebellum

  2. cerebral lobe

  3. hypothalamus

  4. medulla oblongata

Correct Option: C

The 3rd, 6th and 11th cranial nerves respectively are

  1. optic, facial and spinal nerves

  2. oculomotor, trigeminal and spinal

  3. trigeminal, abducens and vagus

  4. oculomotor, abducens and spinal

Correct Option: D

Match the cells of column I with column II. Column I Column II A. Oxyntic cells I. Mucus B. Goblet cells II. Bile C. Chief cells III. HCl D. Parenchymal IV. Proenzymes

  1. A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III

  2. A-III, B-II, C-I, D-IV

  3. A-III, B-I, C-IV, D-II

  4. A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV

Correct Option: C

To pull out a lower molar, the dentist desensitizes a nerve of the lower jaw, this nerve is a branch of

  1. facial

  2. trigeminal

  3. glossopharyngeal

  4. vagus

Correct Option: B

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. The spermatids differentiate into structurally different complex.

  2. Fertilization is a physico-chemical event.

  3. Cleavage transforms the fertilized ovum into a sphere of aggregated blastomeres.

  4. Cleavage divisions bring appreciable increase in the mass of protoplasm in the developing embryo.

Correct Option: D

Which hormone is responsible for maintenance of pregnancy?

  1. HCG

  2. Progesterone

  3. Estrogen

  4. Prostaglandin

Correct Option: B

Following are vitamins in column I and deficiency diseases in column II. i) K (A) Beri-beri ii) D (B) Haemorrhagic disease of new born iii) B1 (C) Keratomalacia iv) A (D) Rickets

  1. (i) - (C), (ii) - (B), (iii) - (D), (iv) - (A)

  2. (i) - (A), (ii) - (B), (iii) - (D), (iv) - (C)

  3. (i) - (B), (ii) - (D), (iii) - (A), (iv) - (C)

  4. (i) - (C), (ii) - (D), (iii) - (A), (iv) - (B)

Correct Option: C

If we take food rich in lime juice, then

  1. action of ptyalin on starch in enhanced

  2. action of ptyalin on starch is reduced

  3. action of ptyalin on starch is unaffected

  4. action of ptyalin on starch stops

Correct Option: B

Which of the following hormones is responsible for Conn’s disease?

  1. Aldosterone

  2. ADH

  3. ACTH

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Aldosterone hormone is responsible for Conn’s disease. Most people have high blood pressure which may cause poor vision or headaches. Occasionally, there may be muscular weakness, muscle spasms, tingling sensations or excessive urination.

Which of the following is devoid of blood supply?

  1. Retina

  2. Choroid

  3. Cornea

  4. Sclerotic

Correct Option: C

Gluconeogenesis is

  1. formation of glucose from sources other than carbohydrate

  2. formation of glycogen

  3. breakdown of glucose

  4. formation of ammonia from glucose

Correct Option: A

 Gluconeogenesis is formation of glucose from sources other than carbohydrate.

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