Verbal Section-Test 5

Description: GRE HLT - 6
Number of Questions: 9
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Tags: GRE HLT - 6 Text Completion Sentence Equivalence Inference Specific Details Main Idea Purpose Weaken Assumption
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Directions: For the given question, select one entry for the blank from the given choices, to best complete the text.

As I grew up, served in the army, and participated in efforts to make Israel a better place, the ________ in my own home between the struggle for civic equality and the ongoing appropriation of more and more Palestinian land made me question the moral and legal compass by which Israel plotted its course.

  1. endeavor

  2. irony

  3. contradiction

  4. confusion

  5. shenanigans

Correct Option: C

(1) Incorrect. The sentence goes on to state a struggle between civic equality and ongoing appropriation of Palestinian land. Endeavor cannot fit the sentence. (2) Incorrect. An irony is when a resource available elsewhere is not available where it is needed the most. Here, the sentence talks of a struggle between civic equality and yet appropriation of Palestinian lands. (3) Correct. The sentence talks of a struggle, where, on one hand civic equality is being sought, and, on the other hand, more and more Palestinians are being dispossessed of their land. How can there be equality when the Palestinians are being treated like second rate citizens? Hence, contradiction is the right word for the blank. (4) Incorrect. The sentence talks of the Israel wanting civic equality while dispossessing Palestinians of their land. There is a paradox involved here but it cannot be called confusion. In a state of confusion, one would not know what to do. (5) Incorrect; shenanigans would mean deceit or trickery. In the given situation no trickery is involved, but a paradox is certainly present.

Directions: For the given question, select one entry for the blank from the given choices, to best complete the text.

Recent years have seen an explosion of male joblessness and a steep decline in men's life prospects that have disrupted the ________ in ways that narrow a woman's options: increasingly, her choice is between deadbeats (whose numbers are rising) and playboys (whose power is growing).

  1. economic cycle

  2. marital bliss

  3. romantic market

  4. idyllic musings

Correct Option: C

(1) Incorrect; it is a woman's options, in terms of romance, that are being discussed. 'Economic cycle' does not fit the context. (2) Incorrect; marital bliss would come after marriage, not while making choices from among the men available. (3) Correct; because it is not necessary that all women would be looking for marriage in all the romantic relationships they have, the phrase sums up the scenario correctly. (4) Incorrect; contextually unfit for the passage. Idyllic musings would be related to wishful thinking whereas a realistic scenario is under discussion in the passage. (5) Incorrect; not every woman would necessarily be looking for marital possibilities when moving through relationships.

Which of the following, if true, exposes a serious flaw in the argument made in the second sentence above?

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

Although allied with the United States in public, the governments of many Arab nations in the Middle East privately dislike America for supporting the Zionist State of Israel, which they see as the regional bully. The reasoning of these Arab governments is erroneous as United States is arming Israel only for the purpose of self-defense, as Israel is surrounded by hostile nation states.

  1. Being surrounded by hostile nations does not mean that those nations will attack Israel.

  2. United States is mistaking terrorist violence in Israel with threat from neighboring nations.

  3. Offense and defense are the two sides of the same coin.

  4. Israel's overt saber rattling is for show only; it's not a threat of war.

Correct Option: C

(1) Incorrect. Being surrounded by hostile nations would prompt Israel to arm itself in self-defense. (2) Incorrect. The option is irrelevant to the given argument. (3) Correct. The argument asks the test taker to identify how the belief that the Arab belief is erroneous is wrong. The option has to prove that what the Arab leadership is thinking is indeed right. This option summarizes that the same arms that will be used for defense can also be used for offense. (4) Incorrect. This will strengthen the belief that the Arab leadership is wrong in believing that Israel is spoiling for a fight. (5) Incorrect. This will reinforce the belief that Israel is justifiably paranoid.

What is the relationship between the two boldface sentences?

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

Over the past few years, the mushrooming of torrent download sites has dealt a severe blow to the revenues of the entertainment industry. Internet has become ubiquitous, and the torrent download sites have everything from books to magazines to TV shows to movies available for just the cost of a broadband connection. It stands to reason that the entertainment industry is under threat due to the advancement of the Information Technology industry.

  1. The first boldface sentence draws a conclusion which is supported by the evidence provided in the second boldface sentence.

  2. For the second boldface sentence to be true, the first has to be true.

  3. Both provide evidence that supports the conclusion drawn in the remaining part of the argument.

  4. If the first sentence is taken to be true, the second sentence can be reasonably inferred from it.

  5. Both the statements are mutually inter-dependent. If one of them is negated, the other statement automatically gets negated.

Correct Option: D

(1) Incorrect; it is the other way around. The second statement is the conclusion and the first statement is evidence from which the conclusion can be drawn. (2) Incorrect; a rather extreme option. The entertainment industry can be under threat from I.T. because people are spending more and more time online, not necessarily because the people are downloading a lot of stuff. (3) Incorrect; the first statement provides a suitable conclusion that can be inferred from the evidence given in the first statement. (4) Correct; if the first statement is taken to be true, the second statement can be the conclusion drawn from it. Because entertainment industry is losing revenue to illegal downloading of movies, books, TV shows etcetera, it can be reasonably inferred that the entertainment industry is under threat from the I.T. industry. (5) Incorrect; even if statement two is negated, it does not necessarily negate that torrent download sites have mushroomed.

What is a necessary assumption for the argument to be true?

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

Citing the re-emergence of Tuberculosis as a serious disease in the country, a Republican Senator yesterday blamed the CDC for not working hard enough to control contagious diseases. The Senator accused the scientists of CDC of indulging in esoteric research and being unaware of the ground realities.

  1. CDC gets majority of its funding from philanthropists concerned with eliminating diseases.

  2. Any ongoing research by the scientists at CDC is unlikely to produce the desired results.

  3. The drugs currently used to treat Tuberculosis are failing to keep the disease in check.

  4. Communicable diseases sometimes spike for no explicable reason, and then revert to normal levels.

  5. Scientists sometimes find treatments for diseases purely by chance.

Correct Option: C

(1) Incorrect; even if we negate the option, and believe that philanthropist do not contribute huge funds to CDC, it does not negate the Senator's assertion that scientists are not working hard enough to control spread of contagious diseases. (2) Incorrect; even if the option is negated, and it is believed that current research will get desired results, it cannot be said that the ongoing research is aimed at countering the spread of T.B. (3) Correct; if we reverse the option, and believe that currently used drugs can effectively treat T.B., the Senator's assertion that CDC is not working hard to control contagious disease, T.B. will be negated. If the current drugs are effective, there would be no need for CDC to work on T.B. control. (4) Incorrect; if the option is negated, and it is assumed that diseases do not spike without reason, it does not impact the conclusion. (5) Incorrect; inverting the option means that mostly scientists do not find the cures for diseases by chance. However, it does not prove that CDC scientists are not working hard.

The author uses the phrase 'when battling the pecuniary zombies' in order to:

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

The Obama administration has its hands full trying to tackle a host of internal and external problem, and though it is brilliantly failing, so far, to get a grip on the situation, they- the administration- would be getting more than a small amount of perverse pleasure from the way that the things have been panning out in Europe. America has been battling increasing fiscal deficit, an economy headed South, and ever increasing personal bankruptcies. The latest thorn in the side for the American federal government has come in the form of the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests- the movement that is protesting the concentration of 80 percent of the nation’s wealth in the hands of an elite one percent of population. However, a recent study found that, now, in the midst of a gripping recession, fewer than ever people were in support of the redistribution of wealth. Another movement, citing that, when compared to the 1960’s, the average American family is earning less in terms of purchasing power, in spite of many more families living on two incomes, is advocating an increase in the minimum wages of $7.25/ hour. The movement is gaining support from unexpected quarters including some senior government policy makers. Many professionals and entrepreneurs, who earn five figure monthly incomes, are coming out in favor of the movement. Many philanthropists like Warren Buffet are also very vocal in their support for the movement. The most resistance for the movement has come from people whose earnings are just above the minimum wages mark. They are dead against the movement, except in the scenario that their salaries also go up in proportion to the minimum wage earners.
 When battling the pecuniary zombies, the Americans can gain strength from their ‘get rich or die trying’ culture, which is in contrast to the more laidback approach in the other parts of the developed world. Greece, Portugal, and Spain have seen their economies slide down the drain in less than a decade. Now it is the turn of Italy to stare down the barrel of a loaded and cocked gun. The finger is whitening on the trigger but the Italian Prime Minister seems unconcerned. His bluster stems from the fact that Italians, unlike other Europeans, are hoarders, not spenders. In reply to what might have been some very uncomfortable questions for some, the Italian Prime Minister pooh-poohed suggestions that Italy, like Greece, is staring at disaster. He quoted the nation’s net saving ratio, which is the second highest in the continent (after Germany), and that while Italy's debt is clearly massive: €1.9tn euros, it’s only 120.5% of GDP compared with 162.8% for Greece. The Premier refused to be drawn into a debate on how Italy’s debt is higher than that of Spain or Portugal, the other two nations facing economic ruin, both of which have a debt ratio of around 100% of their respective GDPs.        


  1. contrast the approach of Americans and Europeans in tackling the economic mess that they are finding themselves in.

  2. highlight the Americans' innate nature to fight till the very last moment.

  3. refer to the national and personal fiscal planning blunders committed which are coming back from the dead to haunt them.

  4. point out how Americans and Europeans are traveling in the same leaky boat in the sea of fiscal imprudence.

Correct Option: C

(1) Incorrect. A zombie refers to a person who has dies but has risen from the dead. Here, the reference is to fiscal imprudence in general. The phrase does not contrast the American and European approach. (2) Incorrect. The phrase is intended to highlight the need to redress the mistakes committed in financial planning because the consequences of these mistakes don't just go away on their own. (3) Correct. A zombie refers to a person who has dies but has risen from the dead. The phrase is used to refer to the consequences of past fiscal misadventures that have come to haunt the perpetrators of the financial mistakes. (4) Incorrect. The phrase is aimed at stressing that financial mistakes do not go unpunished. They come back to haunt those who had committed them. (5) Incorrect. The phrase is intended to highlight the need to redress the mistakes committed in financial planning because the consequences of these mistakes don't just go away on their own.

What according to the passage, is in America's favor while tackling the current economic recession?

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

The Obama administration has its hands full trying to tackle a host of internal and external problem, and though it is brilliantly failing, so far, to get a grip on the situation, they- the administration- would be getting more than a small amount of perverse pleasure from the way that the things have been panning out in Europe. America has been battling increasing fiscal deficit, an economy headed South, and ever increasing personal bankruptcies. The latest thorn in the side for the American federal government has come in the form of the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests- the movement that is protesting the concentration of 80 percent of the nation’s wealth in the hands of an elite one percent of population. However, a recent study found that, now, in the midst of a gripping recession, fewer than ever people were in support of the redistribution of wealth. Another movement, citing that, when compared to the 1960’s, the average American family is earning less in terms of purchasing power, in spite of many more families living on two incomes, is advocating an increase in the minimum wages of $7.25/ hour. The movement is gaining support from unexpected quarters including some senior government policy makers. Many professionals and entrepreneurs, who earn five figure monthly incomes, are coming out in favor of the movement. Many philanthropists like Warren Buffet are also very vocal in their support for the movement. The most resistance for the movement has come from people whose earnings are just above the minimum wages mark. They are dead against the movement, except in the scenario that their salaries also go up in proportion to the minimum wage earners.
 When battling the pecuniary zombies, the Americans can gain strength from their ‘get rich or die trying’ culture, which is in contrast to the more laidback approach in the other parts of the developed world. Greece, Portugal, and Spain have seen their economies slide down the drain in less than a decade. Now it is the turn of Italy to stare down the barrel of a loaded and cocked gun. The finger is whitening on the trigger but the Italian Prime Minister seems unconcerned. His bluster stems from the fact that Italians, unlike other Europeans, are hoarders, not spenders. In reply to what might have been some very uncomfortable questions for some, the Italian Prime Minister pooh-poohed suggestions that Italy, like Greece, is staring at disaster. He quoted the nation’s net saving ratio, which is the second highest in the continent (after Germany), and that while Italy's debt is clearly massive: €1.9tn euros, it’s only 120.5% of GDP compared with 162.8% for Greece. The Premier refused to be drawn into a debate on how Italy’s debt is higher than that of Spain or Portugal, the other two nations facing economic ruin, both of which have a debt ratio of around 100% of their respective GDPs.        


  1. Lack of a strong support base for wealth redistribution.

  2. A lower debt ratio than that of most countries in Europe.

  3. A robust work ethic.

  4. The possible increase in the minimum wages.

Correct Option: C

(1) Incorrect. The topic finds but a passing mention in the first paragraph. The reason is given in the second paragraph. (2) Incorrect. America's debt ratio is not mentioned in the passage, and hence, cannot be compared. (3) Correct. The second paragraph starts with a reference to the American work ethic and links it to a faster recovery for America than for Europe. (4) Incorrect. The reference to a possible increase in minimum wages is aimed at conveying the central idea of the passage that no one wants to be at the last position. (5) Incorrect. The passage mentions America's 'get rich or die trying' culture as the possible reason for its quicker recovery from economic collapse.

All of the following are true as per the passage, except:

Directions: Answer the given question based on the following passage:

In a ‘back to the basics’ approach, organic farmers use just plant and animal origin additives to boost production of crops and to protect them from pests and insects. One commonly used technique is to use dried leaves of Azadirachta indica for pest control.
Many organic farmers attest to the efficacy of the use of this technique. The dried leaves not only emit a strong smell that discourages pests from coming near to the plant, but also produce pheromones, or plant hormones, that upset the metabolic system of the pests if inhaled by the pests. The traditionally used pesticides, although effective, leave residue that is toxic to both humans and farm animals. Also, these insecticides and pesticides are absorbed by the plant and its fruit, thereby making their way into the human food chain. Even spraying crops meant for dairy animals or for animals reared for meat also results in the toxicity passing onto the end users.
The use of this non-traditional insect killer is not without its controversies. Many researchers believe that though the toxicology of traditional insecticides and pesticides is known, can be contained by controlled spraying, and treated symptomatically, the long term side effects, on humans, of the leaching of the chemicals present in Azadirachta indica into the groundwater, or absorption into the crops, are not known. These researchers believe that just because deleterious after effects of organic farming additives are not known, it cannot be taken to mean that they are not there at all. Also, some scientists have raised concerns about the effect of the phyto-hormones released by this natural pesticide on the plants that it is supposed to protect.

  1. No long term adverse effects of naturally found insecticides have been found.

  2. The harmful side effects of traditional methods of crop protection can be eliminated by need based usage.

  3. Humans, ultimately, are at the receiving end of the toxins disseminated through agriculture.

  4. At least one plant hormone targets the metabolism of plant pests.

  5. A common consensus on the merits of organic farming has proven to be elusive.

Correct Option: B

(1) Incorrect; the passage states that no harmful effects of organic farming are not known, yet. (2) Correct; the passage states that the harmful effects of traditional insecticides can be contained OR treated symptomatically. (3) Incorrect; the passage states, with two example, how humans are at the top of the food chain. Hence, it can be inferred that the humans are at the receiving end of all the toxins spread through agriculture. (4) Incorrect; the passage, citing the example of Azadirachta indica, points out that the phyto-hormones of the plant target metabolic system of the pests. (5) Incorrect; since there is both support and opposition of organic farming, it can be said that a common consensus has proved elusive.

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