RC Step - 2

Description: GRE RC
Number of Questions: 12
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Tags: GRE RC Inference Vocabulary in context Conclusion Explain/Resolve Purpose
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What has united people of different ideologies in contemporary America?

Directions: Answer the question based on the following passage:

In the mid-term elections this year, the focus has shifted from individual bashing to issue based bashing and for once, both the parties – the Democrats and the Republicans, have agreed upon an issue that they both want to take to the cleaners. Surprisingly however, both the parties are blaming each other for the present fiasco and the target is the same- the biggest trade partner of the USA, and also its biggest creditor- People’s Republic of China. What was being considered a howitzer that sputtered, the issue of trade relations and other issues- real and imagined- with China has suddenly taken the centre stage in the electoral campaigning with the xenophobes on both sides of the political divide pointing accusing fingers at each other for putting national interest in harm’s way. The situation has been further exacerbated by a futuristic advertisement that has been brought out by a citizen’s forum called Citizens Against Government Waste in which a Chinese professor is shown addressing a group of Chinese students in Beijing in the year 2030 and explaining why great nations like Ancient Rome, The British Empire, and The United States failed. Talking of misguided American policies the professor says that since they- the Americans- owed most of their debt to the Chinese, now they- the citizens of USA, work for them- the citizens of China. While the ordinary citizens are divided in their opinion about the authenticity of the facts claimed in the advert, with reactions as diverse as chalk and cheese, there is no doubt that the advert has touched a very raw nerve indeed. Acting as a catalyst, the so called advert of the season has brought into sharp focus the American trade policies and the public perception about the same. Jingoism has taken on a more rabid, more vocal avatar- fanned by the developments on the electoral front.

Incumbents and challengers on both the sides have suddenly found a new horse to flog and the speech writers and the think-tanks on both the sides are busy trying to find out in minutest detail anything and everything that they can pin on the other side with respect to them having sold the nation down the river and to the Chinese. It is hardly new for the political aspirants in any nation blame someone in another country for their nation’s woes but this time around, for the first time perhaps, the fall guy is common for both the sides and he also happens to own increasing stakes in the nation. It is not a Vietnam, where apart from lives of thousands of GIs and lots of money, nothing much was at stake. For the sake of sanity and reason, one hopes that the present tirades will be brushed under the carpet once the electioneering is over and also that the Chinese will be reacting with equanimity on all the rhetoric being thrown around as the relations between the two super powers are already strained over the stubborn refusal of the Chinese on the issue of currency revaluation and the increasing protectionism being seen as a part of the new United States policy. In a sign of the times, in a recent poll, more than fifty percent of the Americans polled said that they believed that free trade had been harmful for the country.

  1. A sentiment of protecting indigenous trade and industry from foreign competition

  2. A heart-on-the-sleeve reawakening of excessive nationalism

  3. A sudden realization that their status as world’s superpower is at risk

  4. Mass hysteria following discovery of a convenient scapegoat

  5. Public perception being played upon by an inflammatory advertisement

Correct Option: D

(1) Incorrect; trade protectionism is a sentiment that has emerged as a fall-out of the current economic scenario. (2) Incorrect; jingoism is a fall-out of the advert and the current scenario, not the cause for it. (3) Incorrect; though the emergence of China is implicit, it’s not the main cause as can be seen from ‘What was being considered a howitzer….suddenly taken the centre stage’. (4): Correct; rabble rousing and mass hysteria has suddenly turned China into enemy no. 1.  (5): Incorrect; the advert is just one of the prompts for this issue to have snowballed.

Why does the author contrast the current situation with a historical precedent?

Directions: Answer the question based on the following passage:

In the mid-term elections this year, the focus has shifted from individual bashing to issue based bashing and for once, both the parties – the Democrats and the Republicans, have agreed upon an issue that they both want to take to the cleaners. Surprisingly however, both the parties are blaming each other for the present fiasco and the target is the same- the biggest trade partner of the USA, and also its biggest creditor- People’s Republic of China. What was being considered a howitzer that sputtered, the issue of trade relations and other issues- real and imagined- with China has suddenly taken the centre stage in the electoral campaigning with the xenophobes on both sides of the political divide pointing accusing fingers at each other for putting national interest in harm’s way. The situation has been further exacerbated by a futuristic advertisement that has been brought out by a citizen’s forum called Citizens Against Government Waste in which a Chinese professor is shown addressing a group of Chinese students in Beijing in the year 2030 and explaining why great nations like Ancient Rome, The British Empire, and The United States failed. Talking of misguided American policies the professor says that since they- the Americans- owed most of their debt to the Chinese, now they- the citizens of USA, work for them- the citizens of China. While the ordinary citizens are divided in their opinion about the authenticity of the facts claimed in the advert, with reactions as diverse as chalk and cheese, there is no doubt that the advert has touched a very raw nerve indeed. Acting as a catalyst, the so called advert of the season has brought into sharp focus the American trade policies and the public perception about the same. Jingoism has taken on a more rabid, more vocal avatar- fanned by the developments on the electoral front.

Incumbents and challengers on both the sides have suddenly found a new horse to flog and the speech writers and the think-tanks on both the sides are busy trying to find out in minutest detail anything and everything that they can pin on the other side with respect to them having sold the nation down the river and to the Chinese. It is hardly new for the political aspirants in any nation blame someone in another country for their nation’s woes but this time around, for the first time perhaps, the fall guy is common for both the sides and he also happens to own increasing stakes in the nation. It is not a Vietnam, where apart from lives of thousands of GIs and lots of money, nothing much was at stake. For the sake of sanity and reason, one hopes that the present tirades will be brushed under the carpet once the electioneering is over and also that the Chinese will be reacting with equanimity on all the rhetoric being thrown around as the relations between the two super powers are already strained over the stubborn refusal of the Chinese on the issue of currency revaluation and the increasing protectionism being seen as a part of the new United States policy. In a sign of the times, in a recent poll, more than fifty percent of the Americans polled said that they believed that free trade had been harmful for the country.

  1. To compare the effect of the two events on national psyche

  2. To highlight the difference in military prowess of the two opponents

  3. To underline how traumatic events can sometimes unite a nation

  4. To accentuate how xenophobia can have tremendous repercussions

  5. To underscore how easy it is to malign a nation for one’s own nation’s transgressions

Correct Option: D

(1) Incorrect; the author compares the stakes, not the effects. (2) Incorrect; military power is irrelevant to the passage. (3) Incorrect; the author tries to draw attention towards the possible grave repercussions of the atmosphere of mistrust. (4): Correct; the author tries to underline the fact that the Chinese have much more clout in American internal matters as compared to the Vietnam fiasco where the enemy’s centre of influence was thousands of miles away. (5): Incorrect; the comparison is drawn to highlight China’s influence.

Why does the author use the expression, “What was being considered a howitzer that sputtered” when talking about the issue in question?

Directions: Answer the question based on the following passage:

In the mid-term elections this year, the focus has shifted from individual bashing to issue based bashing and for once, both the parties – the Democrats and the Republicans, have agreed upon an issue that they both want to take to the cleaners. Surprisingly however, both the parties are blaming each other for the present fiasco and the target is the same- the biggest trade partner of the USA, and also its biggest creditor- People’s Republic of China. What was being considered a howitzer that sputtered, the issue of trade relations and other issues- real and imagined- with China has suddenly taken the centre stage in the electoral campaigning with the xenophobes on both sides of the political divide pointing accusing fingers at each other for putting national interest in harm’s way. The situation has been further exacerbated by a futuristic advertisement that has been brought out by a citizen’s forum called Citizens Against Government Waste in which a Chinese professor is shown addressing a group of Chinese students in Beijing in the year 2030 and explaining why great nations like Ancient Rome, The British Empire, and The United States failed. Talking of misguided American policies the professor says that since they- the Americans- owed most of their debt to the Chinese, now they- the citizens of USA, work for them- the citizens of China. While the ordinary citizens are divided in their opinion about the authenticity of the facts claimed in the advert, with reactions as diverse as chalk and cheese, there is no doubt that the advert has touched a very raw nerve indeed. Acting as a catalyst, the so called advert of the season has brought into sharp focus the American trade policies and the public perception about the same. Jingoism has taken on a more rabid, more vocal avatar- fanned by the developments on the electoral front.

Incumbents and challengers on both the sides have suddenly found a new horse to flog and the speech writers and the think-tanks on both the sides are busy trying to find out in minutest detail anything and everything that they can pin on the other side with respect to them having sold the nation down the river and to the Chinese. It is hardly new for the political aspirants in any nation blame someone in another country for their nation’s woes but this time around, for the first time perhaps, the fall guy is common for both the sides and he also happens to own increasing stakes in the nation. It is not a Vietnam, where apart from lives of thousands of GIs and lots of money, nothing much was at stake. For the sake of sanity and reason, one hopes that the present tirades will be brushed under the carpet once the electioneering is over and also that the Chinese will be reacting with equanimity on all the rhetoric being thrown around as the relations between the two super powers are already strained over the stubborn refusal of the Chinese on the issue of currency revaluation and the increasing protectionism being seen as a part of the new United States policy. In a sign of the times, in a recent poll, more than fifty percent of the Americans polled said that they believed that free trade had been harmful for the country.

  1. To emphasize that it was a tragedy waiting to happen

  2. To state that a non-issue was blown out of proportion

  3. To opine that the issue had been expected to remain on the back burner

  4. To say that most Americans had no idea about the seriousness of the issue

Correct Option: C

(1) Incorrect; the fact that the author says that China needs to keep its composure underscores that it is not a tragedy. (2) Incorrect; the fact that USA owes a lot of money to China means that the topic is important, but perhaps not catastrophic. (3) Correct; sputtering means 'faltering or stumbling' which means that the issue hadn't been expected to gather steam. (4): Incorrect; the fact that an advert about it is being called the advert of the season conveys that Americans knew of the issue. (5): Incorrect; the author doesn't say that the issue needs resolution, just that Chinese need to show patience.

What is the relationship between the two bold faced sentences?

Directions: Answer the question based on the following passage.

Instant messengers have replaced emails to a great extent in today’s world. The youth now prefers on an instant messenger to an email to communicate. This has happened because of the animated nature of the messengers and various features blended in them. Users find it equally easy to use features like voice chat, conferencing, etc. However it is next to impossible to replace email with IM because the former still remains a formal and professional way to communicate and is less prone to unethical intervention.


  1. The two present divergent opinions.

  2. The two converge only up to a point.

  3. The second contradicts the contents of the first.

  4. The second prescribes a limit to the trend pictured in the first.

  5. The first states a promise of a change; the second states a counter current.

Correct Option: D

(1) Incorrect. Rather the second describes a limitation of the first. (2) Incorrect. Both contain the same elements and their applications. (3) Incorrect. It doesn't contradict, but provides a possible limitation to the first. (4) Correct. The first statement shows a trend; the second shows that the prospective change has a limit. Though IM is a preferred means of communication, for certain reasons, it can't replace the email. (5) Incorrect. The first describes a change, not simply promise of a change.

The paragraph following the last one given here, if it were there, would LEAST likely discuss which of the following?

Directions: Answer the question based on the following passage.

In a major step toward helping paralytic victims walk again, Duke University researchers have announced that they had proved monkeys can use their brainpower to control the walking patterns of robots.

The investigators implanted Idoya, a rhesus monkey, with electrodes which gathered signals from her brain's motor and sensory cortex cells as she ambled along on a specially built child-size treadmill. The electrodes recorded the cells' responses as the monkey walked on the treadmill at different speeds; simultaneously, sensors on Idoya's legs tracked their patterns of movement. The information was transmitted real time from their lab in Durham, to control the commands of a humanoid robot in Kyoto, Japan.

Through the electrodes in her brain, the researchers discovered that some neurons fire at different phases and frequencies, depending on their role in the process. During the experiment, the robot continued to move for several minutes after Idoya stopped strolling on her treadmill indicating something else also.

The team’s goal is to finally enable real-time direct interfaces between a brain and electronic and mechanical devices that could be used to restore sensory and motor functions lost through injury or disease. The team hopes that one day soon, they will also master sufficient syntax to talk back to the brain, which would enable them, for instance, to build a human prosthetic arm laden with sensors to send tactile feedback into the somatosensory cortex of its user.

The experiment in monkey-to-robotic motion is the latest in a long series of studying the primate brain's ability to stimulate robotic arms through neural signals. In 2000 Nicolelis and his colleagues described how they had reliably translated the raw electrical brain activity of an owl monkey named Belle into signals that successfully directed the actions of robotic arms based both at Duke and at an MIT lab 965 kilometers away in Cambridge. Belle's tiny hand moved a joystick left or right to correspond with a horizontal series of lights on a display panel in a Duke lab; both robot arms followed suit.

A few years later, the team listened in on brain signals generated by a rhesus monkey named Aurora using a joystick to play a video game and translated them into commands for a mechanical arm to duplicate the motions. Aurora was ultimately able to move a robotic arm sans the joystick, using only her thoughts, an experiment that the team believes addresses fundamental questions about how brain circuits operate.

  1. What are the different theories of brain circuits?

  2. What are the neural mechanisms of brain circuits?

  3. What is the relationship between thought processes and brain circuits?

  4. How do neural signals bring about changes in neural circuits to cause changes in the environment?

  5. How do animals use neural signals to operate in their environment?

Correct Option: E

The rest of the choices given are here very likely candidates to come up for discussion next as the last paragraph is touching upon these themes only. Option (5) refers to a very different idea, namely, the use of neural signals to move about in their own environment. This is least likely to be discussed by the author in the next paragraph.Answer: (5)

Choose the option that best catches the essence of the text.

Directions: Answer the question based on the following passage.

The senses are said to be greater than the body; but greater than the senses is the mind. Greater than the mind is the intellect; and what is greater than the intellect is the Self. Know that which is greater than the intellect and subdue the mind by reason, kill this enemy in the form of desire that is hard to overcome.

  1. Realization of Self is the ultimate goal of humanity.

  2. It is Self that is supreme that can control the mind and the knowledge.

  3. Desires are our enemy, but are hard to overcome.

  4. It is the spirit that is supreme and it is this that kills the demon of desire.

  5. Know thyself and conquer the wandering mind and its emanations through true knowledge.

Correct Option: E

(1) Incorrect; talks only of realization of self, doesn’t talk about mind or intellect. (2) Incorrect; Self might or mightn’t be supreme and also, the argument doesn’t say that self controls mind and knowledge. (3) Incorrect; basically repeats the last sentence. (4): Incorrect; introduces a new element: spirit. (5): Correct; “Know that which is greater than the intellect”.

The author's use of the phrase 'indicating something else also' in the 3rd paragraph, implies most likely which of the following?

Directions: Answer the question based on the following passage.

In a major step toward helping paralytic victims walk again, Duke University researchers have announced that they had proved monkeys can use their brainpower to control the walking patterns of robots.

The investigators implanted Idoya, a rhesus monkey, with electrodes which gathered signals from her brain's motor and sensory cortex cells as she ambled along on a specially built child-size treadmill. The electrodes recorded the cells' responses as the monkey walked on the treadmill at different speeds; simultaneously, sensors on Idoya's legs tracked their patterns of movement. The information was transmitted real time from their lab in Durham, to control the commands of a humanoid robot in Kyoto, Japan.

Through the electrodes in her brain, the researchers discovered that some neurons fire at different phases and frequencies, depending on their role in the process. During the experiment, the robot continued to move for several minutes after Idoya stopped strolling on her treadmill indicating something else also.

The team’s goal is to finally enable real-time direct interfaces between a brain and electronic and mechanical devices that could be used to restore sensory and motor functions lost through injury or disease. The team hopes that one day soon, they will also master sufficient syntax to talk back to the brain, which would enable them, for instance, to build a human prosthetic arm laden with sensors to send tactile feedback into the somatosensory cortex of its user.

The experiment in monkey-to-robotic motion is the latest in a long series of studying the primate brain's ability to stimulate robotic arms through neural signals. In 2000 Nicolelis and his colleagues described how they had reliably translated the raw electrical brain activity of an owl monkey named Belle into signals that successfully directed the actions of robotic arms based both at Duke and at an MIT lab 965 kilometers away in Cambridge. Belle's tiny hand moved a joystick left or right to correspond with a horizontal series of lights on a display panel in a Duke lab; both robot arms followed suit.

A few years later, the team listened in on brain signals generated by a rhesus monkey named Aurora using a joystick to play a video game and translated them into commands for a mechanical arm to duplicate the motions. Aurora was ultimately able to move a robotic arm sans the joystick, using only her thoughts, an experiment that the team believes addresses fundamental questions about how brain circuits operate.

  1. The robot kept on moving despite the apparent absence of any signals. This proves that it has a brain of its own.

  2. Despite the apparent stoppage of Idoya's movement, the neurons firing in her brain kept on sending signals for certain movements to the robot, which made it move.

  3. The apparent stoppage of Idoya's movement can be attributed to the fact the neurons stopped firing in her brain while the robot kept receiving wrong signals.

  4. Even in the absence of physical movement by Idoya, the neurons in her brain were firing.

Correct Option: B

Option (1) is not a wise choice as it talks of the robot having a brain of its own. This is certainly not the goal of the researchers, which they want to prove. A robot does have a computer inside it. In fact, this is a given. Option (3) is again wrong because it is impossible for the robot to receive a signal if it has not been sent by the monkey's brain. Option (4) lies beyond the logical domain of the passage and is not supported by it. Pay careful attention to the italicized words, which help us arrive at the correct answer, option (2). Option (5) is obviously stated and does not indicate 'something else'. Option (2) Through the electrodes in Idoya's brain, researchers found that certain neurons fire at different phases and frequencies, depending on their role in the process. During the experiment, the robot continued to move for several minutes after Idoya stopped strolling on her treadmill indicating something else also.

The experiment described is ultimately an attempt to

Directions: Answer the question based on the following passage.

In a major step toward helping paralytic victims walk again, Duke University researchers have announced that they had proved monkeys can use their brainpower to control the walking patterns of robots.

The investigators implanted Idoya, a rhesus monkey, with electrodes which gathered signals from her brain's motor and sensory cortex cells as she ambled along on a specially built child-size treadmill. The electrodes recorded the cells' responses as the monkey walked on the treadmill at different speeds; simultaneously, sensors on Idoya's legs tracked their patterns of movement. The information was transmitted real time from their lab in Durham, to control the commands of a humanoid robot in Kyoto, Japan.

Through the electrodes in her brain, the researchers discovered that some neurons fire at different phases and frequencies, depending on their role in the process. During the experiment, the robot continued to move for several minutes after Idoya stopped strolling on her treadmill indicating something else also.

The team’s goal is to finally enable real-time direct interfaces between a brain and electronic and mechanical devices that could be used to restore sensory and motor functions lost through injury or disease. The team hopes that one day soon, they will also master sufficient syntax to talk back to the brain, which would enable them, for instance, to build a human prosthetic arm laden with sensors to send tactile feedback into the somatosensory cortex of its user.

The experiment in monkey-to-robotic motion is the latest in a long series of studying the primate brain's ability to stimulate robotic arms through neural signals. In 2000 Nicolelis and his colleagues described how they had reliably translated the raw electrical brain activity of an owl monkey named Belle into signals that successfully directed the actions of robotic arms based both at Duke and at an MIT lab 965 kilometers away in Cambridge. Belle's tiny hand moved a joystick left or right to correspond with a horizontal series of lights on a display panel in a Duke lab; both robot arms followed suit.

A few years later, the team listened in on brain signals generated by a rhesus monkey named Aurora using a joystick to play a video game and translated them into commands for a mechanical arm to duplicate the motions. Aurora was ultimately able to move a robotic arm sans the joystick, using only her thoughts, an experiment that the team believes addresses fundamental questions about how brain circuits operate.

  1. prove that monkeys can help robots walk

  2. prove that signals carrying information from the brain, when passed on to a robot, can help it walk

  3. act as an intermediate step in the process of helping injured people walk again

  4. prove basically a very scholarly point that information from the brain controls all limb movements

  5. master enough language to interact with the brain

Correct Option: C

Option (1) represents only the surface of the experiment. If you go deeper, you will realize that it is only a stepping stone. So is true of option (2). Option (3): Pay careful attention to the word ultimately in the question stem and go back to the very first line of the opening paragraph and also the 4th paragraph in particular, which lead us to the right option (3). Option (4) is the ground on which the entire theory rests. It can never become the final goal, as it is already a well-known fact and in fact is the premise on which the entire experiment rests. Option (5) is again a milestone in the process of achieving the final goal. Hence ruled out.

Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

What can be inferred about the author's take on the issue?

Directions: Answer the question based on the following passage:

In the mid-term elections this year, the focus has shifted from individual bashing to issue based bashing and for once, both the parties – the Democrats and the Republicans, have agreed upon an issue that they both want to take to the cleaners. Surprisingly however, both the parties are blaming each other for the present fiasco and the target is the same- the biggest trade partner of the USA, and also its biggest creditor- People’s Republic of China. What was being considered a howitzer that sputtered, the issue of trade relations and other issues- real and imagined- with China has suddenly taken the centre stage in the electoral campaigning with the xenophobes on both sides of the political divide pointing accusing fingers at each other for putting national interest in harm’s way. The situation has been further exacerbated by a futuristic advertisement that has been brought out by a citizen’s forum called Citizens Against Government Waste in which a Chinese professor is shown addressing a group of Chinese students in Beijing in the year 2030 and explaining why great nations like Ancient Rome, The British Empire, and The United States failed. Talking of misguided American policies the professor says that since they- the Americans- owed most of their debt to the Chinese, now they- the citizens of USA, work for them- the citizens of China. While the ordinary citizens are divided in their opinion about the authenticity of the facts claimed in the advert, with reactions as diverse as chalk and cheese, there is no doubt that the advert has touched a very raw nerve indeed. Acting as a catalyst, the so called advert of the season has brought into sharp focus the American trade policies and the public perception about the same. Jingoism has taken on a more rabid, more vocal avatar- fanned by the developments on the electoral front.

Incumbents and challengers on both the sides have suddenly found a new horse to flog and the speech writers and the think-tanks on both the sides are busy trying to find out in minutest detail anything and everything that they can pin on the other side with respect to them having sold the nation down the river and to the Chinese. It is hardly new for the political aspirants in any nation blame someone in another country for their nation’s woes but this time around, for the first time perhaps, the fall guy is common for both the sides and he also happens to own increasing stakes in the nation. It is not a Vietnam, where apart from lives of thousands of GIs and lots of money, nothing much was at stake. For the sake of sanity and reason, one hopes that the present tirades will be brushed under the carpet once the electioneering is over and also that the Chinese will be reacting with equanimity on all the rhetoric being thrown around as the relations between the two super powers are already strained over the stubborn refusal of the Chinese on the issue of currency revaluation and the increasing protectionism being seen as a part of the new United States policy. In a sign of the times, in a recent poll, more than fifty percent of the Americans polled said that they believed that free trade had been harmful for the country.

  1. He feels that the issue is being blown out of proportion by all and sundry.

  2. He feels that a phlegmatic response from the aggrieved party will help.

  3. He feels that a neo-nationalist movement is on the cards.

Correct Option: A

(1) is correct as the author says 'For the sake of sanity….electioneering is over'. (2) is correct as the author hopes that 'the Chinese will be reacting with equanimity…powers are already strained'. (3) is correct as the author observes that 'Jingoism has taken on…developments on the electoral front'.

If true, which of the following statements would describe the citizen’s perspective?

Directions: Answer the question based on the following passage.

Despite the repeated terror threats and activities in various parts of the country, the government has chosen not to take military action against the outfits across the border responsible for such heinous deeds. Commenting on this, spokesperson for the external affairs ministry said “By not launching an armed movement against the neighbor we are trying to maintain peace in the long run”.
The public is not satisfied with the statement and has demanded proactive action.


  1. The money and manpower involved in launching an armed assault is not beyond the means of the country.

  2. Launch of such an assault alone can prevent accentuation of the problem.

  3. Efforts at buying peace through a policy of tolerance and non-assault have yielded little results in the past.

  4. War and retaliation is the only solution to the situation; peace and non violence serve no purpose when somebody places a gun at your temple.

Correct Option: C

Tolerance, not money and manpower, are the issue here. It is the question of willingness, not ability. The solution being touted as the only one rules out the possibility of other means to help solve the problem. War being touted as the ‘only’ solution makes option (4) a little lopsided. Tolerance sending a message of cowardice is presumptive and may or may not be true (lies in the realm of future). It also unnecessarily extends violence in the country to the world. The citizen’s perspective to the government’s reason for inaction “peace in the long run” can best be that long run peace is not assured as it could not be secured through similar tolerance in the past. Hence, there is need for proactive approach, which indicates (3) to be the best answer.

What is the function of the fourth paragraph in relation to the passage as a whole?

Directions: Answer the question based on the following passage.

In a major step toward helping paralytic victims walk again, Duke University researchers have announced that they had proved monkeys can use their brainpower to control the walking patterns of robots.

The investigators implanted Idoya, a rhesus monkey, with electrodes which gathered signals from her brain's motor and sensory cortex cells as she ambled along on a specially built child-size treadmill. The electrodes recorded the cells' responses as the monkey walked on the treadmill at different speeds; simultaneously, sensors on Idoya's legs tracked their patterns of movement. The information was transmitted real time from their lab in Durham, to control the commands of a humanoid robot in Kyoto, Japan.

Through the electrodes in her brain, the researchers discovered that some neurons fire at different phases and frequencies, depending on their role in the process. During the experiment, the robot continued to move for several minutes after Idoya stopped strolling on her treadmill indicating something else also.

The team’s goal is to finally enable real-time direct interfaces between a brain and electronic and mechanical devices that could be used to restore sensory and motor functions lost through injury or disease. The team hopes that one day soon, they will also master sufficient syntax to talk back to the brain, which would enable them, for instance, to build a human prosthetic arm laden with sensors to send tactile feedback into the somatosensory cortex of its user.

The experiment in monkey-to-robotic motion is the latest in a long series of studying the primate brain's ability to stimulate robotic arms through neural signals. In 2000 Nicolelis and his colleagues described how they had reliably translated the raw electrical brain activity of an owl monkey named Belle into signals that successfully directed the actions of robotic arms based both at Duke and at an MIT lab 965 kilometers away in Cambridge. Belle's tiny hand moved a joystick left or right to correspond with a horizontal series of lights on a display panel in a Duke lab; both robot arms followed suit.

A few years later, the team listened in on brain signals generated by a rhesus monkey named Aurora using a joystick to play a video game and translated them into commands for a mechanical arm to duplicate the motions. Aurora was ultimately able to move a robotic arm sans the joystick, using only her thoughts, an experiment that the team believes addresses fundamental questions about how brain circuits operate.

  1. It represents the essence of the entire paragraph while the rest is only a description of how the researchers are doing it.

  2. It represents the central idea of entire paragraph while the rest is doing nothing to either counter or support it.

  3. It is an unnecessary comment having very little relation with what follows or precedes it.

  4. It represents a far-fetched idea, not-so-easily actionable in near future.

  5. It is basically an attempt at preparing the reader for the contents that follow in the next paragraph.

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is the best one as not only is the paragraph describing the major goal behind the experiment, but the rest of the passage also gives us findings which go on to support the idea of easy achievability of the goal. Option (2) is wrong as the rest of the passage does support it to a great extent. Option (3) is irrelevant as it is very much in place here, for it addresses some aspects of the same issue. Option (4) talks of the idea being far-fetched, which does not seem to be true here. It is a distinct possibility, given the weight of evidence here. Option (5) is factually wrong as the next paragraph following it addresses a very different aspect.

Which of the following is / are NOT correct in the context of this passage?

  1. Fundamentally speaking, there appears to be great similarity at the functional level between the observations made in both the Bell and the Idoya cases.
  2. The Aurora experiment proves that thoughts can, on their own, enable robotic movement if the relevant signals duly reach the recipient part even in the absence of actual physical contact.
  3. It is only the signals that enable particular movements and it is the neurons that generate these signals.
  4. Theoretically speaking at least, one should be able to enjoy music or dance even if the relevant signals are not sent to the recipient.

    Directions: Answer the question based on the following passage.

    In a major step toward helping paralytic victims walk again, Duke University researchers have announced that they had proved monkeys can use their brainpower to control the walking patterns of robots.

    The investigators implanted Idoya, a rhesus monkey, with electrodes which gathered signals from her brain's motor and sensory cortex cells as she ambled along on a specially built child-size treadmill. The electrodes recorded the cells' responses as the monkey walked on the treadmill at different speeds; simultaneously, sensors on Idoya's legs tracked their patterns of movement. The information was transmitted real time from their lab in Durham, to control the commands of a humanoid robot in Kyoto, Japan.

    Through the electrodes in her brain, the researchers discovered that some neurons fire at different phases and frequencies, depending on their role in the process. During the experiment, the robot continued to move for several minutes after Idoya stopped strolling on her treadmill indicating something else also.

    The team’s goal is to finally enable real-time direct interfaces between a brain and electronic and mechanical devices that could be used to restore sensory and motor functions lost through injury or disease. The team hopes that one day soon, they will also master sufficient syntax to talk back to the brain, which would enable them, for instance, to build a human prosthetic arm laden with sensors to send tactile feedback into the somatosensory cortex of its user.

    The experiment in monkey-to-robotic motion is the latest in a long series of studying the primate brain's ability to stimulate robotic arms through neural signals. In 2000 Nicolelis and his colleagues described how they had reliably translated the raw electrical brain activity of an owl monkey named Belle into signals that successfully directed the actions of robotic arms based both at Duke and at an MIT lab 965 kilometers away in Cambridge. Belle's tiny hand moved a joystick left or right to correspond with a horizontal series of lights on a display panel in a Duke lab; both robot arms followed suit.

    A few years later, the team listened in on brain signals generated by a rhesus monkey named Aurora using a joystick to play a video game and translated them into commands for a mechanical arm to duplicate the motions. Aurora was ultimately able to move a robotic arm sans the joystick, using only her thoughts, an experiment that the team believes addresses fundamental questions about how brain circuits operate.

  1. 1, 2

  2. 3, 4

  3. 1 Only

  4. 2, 3

  5. None of these

Correct Option: E

Both these cases illustrate that it is possible for appropriate brain signals to initiate movement at the end of the recipient. Thus choice (1) is correct as is (2). In fact this is very clearly stated in the last few lines of the passage. Choice (3) can be reasonably deduced from all these experiments in that even while actual physical movement was not there, brain signals were able to generate movement. It would be reasonable to believe the truth of choice (4) because if it can be true of limb movements, it can be equally true of other activities too. Hence all the choices given here are correct. Since none of them is wrong, the best answer would be (5). Answer: (5)

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