CET Biology 14

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The term 'hot dilute soup' has been used while explaining the theory of

  1. special creation

  2. chemical evolution

  3. spontaneous generation

  4. panspermia

Correct Option: B

Sickle cell anemia has not been eliminated from the African population because

  1. it is not a fatal disease

  2. it provides adaptiveness against malaria

  3. it is controlled by dominant genes

  4. it is controlled by recessive genes

Correct Option: B

Which of the following statements about the evolution of man is correct?

  1. Neanderthal Man is direct ancestor of human.

  2. Homo erectus is direct ancestor of man.

  3. Cro-Magnon Man was found in Ethiopia.

  4. Australopithecus is real ancestor of modern man.

Correct Option: B

Closely related, morphologically similar, reproductively isolated sympatric populations are designated as

  1. clones

  2. clines

  3. demes

  4. sibling species

Correct Option: D

Which one provides correct sequence of events in origin of new species according to Darwinism? A) Natural selection B) Variations and their inheritance C) Survival of the fittest D) Struggle for existence

  1. ABCD

  2. BCAD

  3. CDAB

  4. DBCA

Correct Option: D

Which one does not favour Lamarckian concept of inheritance of acquired characters?

  1. Lack of pigment in cave dwellers.

  2. Absence of limbs in snakes.

  3. Presence of webbed toes in aquatic birds.

  4. Melanization of Peppered Moth in industrial areas.

Correct Option: D

Match List-I (Common names of hominids) with List-II (Generic names of hominids) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

List-I List-II (Common names of hominids) (Generic name of hominids) a. African ape man 1. Sinanthropus b. Java ape man 2. Pithecanthropus c. Peking man 3. Homo d. Neanderthal 4. Astralopithecus

  1. (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 2

  2. (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 2

  3. (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 3

  4. (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) 3

Correct Option: D

Sum total of genes in a population is

  1. genotype

  2. gene flow

  3. genetic constitution

  4. gene pool

Correct Option: D

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List-I List-II a. Latimeria 1. Connecting link b. Archaeopteryx 2. Mutation theory c. HMS Beagle 3. Living fossil d. Evening 4. Charles Darwin primrose

  1. (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 2

  2. (a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 2

  3. (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 4

  4. (a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 4

Correct Option: B

“Human population grows in geometric ratio while food materials increase in arithmetic proportion.” It is a statement from

  1. Darwin

  2. Bateson

  3. Malthus

  4. Swaminathan

Correct Option: C

The following are some of the well known fossils in the evolution of modern man a. Neanderthal b. Homo erectus c. Cro-Magnon d. Australopithecus Their correct chromological sequence is

  1. d-b-a-c

  2. a-b-c-d

  3. c-a-b-d

  4. b-d-a-c

Correct Option: A

According to Lamarckism, long necked giraffes evolved because

  1. nature selected only long necked animals

  2. of stretching of necks by short ones over many generations

  3. humans preferred long necked animals

  4. of mutation

Correct Option: B

According to Lamarckism, long necked giraffes evolved because of stretching of necks by short ones over many generations. 

Weisman cut off the tails of mice, generation after generation but tails neither disappeared nor shortened, showing that

  1. Darwin was correct

  2. Tail is an essential organ

  3. Mutation theory is wrong

  4. Acquired characters are not inherited

Correct Option: D

The cornerstone of Darwin's theory is

  1. inheritance of acquired characters

  2. higher productivity

  3. natural selection

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

'Philosophie Zoologique' was written by

  1. De Vries

  2. Lamarck

  3. Mendel

  4. Spencer

Correct Option: B

The term 'Survival of Fittest' was used by

  1. Charles Darwin

  2. Herbert Spencer

  3. Jean Baptiste

  4. Hugo de Vries

Correct Option: B

In Homo habilis, 'habilis' refers to

  1. ancient man

  2. close to modern man

  3. tool maker

  4. wandering man

Correct Option: C

Genetic drift

  1. is random change in gene frequency

  2. has nothing in common with inbreeding

  3. is an orderly change in gene frequency

  4. produces greatest fluctuations in large populations

Correct Option: A

Match List-I (Animal) with List-II (Geological period) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List-I List-II (Animal) (Geological period) a. First reptiles 1. Ordovician b. First amphibians 2. Devonian c. First dinosaurs 3. Pennsylvanian d. First fishes 4. Jurassic 5. Cretaceous 6. Triassic

  1. (a) 6 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 1

  2. (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 6 (d) 1

  3. (a) 6 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5

  4. (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 5

Correct Option: B

Among the following sets mark the odd man out.

  1. Wings of grasshopper and wings of pigeon

  2. Wings of bat and wings of bird

  3. Flipper of whale and hand of man

  4. Testis of man and ovaries of female

Correct Option: A

Hybrid breakdown is failure of

  1. hybrid zygote to develop into offspring

  2. hybrid adult to produce fertile offspring

  3. fusion failure of ova and sperms of two species

  4. all the above

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is a missing link in evolution?

  1. Peripatus

  2. Limulus

  3. Pheretima

  4. Archaeopteryx

Correct Option: D

The idea of evolution was first put forward by

  1. Lamarck

  2. Empedocles

  3. Bateson

  4. Aristotle

Correct Option: B

Neopilina is the connecting link between

  1. Annelida and Arthropoda

  2. Annelida and Mollusca

  3. Platyhelminthes and Annelida

  4. Mollusca and Echinodermata

Correct Option: B

Frequency of a gene in a population will increase if the gene is

  1. lethal

  2. dominant

  3. recessive

  4. favourably selected

Correct Option: D

Sympatric speciation mostly occurs in

  1. plants

  2. insects

  3. mammals

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: A

Select the pair that does not match.

  1. Linnaeus -Species are dynamic entities

  2. Darwin's finches - Unique to Galapagos

  3. Hugo de Vries - Evolution is discontinuous

  4. Coacervates -Aggregates of organic compounds bound by organic membrane

Correct Option: A

Evolutionary history of an organism is known as

  1. Ancestry

  2. Paleontology

  3. Ontogeny

  4. Phylogeny

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is a correct sequence for the three periods of Mesozoic era from the earliest to the latest?

  1. Tertiary - Jurassic - Cretaceous

  2. Permian - Cretaceous - Jurassic

  3. Triassic - Jurassic - Cretaceous

  4. Jurassic - Triassic - Cretaceous

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is not true for a species?

  1. Members of a species can interbreed.

  2. Gene flow does not occur between the populations of a species.

  3. Each species is reproductively isolated from every other species.

  4. Variations occur among members of a species.

Correct Option: B

Tasmanian Wolf is a marsupial while Wolf is a placental mammal. This shows

  1. Convergent evolution

  2. Divergent evolution

  3. Parallelism

  4. Inheritance of acquired characters

Correct Option: C

Which one of the following phenomena supports Darwin's concept of natural selection in organic evolution?

  1. Development of transgenic animals.

  2. Production of 'Dolly', the sheep by cloning.

  3. Prevalence of pesticide resistant insects.

  4. Development of organs from 'stem cells' for organ transplantation.

Correct Option: C

Ammonites are the fossil shell remains of a group of

  1. gastropods

  2. scaphopods

  3. pelecypods

  4. cephalopods

Correct Option: D

Which group includes homologous organs?

  1. Horns of cattle, tail of horse and teeth of mammals

  2. Fins of seal, wings of birds and forelimbs of man

  3. Wings of butterfly, flying fish and bird

  4. Tentacles of Hydra and arms of starfish

Correct Option: B

First photosynthetic organisms to appear on earth were:

  1. Bacteria

  2. Green algae

  3. Cyanobacteria

  4. Bryophytes

Correct Option: A
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