Biology (Medical Entrance)

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In which of these plants, sex organs are embedded in thallus?

  1. Moss

  2. Azolla

  3. Riccia

  4. Fern

Correct Option: C

Sporangia bearing leaf in Pteridophytes is called sporophyll. A group of sporangia on fern leaf is called

  1. indusium

  2. apophysis

  3. strobilus

  4. sorus

Correct Option: D

If a moss protonema develops from few cells of capsule wall, then most probably it will be

  1. haploid

  2. diploid

  3. triploid

  4. polyploid

Correct Option: B

The bacteria that cause botulism are

  1. facultative anaerobes

  2. obligate aerobes

  3. facultative aerobes

  4. obligate anaerobes

Correct Option: D

The paraphyses of male branch of Funaria are

  1. many celled with globose terminal cell

  2. many celled with all similar cells

  3. few celled with all similar cells

  4. few celled with conical terminal cell

Correct Option: A

In which of the following are Algae and Fungi grouped?

  1. Thallophytes

  2. Gymnosperms

  3. Pteridophyta

  4. Bryophyta

Correct Option: A

Stomium is found in

  1. Sporophyte of Funaria

  2. Sporangial wall of Dryopteris

  3. Stobilus of Selaginella

  4. Capsule of Riccia

Correct Option: B

Which of the following pteridophytes is known as resurrection plant?

  1. Lycopodium

  2. Selaginella

  3. Marsilea

  4. Pteridium

Correct Option: B

Which of the following is used for making a herbarium?

  1. Plant press and vasculum

  2. Field note book

  3. Digger, scissor, knife and magnifying lens

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

 A herbarium involves plant pressing and vasculum, field notebook, digger, scissor, knife and magnifying lens.

Which of the following is used to preserve the freshness of plants until they are pressed?

  1. Plant press

  2. Herbarium

  3. Vasculum

  4. All of these

Correct Option: C

The fern in which the entire sporangium develops from a single superficial cell of the sporophyll is known as

  1. leptosporangiate

  2. eusporangiate

  3. unisporangiate

  4. megasporangiate

Correct Option: A

A single neck canal cell with two nuclei is found in the archegonium of

  1. Riccia

  2. Funaria

  3. Dryopteris

  4. Selaginella

Correct Option: C

Gemmae are the asexual reproductive bodies of

  1. scarpenia

  2. lobularia

  3. marchantia

  4. funaria

Correct Option: C

How many chromosomes will primary protonema of Funariahave if its leaves have 10 chromosomes?

  1. 5-chromosomes

  2. 10-chromosomes

  3. 20-chromosomes

  4. 30-chromosomes

Correct Option: B

Simplest sporophyte among Bryophytes is reported in

  1. Riccia

  2. Marchantia

  3. Funaria

  4. Anthoceros

Correct Option: A

Ligule is found in

  1. Riccia

  2. Funaria

  3. Selaginella

  4. Dryopteris

Correct Option: C

Sphagnum are used as a packing material for transporting plants because of its

  1. photosynthetic ability

  2. creeping ability

  3. water absorbing ability

  4. universal occurrence

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is mismatched?

  1. Zoological Parks- Specimens exhibited are lifeless and inactive

  2. National Parks - Private ownership and manipulations are not permitted in National parks

  3. Birds - are regarded as avians

  4. Viruses - are non-living chemicals in the extracellular state

Correct Option: A

Binomial nomenclature indicates

  1. Genus and family

  2. Genus and species

  3. Species and sub-species

  4. Phylum and genus

Correct Option: B

The term 'taxon' was coined by

  1. Tournefort

  2. Linnaeus

  3. Adolf Meyer

  4. Lam

Correct Option: C

In Funaria, the gametophyte is

  1. monoecious

  2. dioecious

  3. heterothallic

  4. both 2 and 3

Correct Option: A

The most primitive vascular plants are

  1. cycas

  2. ferns

  3. red algae

  4. brown algae

Correct Option: B

The phylogeny and interrelationships between taxa based on the number and arrangement of chromosomes is called

  1. chemotaxonomy

  2. cytotaxonomy

  3. karyotaxonomy

  4. chromotaxonomy

Correct Option: C

Gold is found in the cell wall of

  1. Selaginella

  2. Equisetum

  3. Funaria

  4. Marchantia

Correct Option: B

The tallest moss in the world is

  1. Funaria

  2. Pogonatum

  3. Buxbaumia

  4. Dawsonia

Correct Option: D

Find the correct matching sequence from the following

i) National Botanical Research Institute a) Plasmids

ii) Royal Botanical Garden b) Viruses

iii) Living chemicals c) Kew

iv) Extrachromosomes d) Lucknow

  1. i - d, ii - c, iii - b, iv - a

  2. i - d, ii - a, iii - b, iv - c

  3. i - a, ii - b, iii - c, iv - d

  4. i - c, ii - d, iii - a, iv - b

Correct Option: A

Chloroplasts are found in the spores of

  1. Yeasts

  2. Dryopteris

  3. Funaria

  4. Rhizopus

Correct Option: C

Which of the following members of plant kingdom has protonema stage in its life cycle?

  1. Riccia

  2. Funaria

  3. Spirogyra

  4. Dryopteris

Correct Option: B

The gametophyte of Dryopteris is

  1. liver-shaped

  2. heart-shaped

  3. hammer-shaped

  4. kidney-shaped

Correct Option: B

Archegonia in ferns secrete a chemical substance to attract sperms. The substance is

  1. puromycin

  2. ascorbic acid

  3. acetic acid

  4. malic acid

Correct Option: D

Fern prothallus develops from

  1. spore

  2. oospore

  3. elater

  4. anthrozoid

Correct Option: A

In Pteridophytes, reductional division occurs when

  1. prothallus is formed

  2. sex-organs are formed

  3. spores are formed

  4. gametes are formed

Correct Option: C

Juvenile stage of Funaria is called

  1. spore

  2. sporophyte

  3. protonema

  4. rhizophore

Correct Option: C

According to fossil records, which were the first land vascular plants?

  1. Lycopodium

  2. Psilotum

  3. Horse tail

  4. Funaria

Correct Option: B

Selaginella depends for fertilization on

  1. air

  2. soil

  3. water

  4. sugar

Correct Option: C
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