Bank Verbal HLT - 2

Description: Bank Verbal Hlt-2 Specific Details about the PassageSpecific Details about the PassageSpecific DetailInference-based QuestionsInference-based QuestionsInferenceInferenceSpecific DetailReading ComprehensionReading ComprehensionMain Idea
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Tags: Bank Verbal Hlt-2 Specific Details about the Passage Specific Detail Inference-based Questions Inference Reading Comprehension Main Idea
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Directions: Find the statement where the given word hasn’t been used correctly.


  1. The mountaineers were roped together.

  2. The rope is still in use as a form of capital punishment.

  3. If you give him enough rope, he’ll soon come a cropper.

  4. He’s worked here for many years and can therefore tie all ropes of the organisation.

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

(1) is the correct usage of ‘Rope’, meaning tied together with a rope. (2) depicts capital punishment – death by hanging. (3) is to allow someone enough freedom of action to bring on his/her own downfall. In the context of an organisation, the word rope used to refer to procedures or methods is inappropriate. Therefore, (4) is an incorrect usage.

Directions: Find the statement where the given word hasn't been used correctly.


  1. It was a very convention film.

  2. The bride was conventionally dressed in a red saree.

  3. There are strict conventions governing the buying and selling of shares.

  4. Convention dictates how cutlery should be laid on a table.

  5. All are correct.

Correct Option: A

(2) is valid, as the term 'conventionally' is used to refer following of established or generally accepted customs of society. (3) and (4) have usage of the word conventional as the noun convention, which means routine, customary practices. (1) is incorrect because the word has been used as a noun where it should have been an adjective. 'It was a very conventional film.'

Directions: Find the option where the given word hasn't been used correctly.


  1. Her oracular comments have all come true.

  2. My mechanic is an oracle on engine troubles.

  3. Tourists still visit the site of the oracle at Delphi in Greece.

  4. She was promoted by working the oracular and making friends with the manager.

  5. No Error

Correct Option: D

In option (1), the meaning of the term 'oracular' as implied is prophetic. In option (2), the term oracle has been used to describe expertise. In option (3), the usage is to denote a place where such prophetic advice is given. In option (4), the meaning implied was 'to achieve something by scheming or manipulation', but the word oracular needs to be replaced by oracle to make it grammatically correct.

Directions: In the following sentence, four words or phrases have been underlines. Choose the word or phrase that is inappropriate in standard written English and mark your answer as (1), (2), (3) or (4) depending on whether the error is underlined part (1), (2), (3), or (4).

(1) We were (2) yet below the surface of the (3) gale-driven river (4) of ice spicules.

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

  5. No Improvement Required

Correct Option: B

In this sentence, there is no need for the word ‘yet’ in part (2).

Directions: In the following sentence, four words or phrases have been underlines. Choose the word or phrase that is inappropriate in standard written English and mark your answer as (1), (2), (3) or (4).

She is (1) one of those (2) few people who (3) knows everything in (4) this matter.

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

  5. No improvement required

Correct Option: C

Part (3) is incorrect in the question. ‘One of those’ is a plural entity. So, we should use the plural verb ‘know’. This mark out (3) as the answer choice.

Which of the following is a less important factor resulting in environmental stress in rural and urban areas?

  1. Rate of growth of population

  2. Availability of productive employment

  3. Continued environmental neglect

  4. Realization of core competence

Correct Option: B

'Heart break' is bound to be a sudden occurrence, not a gradual process. Hence, the best answer is option (2).

The NGOs are not universally liked because: I.      they are becoming a parallel State II.     the mullahs hate them III.    they are accountable to nobody

  1. I & II

  2. I & III

  3. I, II & III

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

The following lines from passage “some fear the organizations are becoming a parallel state, financed by foreigners and accountable to nobody” and “mullahs hate NGOs for eroding the traditional mate dominated structure” provided us with evidence that all three statements are part of reasons why NGO’s are not universally liked. Thus option (3) is correct answer.

The success of BRAC can be attributed to which of the following?

  1. It has 19,000 employees and 34,000 teachers.

  2. It hires teachers from villages.

  3. It has at least 70% girls in schools.

  4. It has enormous reach.

Correct Option: D

The actual reason for success of an any organization is measured in terms of its reach. The information in option (1), (2) & (3) is factually correct and statistically achievement of the organization but it is the reach of organization which prevails over all other factors is determine the success of BRAC. Thus option (4) is correct.

The point about payment of wages is given to prove:

  1. how less they are paid   

  2. to contrast with government teachers

  3. to show their effectiveness

  4. to show that government teachers are overpaid

Correct Option: B

The last line of third paragraph �Teachers are paid 600 take a month and reach children that government teachers (paid six times, pas much) cannot has been used by author to compare contrast between the two both into terms of salary as well as effectiveness. Therefore option (2) is most appropriate reason for the point about payment of wages of two.

The Grameen Bank has been successful because:

  1. it gives loans to risky borrowers

  2. it has broken the monopoly of commercial banks

  3. its repayment rate is 95%

  4. it has changed the system, of guarantee

Correct Option: C

All the given options are correct as evidenced by the information provided by passage so we have to choose the most appropriate reason for success of Grameen Bank. The commercial success of a bank depends upon to whom, how or at what rate a loan is given but how much of loan has been repaid. Therefore option (3) is most appropriate answer choice.

Since NGOs charge 15-22% rate of interest, we can say they:

  1. are exploitative

  2. are like any other bank

  3. are justified because borrowers do not mind

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: C

From the information available in passage the following line “yet the high rate of repayment is the best evidence of affordability” gives us clue to answer this question that high rate of interest charge by NGO is justified. Thus correct option (3). The rate being exploitative is contention used by leftist against NGO’s. Thus correct answer is option (3).

The author mentions four groups: 1. mullahs, 2. politicians, 3. bureaucrats and 4. leftists. Match their objections with the groups, given that the objections are; A. high rate of interest, B. exposure of inefficiency, C. empowering women and D. power without accountability.

  1. ABCD

  2. CDBA

  3. BDCA

  4. DCBA

Correct Option: B

According to the information available in passage Mullahs haste NGO's as they empower women by giving them jobs, education and economic intendance. Politicians complain that NGOs have money and power with accountability. Bureaucrats because of exposure of their efficiency and leftists criticize the exploitative rate of interest charged by NGO's. Thus most suitable order of groups is in option (2).

What does the author feel about the fact that some NGOs are crooks?

  1. It is a serious problem

  2. It is a small problem

  3. It is not a problem at all

  4. It needed to be guarded against

Correct Option: B

Author has described the corruption in some NGO's as �a trickle� in comparison to the �river� of corruption in government departments. It is clear that considering the usefulness of NGO's author thinks it as a minor problem. Therefore option (2) is correct answer.

What is the main idea of the passage?

  1. To highlight the objections raised by some states against the proposed project to interlink all major rivers of India.

  2. To point out reasons, why the proposed interlinking of rivers could not be achieved in time.

  3. To critically analyse the pros and cons of such a project.

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

(1) is not the answer because the objections by states is discussed only in the first paragraph. (3) is out of the scope of the passage. (2) is the answer because the passage extensively deals with the same.

Which among the following can be inferred from the passage?

  1. The most important reason for the delay in the project is the objection raised by some states against it.

  2. Though the project had been well planned, the delay occurred because of unforeseen circumstances.

  3. The government Committee set up in 1999 to examine the project, was very positive about the projects out come.

  4. The drought of 2002 gave an impetus to the ongoing proposal of interlinking of India's major rivers.

Correct Option: D

(1) is not the answer because the passage mentions that it was one of the reasons and not the main reason.   (2) is not the answer because it is mentioned in the second paragraph that, 'all the complex engineering, economic, environmental and social issues involved in the project have never been carefully studied'. (3) is wrong because it is mentioned in the last line of the second paragraph that, 'the committee was ambivalent about the benefits of interlinking of the country's rivers'. (4) is the answer because it is mentioned in the first line of the last paragraph.

What is the tone of the passage?

  1. skeptical

  2. analytical

  3. pessimistic

  4. hopeful

Correct Option: B

Tone is analytical because the passage analyses various reasons which slowed down the completion of the proposed project.

Directions:  Find the statement where the given word hasn't been used correctly.


  1. Absenteeism is a problem at some schools.

  2. His absentist nature showed that he wasn't taking in the news.

  3. Why did you absent yourself from the vital meeting?

  4. His absence is due to illness.

Correct Option: B

(2) can be termed incorrect usage immediately because of use of the incorrect word 'absentist'.

Directions:  Find the statement where the given word hasn't been used correctly.


  1. Give me an accent to work you are doing.

  2. We accent the word 'bullock' on the first syllable.

  3. Bright colors accentuate the pattern of this material.

  4. Her red belt provided a bright accent on the plain white dress.

Correct Option: A

(2) uses the term accent in very general form as used commonly. The word 'accentuate' in (3) refers to emphasis or stress generally. (4) is also correct as word has been used to mean strongly contrasting detail. (1) doesn't make much sense, thereby is incorrect.

Directions:  Find the statement where the given word hasn't been used correctly.


  1. They stroll down the shady avenue.

  2. Their avenue is hard work.

  3. We must explore every avenue open to us in an effort to solve the problem.

  4. Hard work is the avenue to success.

Correct Option: B

(1) refers to a road or path with trees on either side. Usage of 'avenue' in (3) and (4) is to depict a way of doing or getting something done. (2) is incorrect usage as the word has been used to mean strength or positive trait, which does not mean avenue.

Directions: Select the option that does not belong to the group.

  1. Recalcitrant

  2. Intractable

  3. Unwilling

  4. Eager

Correct Option: D

Recalcitrant, intractable and unwilling are all terms used to refer to resistance or stubborn nature of a person. On other hand, the term eager is used to refer to feeling or showing of keen desire. This marks option (4) as not belonging to the group formed above.

Directions: Select the option that does not belong to the group.

  1. Provincial

  2. Metropolitan

  3. Pastoral

  4. Wooded

Correct Option: B

Provincial, pastoral and wooded are terms used to refer to rural life or rural setting. On the other hand, metropolitan refers to city life. This marks option (2) as the one that does not belong to this group.

Directions: Select the option that does not belong to the group.

  1. Divide

  2. Divorce

  3. Adhere

  4. Dismember

Correct Option: C

Divide, divorce and dismember all mean to separate by parting. Adhere means to stick fast, stay attached. Therefore option (3) gives us the word which is odd-one-out.

Directions: Select the option that does not belong to the group.

  1. Quandary

  2. Procession

  3. Entourage

  4. Motorcade

Correct Option: A

Procession, entourage and motorcade are synonyms for a number of persons or things, as in a parade, in an orderly, formal way. Quandary is a state of uncertainty. Therefore option (1) doesn't belong to the given group.

Directions: Select the option that does not belong to the group.

  1. Subversion

  2. Inception

  3. Sedition

  4. Subterfuge

Correct Option: B

The three words subversion, sedition and subterfuge are all negative words used in context of revolt, sabotage, etc. and thereby can be related together. Inception implies the beginning of something, start, commencement and not related to others. This marks option (2) as the required answer.

Directions: For the following question, choose the option that fills up the blanks most correctly.

In a large group of people, Aruna often seemed ________ and aloof, although among her friends and family she was quite ________.

  1. reticent, convivial

  2. gregarious, outgoing

  3. detrimental; multifarious

  4. intriguing, vigorous

Correct Option: A

“Although” tells us that this is a contrasting sentence. Moreover, the word for first blank should be similar in meaning to aloof, thus “reticent” (habitually silent or uncommunicative) replaces the first blank. “Convivial” (companionable, sociable) is in contrast to reticent, thus fits our prediction for second blank. Hence, (1) is the answer.

Directions: For the following question, choose the option that fills up the blanks most correctly.

After the First World War, a large decrease in Mexican immigration to the United States occurred because the wartime _________ of immigration restriction was _________.

  1. waiver, rescinded

  2. enactment, overturne

  3. abolition, endorsed

  4. repeal, guaranteed

Correct Option: A

The first part of the sentence says that, after the First World War, the Mexican immigration to United States decreased sharply. So, the two missing words should together mean that the immigration restrictions had been relaxed during the War, and had become stricter after the War. (1) is the correct answer because, if wart-time waiver of immigration restrictions had been rescinded after the war, the rate of immigration would naturally have decreased in the post-war period.

Directions: For the following question, choose the option that fills up the blanks most correctly.

The simplicity of the theory – its main attraction is also its ______; for only by ______ the assumption of the theory is it possible to explain the most recent observations made by researchers.

  1. subjection, accepting

  2. virtue, qualifying

  3. undoing, supplementing

  4. glory, rejecting

Correct Option: C

The first word has to be in contrast to simplicity. The obvious answer is (3).

Directions: For the following question, choose the option that fills up the blanks most correctly.

He was _________ in his vindictiveness, often feigning a disarming camaraderie while _________ his opportunity for revenge.

  1. impulsive, gauging

  2. harmless, preparing

  3. resolute, forgetting

  4. devious, awaiting

Correct Option: D

The sentence must mean that the person was intent upon taking revenge for the earlier harm. He must therefore be looking for an opportunity to take revenge, even while pretending friendship. Devious is what describes such a person perfectly, and awaiting fits in well in the second blank. Hence, (4) is the answer.

Directions: For the following question, choose the option that fills up the blanks most correctly.

His ________ sense of humour caused more ________ than he must have intended.

  1. debunk; sobriety

  2. wry; confusion

  3. prominent; impudence

  4. dry; jargon

Correct Option: B

The clue word in this sentence is ‘caused’. The speaker had some unintended effect on his audience. ‘Wry’ means dry or twisted humour and ‘confusion’ would certainly be a potential unintended effect from this speaking style. Hence, (2) is the answer.

Directions: For the following question, choose the option that fills up the blanks most correctly.

The research scholar performed the experiments with ________ and worked ________ to submit an award-winning thesis.

  1. prudence; amicably

  2. apathy; zealously

  3. indifference; amiably

  4. diligence; assiduously

Correct Option: D

The clue for this sentence is that research work requires hard work and persistent effort. As ‘diligence’ means hard work, it is ideal for first blank. Moreover, ‘assiduously’ means with perseverance and care, thereby, giving sense to the sentence. Hence, (4) is the answer.

Directions: In the following sentence, four words or phrases have been underlines. Choose the word or phrase that is inappropriate in standard written English and mark your answer as (1), (2), (3) or (4) depending on whether the error is underlined part (1), (2), (3), or (4).

(1) It was (2) exactly noon than I (3) clambered over (4) the edge of the bridge.

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

Correct Option: B

Look at the underlined part (2), occurrence of the word ‘than’ instead of ‘that’ marks the sentence grammatically incorrect.

Directions: In the following sentence, four words or phrases have been underlines. Choose the word or phrase that is inappropriate in standard written English and mark your answer as (1), (2), (3) or (4) depending on whether the error is underlined part (1), (2), (3), or (4).

(1) The hut was about (2) thirty degrees (3) warmer then the last time I (4) had been there.

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

Correct Option: C

The word ‘then’ is used to denote time and ‘than’ is used to introduce the second element in a comparison following an adjective or adverb. The speaker is comparing the condition at present to that the last time he had been at the place. This marks (3) as incorrect.

Directions: In the following sentence, four words or phrases have been underlines. Choose the word or phrase that is inappropriate in standard written English and mark your answer as (1), (2), (3) or (4) depending on whether the error is underlined part (1), (2), (3), or (4).

The workers had (1) struck (2) work (3) since (4) 1st January, 1992.

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

Correct Option: C

In part (3) the word that marks the sentence incorrect is ‘since’. The word ‘from’ shall replace it. Thus correct answer for the question is option (3).

Directions: In the following sentence, four words or phrases have been underlines. Choose the word or phrase that is inappropriate in standard written English and mark your answer as (1), (2), (3) or (4).

She is (1) one of those (2) few people who (3) knows everything in (4) this matter.

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

Correct Option: C

Part (3) is incorrect in the question. ‘One of those’ is a plural entity. So, we should use the plural verb ‘know’. This mark out (3) as the answer choice.

Directions: In the following sentence, four words or phrases have been underlines. Choose the word or phrase that is inappropriate in standard written English and mark your answer as (1), (2), (3) or (4) depending on whether the error is underlined part (1), (2), (3), or (4).

The match (1) between (2) the two champions (3) lasted for only one and (4) half hour.

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

Correct Option: C

In part (3) the expression ‘lasted for only’ is incorrect and should be replaced by ‘lasted for about’. Therefore, the required answer is option (3).

Directions: In the following sentence, four words or phrases have been underlines. Choose the word or phrase that is inappropriate in standard written English and mark your answer as (1), (2), (3) or (4) depending on whether the error is underlined part (1), (2), (3), or (4).

(1) Ambition to rise, but (2) also  (3) financial ability are  the (4) key requirements of a finance director.

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

Correct Option: A

The correlative conjunction is “Not only… but also.” ‘Not only ambition to rise but also financial ability are the key requirement of a finance director’. Therefore, part (1) has the error.

Directions: In the following sentence, four words or phrases have been underlines. Choose the word or phrase that is inappropriate in standard written English and mark your answer as (1), (2), (3) or (4) depending on whether the error is underlined part (1), (2), (3), or (4).

(1) Owing to (2) his rude behaviour she was very (3) cut off (4) with him.

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

Correct Option: C

In part (3) ‘very cut off’ marks inappropriate phrase usage. The appropriate use is ‘cut up’ Hence, option (3) is the correct answer.

Directions: In the following sentence, four words or phrases have been underlines. Choose the word or phrase that is inappropriate in standard written English and mark your answer as (1), (2), (3) or (4) depending on whether the error is underlined part (1), (2), (3), or (4).

(1) After his father’s death he was (2) totally upset and (3) had lost (4) the peace of his mind.

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

Correct Option: C

The error is in part (3). The sentence is in simple past tense. So delete auxiliary ‘had’.

Directions: The following question is based on VERBAL ANALOGIES. In the question, select the alternative that exhibits a similar relationship as shown by the QUESTION PAIR.


  1. witch : wizard

  2. fox : vixen

  3. tigress : tiger

  4. goose : geese

Correct Option: B

Bachelor is used to refer to an unmarried boy and spinster to an unmarried girl. So a suitable pair must have the analogy male: female. Options (1), (2) and (3) represent the same analogy, but only (2) presents it in the correct order.

Directions: The following question is based on VERBAL ANALOGIES. In the question, select the alternative that exhibits a similar relationship as shown by the QUESTION PAIR.


  1. birds : zero

  2. stars : constellation

  3. stamps : philately

  4. paisa : rupee

Correct Option: B

Archipelago refers to a group of islands. Option (2), constellation is a group of stars.

Directions: The following question is based on VERBAL ANALOGIES. In the question, select the alternative that exhibits a similar relationship as shown by the QUESTION PAIR.


  1. hit : suffer

  2. pride : prejudice

  3. legible : eligible

  4. fight : quarrel

Correct Option: B

Adore is to love greatly or idolize. The bridge presented by analogy here is adoration arises from love. Option (2), Pride : Prejudice is the best fit. Pride is a condition of self-esteem or haughty behaviour, and prejudice is intolerance, suspicion or irrational hatred. We can see that prejudice arises from pride.

Directions: The following question is based on VERBAL ANALOGIES. In the question, select the alternative that exhibits a similar relationship as shown by the QUESTION PAIR.


  1. tax : income

  2. lend : borrow

  3. come : arrive

  4. mend : repair

Correct Option: B

The bridge here is a pair of antonyms. Deposit is an activity contrary to withdrawal. The only suitable pair of antonyms is in option (2), lend: borrow. Lend is act of giving and borrow is an act of taking.

Directions: The following question is based on VERBAL ANALOGIES. In the question, select the alternative that exhibits a similar relationship as shown by the QUESTION PAIR.


  1. hint : quiet

  2. say : deny

  3. hint : collude

  4. hint : affirm

Correct Option: D

Insinuate is to make a subtle reference or hint and charge is to address authoritatively with some evidence; a difference of degree. One can easily see that an analogous pair hint: affirm has been presented in option (4).

Directions: Against the word some suggested meanings are given. Choose the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the word.


  1. assumed

  2. liberty

  3. restlessness

  4. tranquility

Correct Option: D


Directions: Against the word some suggested meanings are given. Choose the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the word.


  1. to insult

  2. doubt

  3. involve

  4. make clear

Correct Option: C


Directions: Against the word some suggested meanings are given. Choose the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the word.


  1. agreement

  2. beauty

  3. involve

  4. make clear

Correct Option: A


Directions: Against the word some suggested meanings are given. Choose the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the word.


  1. to heal

  2. soften

  3. pardon

  4. musical

Correct Option: B


Directions: Against the word some suggested meanings are given. Choose the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the word.


  1. child-like

  2. brisk

  3. sturdy

  4. light-hearted

Correct Option: D


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