Verbal Section- Test 1

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Directions: For the given question, select one entry for the blank from the given choices, to best complete the text.

For most of them, in the end, what the university offers is not skills or knowledge but ________: a diploma that signals employability and basic work discipline.

  1. education

  2. exposure

  3. credentials

  4. opportunity

  5. escapism

Correct Option: C

(1) Incorrect. If it was education that the students were after, knowledge would be an integral part of the same. (2) Incorrect. College education would give only limited exposure. Also, the option has to fit with the succeeding clause- a diploma that signals employability and basic work discipline. (3) Correct. The option ties in neatly with the requirements for job eligibility mentioned in the succeeding clause. (4) Incorrect; the option has to fit with the succeeding clause- a diploma that signals employability and basic work discipline. (5) Incorrect; does not fit with the flow of the sentence.

Directions: For the given question, select one entry for the blank from the given choices, to best complete the text.

At the political and existential level, Camus felt ________ the absurd predicament of the young Jewish state. It was a political bond insofar as many on the French left, from whom Camus was estranged, had grown deeply anti-Zionist in the wake of the Suez War.

  1. a visceral connection

  2. a strange fascination for

  3. a lack of feeling for

  4. like laughing at

  5. a sense of vindication given

Correct Option: A

(1) Correct; because the Left, from which Camus was estranged, was deeply anti-Zionist, it makes sense that Camus was pro-Zionist. Also, the use of 'bond' in describing his relationship with Zionism further strengthens this option. (2) Incorrect but very close; because the Left, from which Camus was estranged, was deeply anti-Zionist, it makes sense that Camus was pro-Zionist. Also, the use of 'bond' in describing his relationship with Zionism further strengthens this option. (3) Incorrect; the use of 'bond' belies this option. (4) Incorrect; although the use of 'absurd predicament' seems to support this option, the overall tone of the passage is serious and somber. Hence, 'laughing at' does not fit the blank. (5) Incorrect; because the Left was anti-Zionist and Camus was estranged from it, it would make no sense for him to feel vindicated at the predicament that the young Jewish state found itself in.

Which of the following, if true, best explains the discrepancy in the argument?

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

In 2010, when private airlines in Alstonia were first allowed to operate in the country, the average domestic fares were three times the average train fares to the cities connected both by air and rail network. In the immediately following years, due to the increasing number of flights, the air fares slipped till they were just twice the train fares. Since then, the domestic airfares have reached a level that is again three times the train fare for corresponding cities even though the number of domestic flights has not changed.

  1. More foreign tourists are choosing to come to Alstonia to enjoy their vacations.

  2. The boom in the economy has lead to more Alstonians taking vacations

  3. An increase in population has increased the number of passengers.

  4. Trains have not been able to keep up with the flow of passengers in the last few years.

  5. An industrial boom has lead to many top managers traveling by air often.

Correct Option: D

(1) Incorrect. The option is irrelevant to the argument. Foreign tourists would fly in on international carriers, not domestic airlines. (2) Incorrect. Alstonians taking vacations could be traveling by train. (3) Incorrect. An increase in population would increase the rush both on rail and air routes. (4) Correct. If trains have been running on full capacity for the past few years, it would mean that the overflow of passengers had to travel by air. (5) Only top managers traveling by air would not be able to keep the aircrafts full.

Fact 2 would be most likely to contribute to an explanation of fact 1 if which of the following were also true?

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

Fact 1: Government has been unable to control food inflation which has touched 13% and is expected to go up further.
Fact 2: Speculators have been borrowing money at low rates of interest and investing in the agricultural commodities market for quick profits.


  1. The inflation index is composed of nearly all the major exports of the nation.

  2. High prices of consumer goods have pushed down the demand for commodities.

  3. A severe drought in the nation last year had adversely impacted the yield of agricultural commodities.

  4. Sensing a fall in the crop yield, commodity traders have been buying futures contracts of agricultural commodities at a premium.

  5. Prices of agricultural commodities have peaked due to holiday demand.

Correct Option: D

(1) Incorrect. Major exports might or might not be consumed in high enough quantities in the native country to cause a spike in inflation. (2) Incorrect. Falling prices would rather drive away the speculators. (3) Incorrect. The drought happened last year. Its impact might not be felt this year or increase inflation further. (4) Correct. Because the speculators feel that agricultural commodity prices will rise further, they have borrowed money to buy future contracts in the anticipation of the prices going higher still. Both the premises get connected in this option. (5) Incorrect. Holiday demand would go down after the holidays are over.

All of the following, if given as additional premise, make the argument logical, EXCEPT:

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

Premise 1: Bruce Willis is more popular than Russell Crowe
Premise 2: Mel Gibson is more popular than Richard Gere
Conclusion: Bruce Willis is more popular than Richard Gere

  1. Bruce Willis and Mel Gibson are equally popular.

  2. Mel Gibson and Russell Crowe are equally popular.

  3. Bruce Willis is less popular than Mel Gibson.

  4. Russell Crowe is more popular than Mel Gibson.

  5. Richard Gere is less popular than Russell Crowe.

Correct Option: C

(1) Makes the argument logical. If BW= MG, then BW is more popular than RG since MG is more popular than RG. (2) Makes the argument logical. If MG=RC, it follows that BW is more popular than RG since RC is equally popular to MG who is more popular than RG. (3) Correct answer as it does not supply the information that is needed to reach the conclusion. If BW< MG, and RG< MG, it cannot be said with certainty that BW> RG. (4) Makes the argument logical. If RC> MG> RG and BW> RC, it follows that   BW is more popular than RG. (5) Makes the argument logical. If RG<RC, and BW> RC, it follows that RG is less popular than BW.

Which of the following reasoning scenarios is most similar to the reasoning given above?

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

I do not trust the Senator at all. He plans to bring a law into force that will impose heavy penalties on all the polluting industries in the State, yet, he owns a conglomerate that alone is one of the biggest polluters in the State.

  1. Doctor Higgins should not be made the President of the citizens' council. He will bring forth legislations that will benefit doctors.

  2. The prisoner should not be granted parole. The last time he was granted parole, he committed a robbery the next day.

  3. Cassius Clay is not a suitable candidate for promoting enlistment in the army. He refused to enroll in the army during the Vietnam War.

  4. The witness's damning testimony should be expunged from the record. Her son was one of the perpetrators of the crime.

Correct Option: D

(1) Incorrect. The reasoning presented in the original argument is that how can one be serious about something that will adversely impact his personal interests. Here, the apprehension is that the doctor will bring in legislation that will benefit people from his profession. (2) Incorrect. The reasoning in the option is that because someone did an action under certain circumstances, he will do it again in similar circumstances. The original reasoning hinges on someone doing something that will entail a huge cost from him. (3) Incorrect. The reasoning in the option is that since A (C. Clay) did not do B (enroll in the army), he will be a poor candidate to ask (C) to do (B). The original reasoning is: How can A (senator) do B (impose penalties on pollution) when A will be hit by doing B? (4) Correct. The reasoning in the option is that how can A (witness) be trusted when B (her damning testimony) would harm her interests. (5) Incorrect. The reasoning in the option is that A (the General) will not be hard on B (the deserters) because he is friendly with them. It does not prove how it will be detrimental to his interests to do so.

The author uses the sentence, 'You might like to chew gum, but a cow will still prefer to chew the cud' in order to?

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

For a creative writer, the most important part of the entire process from conception to fructification starts even before conception itself. Just as the human embryo needs a certain set of favorable circumstances before it can even begin to exist, the writer’s muse requires inspiration. Once inspiration strikes, and it can sometimes happen in the middle of sleep, the next step involves holding on to the idea lest it be lost in the rough house of everyday life. This process involves allowing the idea to ferment and hopefully turn into a culture that will deliver heady literary wine. The writer needs to let his subconscious work on the germ, knead it, tweak it, and evaluate it. Many ideas are stillborn, many more are worthy, and still the author fails to take them to the logical conclusion. Only a few survive the tumult and make it to the next stage which involves the channelizing of the idea towards the building up of an atom around the nucleus. While the author needs to nurture the idea, woe betides the one who gets too attached to it, especially if his livelihood depends on it. You might like to chew gum, but a cow will still prefer to chew the cud.

  1. Stress the importance of varying tastes and preferences.

  2. Emphasize that the other side of the coin is more important than the viewed side.

  3. Failure is more likely than success in a literary venture.

  4. Elucidate that animals and humans have different needs.

Correct Option: B

(1) Incorrect. The simile is a reference to an author getting too attached to his idea. (2) Correct. The sentence is an oblique reference to the writer's obligation to cater to his readers. Writing what the readers would prefer to read is more important than writing to please self. (3) Incorrect. Cannot be inferred. (4) Incorrect. The comparison is only to highlight the fact that what works for one might not work for the other. (5) Incorrect. The comparison is implicit that a cow would not prefer to chew gum. A writer has to write what his readers want to read, not what he, the writer, wants to read.

Each of the following, if true, would weaken the argument, EXCEPT:

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

China and India have a similarly large pool of human resources. However, China is surging ahead of India in terms of achievements in the sporting arena. For every medal that India won in the last Olympic Games, China won seven. India, like always, failed to win any Gold medals while China won 40. The difference can clearly be attributed to the proliferation of State run sporting academies in China. These academies identify young children with sporting talent, and take these children under their wing. For the next decade or so, these children live, breathe, eat, and sleep their respective sport. It is no wonder that they turn into prodigies. India needs to pout in place a similar system if it is to achieve some level of international recognition as a sporting power.

  1. The Chinese, thanks to the gene pool originating from Huns and Mongols, are naturally stronger and faster.

  2. The authoritarian government in China can issue draconian diktats but the democratically elected government in India cannot.

  3. Indians traditionally pursue academic studies with a single-minded devotion.

  4. Corruption in sports in India is far more rampant than it is in China.

  5. Talent scouts in China are retired world champions in their respective sport who know talent when they see it.

Correct Option: B

(1) Can be inferred. If the Chinese are genetically stronger and faster than Indians, it would weaken the conclusion that the impact of the state run academies is responsible for the rise of China as a sporting super power. (2) Correct. The argument does not get weakened by the assertion that the Chinese government can issue draconian edicts. At best, it is irrelevant to the argument. (3) Can be inferred. If Indians choose to pursue studies instead of sports, it stands to reason that opening up of sporting academies would not yield desired results. (4) Can be inferred. If corruption is rampant in sports in India, it can be inferred that many Indians will make it to the teams without deserving to, and also, many Indians with talent but without the inclination to pursue a sporting career, will be able to bribe their way out of the academies. (5) Can be inferred. Since no Indians have been winning Gold medals, it means that they could not have been world champions in their sport. It means that Indian talent scouts might also not be able to spot talent.

As used in the passage, ‘culture’ in sentence 5 most nearly means:

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

For a creative writer, the most important part of the entire process from conception to fructification starts even before conception itself. Just as the human embryo needs a certain set of favorable circumstances before it can even begin to exist, the writer’s muse requires inspiration. Once inspiration strikes, and it can sometimes happen in the middle of sleep, the next step involves holding on to the idea lest it be lost in the rough house of everyday life. This process involves allowing the idea to ferment and hopefully turn into a culture that will deliver heady literary wine. The writer needs to let his subconscious work on the germ, knead it, tweak it, and evaluate it. Many ideas are stillborn, many more are worthy, and still the author fails to take them to the logical conclusion. Only a few survive the tumult and make it to the next stage which involves the channelizing of the idea towards the building up of an atom around the nucleus. While the author needs to nurture the idea, woe betides the one who gets too attached to it, especially if his livelihood depends on it. You might like to chew gum, but a cow will still prefer to chew the cud.

  1. taste

  2. sophistication

  3. education

  4. cultivation

  5. ethos

Correct Option: D

(1) Incorrect. The comparison is with a fermentation process that produces wine. (2) Incorrect. The comparison of creative writing is with a fermentation process that produces wine. (3) Incorrect. An analogy between creative writing and fermentation to make drink is being used.(4) Correct. The analogy between creative writing and fermentation of something to produce a drink is being used. This is the best available option, though not the best option per se.(5) Incorrect. The right option will compare culture with a production facility/ an agricultural field where something is being grown.   

Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument?

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

A recent report in an animal health magazine stated that the big breeds of domestic dogs suffer from an unusually high incidence of hip dysplasia, a disease in which the animal loses cartilage around the bones fitting into the hip joint, and which can result in arthritis and painful osteoporosis. The study also pointed out that wild wolves rarely, if ever, suffer from hip dysplasia. Hence, it is in the interest of dog lovers to replicate, as far as possible, the living conditions that the dogs would face in the wild.

  1. Smaller breeds of dogs, having almost non-existent instances of falling prey to hip dysplasia, are more genetically similar to wolves than are the bigger breeds of dogs.

  2. Dogs trained to protect livestock on big ranches reportedly have very low incidence of hip dysplasia.

  3. The incidence of hip dysplasia in wolves living in enclosures in zoos is quite high.

  4. Hunting dogs have relatively lower incidence of hip dysplasia.

  5. Wolves eat raw, unprocessed meat while domestic dogs eat processed dog food.

Correct Option: C

(1) Incorrect; the conclusion of the argument is that replicating living conditions of wolves would help reduce incidence of hip dysplasia in large breeds of dogs. Whether or not smaller dogs are genetically similar to wolves is beside the point. (2) Incorrect; wolves are hunters while these dogs are protectors. Hence, it cannot be said that they have similar lifestyles. Also, it is not mentioned whether these dogs are big dogs or not. (3) Correct; because the wolves living in zoos live in closed enclosures, it would imply that their lifestyle is very similar to those of big domesticated dogs. If they are getting hip dysplasia, it can be inferred that the similarity in lifestyle, to big dogs, is causing it. (4) Incorrect but very close; it is not mentioned whether the hunting dogs belong to large breeds or small breeds. (5) Incorrect; limits the argument about lifestyle to only food, which is but one component of lifestyle.

What is a necessary assumption in the argument above?

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

A recent report in an animal health magazine stated that the big breeds of domestic dogs suffer from an unusually high incidence of hip dysplasia, a disease in which the animal loses cartilage around the bones fitting into the hip joint, and which can result in arthritis and painful osteoporosis. The study also pointed out that wild wolves rarely, if ever, suffer from hip dysplasia. Hence, it is in the interest of dog lovers to replicate, as far as possible, the living conditions that the dogs would face in the wild.

  1. The uneven ground encountered in the wild, as against the smooth floors of human homes, help in regeneration of cartilage.

  2. The lifestyle of the wolves in the wild is the overriding factor behind their healthier bones and joints.

  3. Living in conditions replicating those found in the wild helps dogs to be as strong as wolves.

  4. Hunting for food helps the wolves stay limber and gives them stronger bones and joints.

  5. The small breeds of dogs do not get hip dysplasia because they get adequate exercise even in small urban homes.

Correct Option: B

(1) Incorrect; the smoothness of the floors in human habitats, as against the wild terrain, would be just one of the factors contributing to the lifestyle of dogs and wolves. (2) Correct; if we negate this assumption, the conclusion of the argument is also negated. If the lifestyle of the wolves in the wild is not responsible for the low incidence of hip dysplasia in them, it would not make any sense to replicate the same living conditions for domesticated dogs. (3) Incorrect; the focus of the argument is not on making dogs stronger, but on making them less susceptible to hip dysplasia. (4) Incorrect; hunting for food would be only one of the components of the lifestyle of wolves in the wild. (5) Incorrect; the crux of the argument is on the comparison between large breeds of dogs and wolves.

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