Locomotion and Movement - I (Class XI )

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Movements caused by short fine vibratile hair-like protoplasmic processes present on free surface of cells are called

  1. amoeboid movements

  2. flagellar movements

  3. cycloses

  4. muscular movements

  5. ciliary movements

Correct Option: E

Cilia are short, fine, vibratile hair-like processes present on the free surface of cells. They create a current in water by means of their oar-like activity and help in movement of cells.

Which of the following muscles is/are cylindrical and ribbon-like?

  1. Triceps

  2. Masseter

  3. Gastrocnemius

  4. Deltoid

  5. Cardiac muscles

Correct Option: D

Deltoid muscles are abductor type of muscles that are cylindrical and ribbon-like.

Which of the following is the connective tissue which surrounds the muscle fibre?

  1. Perimysium

  2. Epimysium

  3. Endomysium

  4. Fascicle

  5. Myocyte

Correct Option: C

It is the layer of connective tissues that surrounds the muscle fibres.

Latissimus dorsi is a/an

  1. invertor muscle

  2. abductor muscle

  3. constrictor muscle

  4. adductor muscle

  5. depressor muscle

Correct Option: D

Latissimus dorsi is an adductor muscle which brings the arms towards the body.

Which of the following muscles bring the limbs towards the axis of the body?

  1. Pronator

  2. Abductor

  3. Flexor

  4. Depressor

  5. Adductor

Correct Option: E

Adductor muscles bring the limbs towards the axis of the body.

What is another name for Krause membranes?

  1. Z-disc

  2. M-line

  3. I-band

  4. A-band

  5. H-zone

Correct Option: A

They are densely stained transverse lines which separate the sarcomeres.

Which of the following muscles pull the arm away from the body?

  1. Deltoid muscles

  2. Triceps

  3. Depressor mandibularis

  4. Pyriformis

  5. Biceps

Correct Option: A

They are abductor type of muscles. They pull the arms away from the body.

Response to a muscle fibre is not proportionate to its intensity. It is known as

  1. isometric contraction

  2. rigor mortis

  3. all or none law

  4. sliding filament theory

  5. tetanus

Correct Option: C

Also known as Bowditch's law, it states that the response of a muscle fibre to a stimulus is not proportionate to its intensity.

Which of the following muscles rotates the part of a body?

  1. Rotator

  2. Evertor

  3. Supinator

  4. Extensor

  5. Depressor

Correct Option: A

This type of muscle rotates a part of the body.

Body stiffening after death is due to

  1. muscle tension

  2. treppe

  3. muscle twitch

  4. muscle tonus

  5. rigor mortis

Correct Option: E

It is the stiffening of the body after death. It is caused by non-separation of actin myosin complex due to the non-availability of ATP/CTP.

Which of the following muscles raises the lower jaw upwards to close the mouth?

  1. Sphincter ani

  2. Masseter

  3. Depressor mandibularis

  4. Obliquus externus

  5. Abdominal

Correct Option: B

It is an elevator type of muscle which raises the lower jaw upwards to close the mouth.

Which of the following is the largest muscle?

  1. Stapedius

  2. Sphintcer ani

  3. Biceps

  4. Masseter

  5. Gluteus maximus

Correct Option: E

It is the largest muscle present in the buttocks.

Degeneration of muscles due to a genetic disorder occurs in

  1. muscular dystrophy

  2. myasthenia gravis

  3. cramps

  4. muscular twitching

  5. tetany

Correct Option: A

It is the degeneration of muscles that is caused due to a genetic disorder. It is incurable.

Which of the following types of muscles turn the sole outwards?

  1. Invertor

  2. Pronator

  3. Evertor

  4. Supinator

  5. Flexor

Correct Option: C

Evertor type of muscles turn the sole outwards.

The study of movement and locomotion is known as

  1. sarcology

  2. kinesiology

  3. anthrology

  4. osteology

  5. craniology

Correct Option: B

Study of movement and locomotion is called kinesiology.

Which of the following bones is found in the heart of a deer?

  1. Os-crest

  2. Os-cordis

  3. Os-falciparum

  4. Os-snout

  5. Os-pelpebrae

Correct Option: B

It is a visceral bone found in the heart of a deer.

Which of the following is an anvil-shaped middle bone of ear ossicles?

  1. Incus

  2. Zygomatic

  3. Stapes

  4. Malleus

  5. Vomer

Correct Option: A

Incus is the anvil-shaped middle bone of the ear ossicles which helps in amplification of sound by 20-22 times.

Which of the following is a slender bone in the shape of a horseshoe?

  1. Vomer

  2. Hyoid

  3. Occipital

  4. Ethmoid

  5. Maxilla

Correct Option: B

Hyoid bone lies at the base of tongue and above the larynx and is also known as tongue bone.

Which of the following bones develop(s) through calcification/ossification of cartilage?

  1. Heterotypic bone

  2. Sesamoid bone

  3. Endochondrial bone

  4. Dermal bones

  5. Trabecular bones

Correct Option: C

These bones develop through calcification of cartilage.

Which of the following bones is formed in the eyelids of a crocodile?

  1. Os-falciparum

  2. Os-clitoris

  3. Os-crest

  4. Os-snout

  5. Os-pelpebrae

Correct Option: E

It is a heterotypic bone formed in the eyelids of crocodile.

Which of the following mammals has eight cervical vertebrae?

  1. Two toed sloth

  2. Manatee

  3. Antbear

  4. Man

  5. Three toed sloth

Correct Option: C

Antbear is an exception in mammals as it has eight cervical vertebrae.

Which of the following is an example of sesamoid bone?

  1. Femur

  2. Nasal

  3. Vomer

  4. Humerus

  5. Patella

Correct Option: E

It is a bone formed by the ossification of the tendons.

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