Biology (Medical Entrance)

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Ruminate endosperm is commonly found in the seeds of

  1. Euphorbiaceae

  2. Cruciferae

  3. Annonaceae

  4. Compositae

Correct Option: C

Ruminate endosperm is commonly found in the seeds of Annonaceae

The growth of pollen tube towards ovule is due to

  1. geotropism

  2. thigmotropism

  3. chemotropism

  4. hydrotropism

Correct Option: C

The endosperm of Brassica campestris is

  1. haploid

  2. diploid

  3. triploid

  4. tetraploid

Correct Option: C

In unisexual plants, sex can be changed by application of

  1. Auxins (or Ethylene)

  2. ABA

  3. Ethanol

  4. Cytokinins

Correct Option: A

Syngamy means

  1. fusion of similar spores

  2. fusion of dissimilar spores

  3. fusion of cytoplasms

  4. fusion of gametes

Correct Option: D

Pollen tube at the time of entering embryo sac has

  1. four gametes

  2. three male gametes

  3. two male gametes

  4. one gamete nucleus

Correct Option: C

The phenomenon of vernalization was described for the first time by

  1. Went

  2. Lysenko

  3. Kurosawa

  4. Aristotle

Correct Option: B

Maximum growth occurs in

  1. lag phase

  2. senescent phase

  3. exponential phase

  4. decline phase

Correct Option: C

Malacophily is the name given to pollination by

  1. bats

  2. birds

  3. snails

  4. insects

Correct Option: C

Vernalization is

  1. flowering induction by low temperature treatment of moist seeds

  2. growth curvature in response to light

  3. cycle of day and night

  4. effect of day length on plant growth

Correct Option: A

Richmond-Lang effect is shown by

  1. auxins

  2. gibberellins

  3. kinetin

  4. sugars

Correct Option: C

Opening and closing of flowers represent a kind of

  1. autonomic movement

  2. nutation

  3. tropic movement

  4. nastic movement

Correct Option: D

Fusion of one male gamete with the egg cell and fusion of another male gamete with secondary nucleus is called

  1. apomixis

  2. double fertilization

  3. triple fertilization

  4. karyogamy

Correct Option: B

Pollination characteristically occurs in

  1. Angiosperms and Fungi

  2. Angiosperms and Gymnosperms

  3. Pteriodophytes and Angiosperms

  4. Bryophytes and Angiosperms

Correct Option: B

Insect-pollinated flowers usually possess

  1. brightly coloured pollen

  2. dry pollens with smooth surface

  3. sticky pollens with rough surface

  4. large quantities of pollen

Correct Option: C

A close relation between flower and pollinating agent is best exhibited by

  1. Cocos

  2. Salvia

  3. Yucca

  4. Avena

Correct Option: C

The insect Blastophaga grossorum is associated with the pollination of

  1. mango

  2. paddy

  3. beans

  4. ficus

Correct Option: D

Work of Garner and Allard is related with

  1. photolysis

  2. photophosphorylation

  3. phototropism

  4. photoperiodism

Correct Option: D

If a pollen of a flower falls on the stigma of another flower belonging to the same plant, it is

  1. ecologically self-pollination

  2. genetically and ecologically cross pollination

  3. genetically self-pollination and ecologically cross-pollination

  4. none of these

Correct Option: C

The fusion product of polar nuclei and male gamete is

  1. microsporocyte

  2. primary endosperm nucleus

  3. zygote

  4. secondary nucleus

Correct Option: B

Entomophilous flowers are

  1. very large in size

  2. colourless flowers

  3. coloured and scented

  4. small in size

Correct Option: C

Pollination by ants is called

  1. malacophily

  2. myrmecophily

  3. entomophily

  4. ornithophily

Correct Option: B

A typical example of cross pollination is

  1. rice

  2. maize

  3. wheat

  4. cotton

Correct Option: B

Which condition prevents self-pollination?

  1. Herkogamy

  2. Dichogamy

  3. Self sterility

  4. All the above

Correct Option: D

Porogamy is

  1. entry of the pollen tube in the ovule through micropyle

  2. entry of the pollen tube in the ovule through chalaza

  3. entry of the pollen tube in the stigma and style

  4. entry of the pollen tube in the ovule through integuments

Correct Option: A

A bisexual flower which never opens in its life span is known as

  1. homogamous

  2. heterogamous

  3. dichogamous

  4. cleisto gamous

Correct Option: D

Translator mechanism is found in

  1. Ocimum

  2. Pisum

  3. Calotropis

  4. Yucca

Correct Option: C

Bioassay for auxin is

  1. avena curvature test

  2. green leaf test

  3. dwarf maize test

  4. cell division test

Correct Option: A

Elongation of a genetically dwarf plant is possible by the application of

  1. vitamin

  2. kinetin

  3. gibberellins

  4. X-rays

Correct Option: C

Milky water of green coconut is

  1. liquid nucellus

  2. liquid of female gametophyte

  3. liquid endosperm

  4. liquid chalaza

Correct Option: C

When pollen of a flower is transferred to the stigma of another flower of the same plant, the pollination is referred to as

  1. xenogamy

  2. geitonogamy

  3. autogamy

  4. allogamy

Correct Option: B

Parthenocarpy is most commonly seen in

  1. banana

  2. litchi

  3. apple

  4. mango

Correct Option: A

Lever mechanism or turnpipe mechanism for pollination is a characteristic feature of

  1. Antirrhinum

  2. Ocimum

  3. Salvia

  4. Ficus

Correct Option: C

The formation of fruits without fertilization is known as

  1. parthenocarpy

  2. parthenogenesis

  3. polyembryony

  4. polygamy

Correct Option: A

Hydrophily is best demonstrated by

  1. Nelumbium

  2. Vallisneria

  3. Eichhornia

  4. Nymphaea

Correct Option: B
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